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The Healing Art of Reflexology

The Healing Art of Reflexology

The I mpor t anc e of Touc h

What I s Ref l ex ol ogy?

Qui c k Gui de t o Ref l ex ol ogy

Anc i ent Hi st or y of Ref l ex ol ogy

Ref l ex ol ogy Today

Ref l ex ol ogy Myt hs

The Benef i t s of Ref l ex ol ogy

Ref l ex ol ogy FAQ

Ref l ex ol ogy and Col or Ther apy

Cr yst al Ref l ex ol ogy

Ref l ex ol ogy Char t s

Foot Ref l ex Char t s and Remedy Poi nt s

Foot Massage Ti ps and Tec hni ques

Ref l ex ol ogy Massage Tec hni ques
Bec ome a Ref l ex ol ogi st , Ar omat her api st or Col or /Cr yst al Ther api st - Home St udy
Cour ses
The Importance of Touch
Through the simple process of touch, Reflexology is so effective in the healing process. In the hi-tech world that we
live in, touch has taken second place to machines.
Physiotherapists are now using machines instead of their hands. Doctors use machines to scan bodies and no longer
rely on their hands for diagnosis. People have forgotten how to hug one another. They now shake hands. They walk
past one another in the streets and do not even greet each other.
Electric Blankets are used to keep warm in bed - human arms have become redundant. Healing takes place through
an exchange of human energies and not through an exchange of electricity.
The content of this ebook is
intended for informational
purposes only.
It is not intended to diagnose or
treat any medical condition.
Nothing in this ebook is
intended to be a substitute for
professional medical advice,
diagnosis, or treatment. Always
seek the advice of your
physician or other qualified
health provider with any
questions you may have
regarding a medical condition.
Never disregard professional
medical advice or delay in
seeking it because of
something you have read in
this ebook or on ANY

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I thought you'd probably enjoy learning how aromatherapy and
reflexology can work together to make their therapeutic
effects even more potent. So, enjoy this bonus material - it
And remember, if you'd like to learn Aromatherapy, Reflexology
or ReflexAromatherapy (the combination of the two) for use in
a therapy or professional setting, please go take a look
at the Alternative Healing Academy at!
Note: Even though I only promised you a mini course in reflexology,
even includes terrific info on heart health, nutrition and women's
health as well as some great essential oil and incense recipes!
The Healing Art of Reflexology
There is sufficient evidence that over-exposure to electricity increases the risk of Cancer. Even living near high
voltage pylons is reputed to deplete the Immune System.
Research was done in an orphanage in London where the mortality rate of babies was very high. People were paid to
come into the orphanage and to play with an experimental group of babies. The mortality rate remained the same for
the babies in the control group but the experimental group babies who were played with every day showed a higher
survival rate.
When you are feeling down in the dumps and someone hugs you, you immediately feel better. This occurs because
of the exchange of human energies and since positive energy can be used to destroy negative energy, you change
the energy field of the person and they will immediately feel better.
All of us have the gift of healing in our hands. You instinctively use your hands to heal. When you bang your knee,
you automatically put your hand on it. When a child bangs his head against something, you put your hand on his
head. You are transmitting healing energy without even knowing it.
What Is Reflexology?

For the Reflexologist, the feet are a microcosm of the human body and every organ and body part is represented in
the feet. Where there are two organs in the body they will be represented on both feet, e.g. lungs and kidney and
where there is only one organ, this will be represented on one foot, e.g. the liver will be on the right foot while the
heart will be on the left. Where the organ or body part is reflected in the feet, this is called the organ reflex, e.g. the
heart reflex.
The right foot represents the right side of the body as well as the past while the left foot represents the left side of the
body as well as the present and future.
Each foot has over 7,000 nerve endings, 26 bones, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles. This type of drugless therapy
creates a physiological change in the body by naturally improving your Circulation, which reduces our body Tension
and enhances relaxation. It aids in the elimination of the body waste and restoring the body functions to better health.
THE PRI NCI PLES OF Ref l ex ol ogy
By stimulating reflexes on the feet with a type of pressure massage, the organs of the body are stimulated, thus
allowing them to start unblocking and healing themselves. In addition to this, the stimulation of these reflexes allows
the body to begin detoxing and eliminating poisons which have built up through bad diet, thinking and habit.
Centuries ago, man mapped out a healing energy that circulates through the body on specific pathways. This energy
we call life force or vital energy. This force can be tapped at more than 800 points in your body.
Ancient medical philosophy teaches that to obtain and maintain health, which is the balance and maintenance of
harmony within the body, there must be a free and unimpeded Circulation of energy flowing through the bodys
Traditional medicine, not only of the Chinese, but from the use of Acupuncture in other countries as well, we learn
that traditional medicine is based on the belief that the bodys blood Circulation follows the flow of energy. If this
energy Circulation, which follows circulates freely in an endless cycle from the main organs through the channels
beneath the skin, is blocked at some point, then the Circulation is impaired.
This blockage results in a deficient oxygenation of the tissues around the affected area and throws the body off
balance. This imbalance produces malfunctioning not only of the tissues surrounding it, but, if not corrected, spreads
to related organs nearby.
Tapping this healing current can bring prompt and natural relief from practically all of your aches and pains, chronic or
acute, by the simple process of working the reflex buttons located in your hands, feet and/or body.
Stimulating, pressing or working a reflex point (or button) connected to a particular body organ, system or part sends
a surge of healing energy for prompt relief of a condition. Working a reflex also loosens and flushes out Crystals and
blockages within the bodys energy channels allowing the life force or vital energy to resume its free and natural flow
through the channels. This encourages the body to swing back into its normal balance, so harmony and health are
again established.

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The Healing Art of Reflexology
This method of restoring the body to normal functioning involves no expense, no special equipment (although reflex
tools can be utilized and do help save wear and tear on your finger and thumb joints!), no drugs or medication. The
results are amazingly fast, bringing relief often in a matter of seconds.
Reflexology, which helps a wide range of situations, not only cures specific ailments but can be used to keep you in
good health and help build resistance to attacks of disease. In addition, this method often detects health problems
before they become serious by you recognizing a sore or tender reflex.
Reflexology is a simple technique that can be applied at any time and practically anywhere. It is Natures push
button secret for dynamic living, abundant physical energy, vibrant health, better living without pain, retaining youthful
vigor and enjoying life to the fullest.
STRESS AND Ref l ex ol ogy
The benefits of Reflexology and Stress can be explained physiologically.
Tension can be equated with stress. There are as many definitions of stress
as there are authors of books on stress. Today everyone suffers from stress
but no one knows what stress is. It could be stated that stress is the difference
between a persons perceived ability to deal with the stressor and the reality of
the environmental demand.
This definition allows for varying degrees of stress to be felt by different people
in the same situation. Irrespective of what the stressor is, the stress reaction is
always the same.
Seyle, 1956, termed the reaction to stress as the fight or flight syndrome. What
this means is that when we are faced with a stressful situation, we either fight
it or run away. The body releases hormones into the system that allow us to
physiologically cope with this. For example, you have all heard of mothers who
have had the strength to lift up a car to rescue their children. This ability
comes from the rush of stress hormones, e.g. adrenaline into the bloodstream.
We also perspire profusely, (to slip out of a grasp), blood pressure increases
as the blood leaves the extremities (so you do not bleed badly when cut),
Proteins and fats convert to glucose (to give you energy) etc. Once the stress situation is over the stress hormones
come back to normal levels.
Today however, it would be socially unacceptable to hit your boss if he was stressing you or to run away from home if
your kids or spouse were stressing you. This means that the stress hormones are continually being secreted and do
not come back to a normal level. While these stress hormones play a vital role when faced with a stressor, they have
a detrimental effect on the individual if they do not come back to normal levels. Prolonged secretion and Circulation of
these stress hormones causes damage to the body.
The white blood cells (infection fighters) become depleted, neurotransmitters controlling mood are depleted and T-
cells in the lymphatic system are broken down. Examples of the effects of this are not hard to find. Just look at how
many people who have been under stress become sick. How many people do you know who have lost a significant
other through death or divorce or who became ill or contracted Cancer?
Reflexology, by inducing relaxation, reduces the stress hormones so that the body is able to produce T-cells, white
cells and neurotransmitters so as to start healing itself.
Quick Guide To Reflexology

Ref l ex ol ogy i s j ust f or t he f eet
Reflexology can be carried out on the feet, hands, face and even the ears! Foot Reflexology is the most popular, and
many reflexologists believe that the sensitivity of the feet makes them particularly suitable for treatment. Hand
Reflexology exercises can be given to clients to use between treatments as 'homework'.
Ref l ex ol ogy i s t or t ur e i f you' r e t i c k l i sh
Very rarely the case! As soon as you relax you'll find that the firm, sure touch used by the therapist doesn't tickle. I
have never lost a client because they found the treatment ticklish, and many people who were bracing themselves for
an ordeal have been very pleasantly surprised.
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The Healing Art of Reflexology
My f eet l ook hor r i bl e, t he Ref l ex ol ogi st w i l l c omment on t hem and embar r ass me
Before starting a treatment, a Reflexologist will examine your feet. If they feel you may need treatment from a
chiropodist or doctor for a foot condition eg veruccas or corns, they will tell you. Other than that they are there to do a
job and aren't judging your feet, or indeed you. Your feet have their own shape and structure, and are nothing to be
ashamed of.
Af t er a day on my f eet t hey ar en' t t oo f r esh!
Again, your Reflexologist isn't there to judge you. We all lead busy lives and there isn't always the opportunity to
wash your feet before your appointment. Most reflexologists will freshen up the client's feet before starting the
Ref l ex ol ogy c an t el l me w hat ' s w r ong w i t h me and t hen c ur e me
Reflexologists are not trained to diagnose, and do not claim to cure medical conditions. We don't have medical
training, and in any case that is your doctor's job. Having said this, Reflexology naturally supports your body, mind
and emotions and allows them to heal on their own, and it can have some astonishing results.
Ref l ex ol ogy i s one of t hese new f angl ed c r azes
Reflexology has roots in Ancient Egypt, India and China. For centuries scientists have explored the theory that the
body has energy zones running through it. In 1913 an American hospital consultant, Dr William Fitzgerald,
established that reflex areas on the feet and hands were linked to organs and areas in the body through a zone
network. In the 1930s a physiotherapist, Eunice Ingham, developed Dr Fitzgerald's work and called her method
Sum up Ref l ex ol ogy i n a sent enc e, pl ease!
Reflexology is the technique of applying gentle pressure to reflex points on the feet and hands to bring about a state
of deep relaxation, stimulate the body's own healing process and help a person return to a state of balance and well-
being (homeostasis).
What does Ref l ex ol ogy ac t ual l y do f or you?
A Reflexology treatment works through each organ, gland and body system. Among the many benefits it can provide
are relaxation, pain and stress relief, improved Circulation and digestion, stimulation of the immune and nervous
systems, and balance for the mind, body and spirit. Reflexology is a holistic treatment, since the whole person is
treated instead of singling out a symptom. Digestive disorders eg Irritable Bowel or Acid Reflux; Migraines; sinus
problems; PMS and hormone related problems; Pregnancy, Fertility and Menopause related problems; back and joint
pain; and Insomnia, are just a few of the conditions Reflexology may help to relieve.
How qui c k l y does Ref l ex ol ogy w or k ?
Reflexology isn't a wonder cure, although I have seen some astonishing results after just a handful of treatments.
How quickly you are likely to respond to Reflexology depends on all sorts of factors, such as how long you have been
living with a particular condition. Very broadly speaking, we would hope to see some improvements in your health
and well-being after 4-6 sessions, and it is normally advisable to start the course of treatment with weekly treatments.
How c an I get t he most out of Ref l ex ol ogy?
Your body is a little like a car ' if you treat it with love and respect, have it MOT'd and serviced regularly, clean it, give
it water and oil, and carry out the appropriate health checks, it should serve you well for years! I often find that the
people who get the most from Reflexology are those who put in a little effort themselves to improve their overall well-
being and health.
Your Reflexologist will have an in-depth lifestyle discussion with you, and together you may pinpoint ways in which
you could help yourself to better health. These might include drinking more water and cutting down on caffeine drinks,
eating a more balanced diet, seeking advice on nutrition, looking for ways to improve your sleep, or finding ways of
relaxing and lowering your stress levels.
What happens w hen you go f or Ref l ex ol ogy?
You don't need to undress to have Reflexology, just to remove your socks, shoes and spectacles. Men may want to
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The Healing Art of Reflexology
loosen their tie, and tight belts may be removed for your own comfort. Ladies need to remove their tights or stockings.
After a consultation with your Reflexologist, you sit in a special chair or lie on a couch.
This positions you so that you are comfortable and your feet are in the right position for the Reflexologist to work.
After some foot relaxation, he or she will normally work on one foot at a time in a special sequence. The
Reflexologist's fingers and thumbs work gently around your feet pressing, thumb walking and using other techniques
to stimulate the flow of energy through all the zones and release any blocks or energy imbalances.
If they detect a possible energy imbalance they may ask you questions to find out what it might relate to. It is normal
for you to feel deeply relaxed, and you may fall asleep. After your treatment you will be given a glass of water and the
chance to rest and ground yourself.
Who c an have Ref l ex ol ogy?
From Newborn babies to the very elderly, everyone can benefit from Reflexology treatments. Your age and state of
health are taken into consideration by the therapist when planning the nature and duration of your treatment, and the
pressure he or she uses will be adjusted to meet your individual needs better.
About the author
Siobhan Forsyth runs the At One complementary health practice in Egham, England. She is a fully qualified and
insured member of the Association of Reflexologists, and trained at the Central London School of Reflexology - http://
Ancient History of Reflexology
It is important to be aware of the great archetypal history manifested by the practitioners which dates back over 6,000
Our study of the ancient Egyptian doctors starts 4,500 years ago. They were among the first to study the human body
scientifically. They became masters at setting bones, caring for wounds and successfully treating many illnesses.
Egyptian artists preserved the history of surgery, anatomical observation and medical treatments through their
meticulous record keeping.
Ed and Ellen Case of Los Angeles, while on tour of Egypt in l979, discovered a pictograph on the wall of the tomb of
Ankhmahar which is located in Saqqara. This is known as the tomb of the physician and has been dated by
Egyptologists at 2330 B.C.
This is the third oldest recorded history of pedis/manus-cure Reflexology to date and gives the modern day
practitioner a consciousness of its roots and a sense of connection with one of the oldest health care professions in
the world. In the artists painted illustration of the original pictograph, the physicians are pressuring the Great toe
(spleen/pancreas and liver meridians) and thumb (lung meridian) of their respective patients; while the patients
themselves are putting pressure on a gallbladder meridian point under their arm.
Pain was an indicator of a problem according to the hieroglyphic translation
made by the Papyrus Institute in Cairo. The patient says to the physician:
'Don't let it be painful.' The modern Reflexologist has some patients with the
same request; while others embrace the pain; knowing that the best results
are due to a strong current of injury.
The reply of the physician shows consideration of the patient; working within
his pain tolerance level: 'I do as you please.' A patient must be educated to the
benefits of the pain created by pressure on a point.
As we consider the early origins of Reflexology, I wish to present some
modern day considerations that must be adopted into the practice of this
ancient healing art. It is of interest to me that the medical specialist had a
practical trade as well as his therapy practice (stone carver/foot Reflexologist)
in ancient Egypt.
Many modern Reflexologists combine their practice with another occupation
(auto mechanic/foot Reflexologist). Dont put off living your life until you are
better. (Ill do it when Ive learned more .. when Im older ..when I have
more money ..when I have more time.)
Look for all the positive things taking place in and around you right now. As you find them, naturally youll feel more

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The Healing Art of Reflexology
joyful. In life we have either results or try to justify our failure. If we dont have what we want (results), we usually have
a long list of reasons why we havent had success.
My father used to tell me, Son, Dont rationalize (rational lies).
Reflexology offers you an incredibly effective method of affecting the health of yourself and your family in a positive
manner as well as a positive way to express your life.
Reflexology Today
Reflexology as it is known in the West today had its origins in the study of Zone Therapy. This practice utilised the
longitudinal lines of energy that run through the body starting at the feet and moving up to the brain.
In the early 20th Century Dr William Fitzgerald spent time broadening his medical experience at various hospitals. At
a post in an American hospital where he was head of an ear, nose and throat department, he brought to the attention
of the medical world his research into the ancient Chinese healing techniques.
He had discovered that by applying pressure to the feet he could bring about an increase in the functioning of other
parts of the body.
By chance a Eunice Ingham, a physiotherapist at a hospital overhead talk on Dr Fitzgeralds findings and was
immediately fascinated by his discoveries as to the benefits brought about by Zone Therapy.
In her practice at an orthopaedic hospital she introduced the practice of Zone Therapy after post operative surgical
procedures on her patients, noticing that it speeded up the bodys natural healing and that they were able to move
quicker after the operation. Eunice Ingham introduced Zone Therapy or Reflexology as we know it today.
In 1930 Eunice Ingham started a private practice as a Reflexologist. She was instrumental in writing the first book on
Reflexology and was later to open a teaching school dedicated specifically to train students in the practice of
Eunice Ingham dedicated forty years of her life to Reflexology but sadly passed away in 1952.
Reflexology Myths

There are many myths about Reflexology. They can have harmful effects because, just like rumors, they always
seem to have a willing audience. Here are some of the worst ones
Myth: Reflexology is not safe for babies. Fact: Not true.
Reflexology is safe for EVERYONE! In fact, children love to have their feet worked on because they can experience
the immediate and actual pleasure of it. Light pressure is used on the feet of infants, and has even been known to
relieve Colic. The techniques must be adapted to tiny feet. In general, babies enjoy and benefit from very light
pressure on the bottoms of their feet.
Myth: Reflexology is not safe for Pregnant women. Fact: Not true.
If the fear is of miscarriage, Reflexology can only HELP the body seek its own equilibrium. A miscarriage is a reaction
of the body, NOT a reaction to Reflexology. Under no circumstances has Reflexology ever been shown to have
caused the body to do something it didnt want to do.
Myth: Reflexology is not safe for diabetics. Fact: Not true.
Insulin shock is the result of improper treatment of Diabetes. It is NOT the result of, nor does it have any connection
with Reflexology treatments. A person who is Diabetic has a serious health problem which requires constant
attention. Reflexology can and should be used with diabetics as well as with any ill person to help restore
The Benefits of Reflexology
Thousands of specific benefits have been reported from people who have received Reflexology sessions. The broad
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The Healing Art of Reflexology
range of reported benefits can be divided into several categories.
Stress reduction, profound relaxation, for all parts of the body, Pain reduction and pain elimination, such as in the
neck, shoulders, lower back and jaw, Improved Circulation resulting in better oxygen and nutrient supply to all the
cells of the body, Detoxification, improved organ and gland function, Feeling better, greater productivity, enriched
quality of life, Normalization of body functions, Prevention by reducing accumulated stress in the body before health
challenges develop, Safe nurturing touch.
Ref l ex ol ogy: Hi dden benef i t s of Ref l ex ol ogy by Helen Thompson (Healing Holistix)
When a client of mine asked if she could bring her sister, who had learning disabilities, for a Reflexology treatment
with me, I was only too glad to concur. When the appointment day arrived, the young ladys mother accompanied her
and explained to me that her daughter had been born with learning disabilities (she was now in her thirties) and that
the only diagnosis that doctors had given her was that something probably went wrong during birth.
My client was very cheerful, did not appear nervous, but was unable to reply to my enquiries about her health and
lifestyle - her mother did this for me, telling me she was in good general health mainly (apart from rosacea) and that
one thing she constantly talked about was getting married! She loved to look at magazines where there were pictures
of brides dresses and related details and often imagined herself to be dressed in one. However, emotionally she was
very detached from people, even her mother and two sisters.
During the treatment, she was unable to communicate any tender spots on her feet, which were very smooth &
unlined, although I encountered several gritty points especially on the head zone and the pituitary and pineal points.
She did, however, say that she was enjoying it and loved the feeling of her feet being rubbed. I gave her a specially
thorough post-treatment foot massage because of this. As they were about to leave, the young lady gave me a really
big hug and thanked me for the time I had spent with her. I am quite used to this, but was a little surprised to see the
look of astonishment on her mothers face.
The next day, her mother phoned me to say that she had never, ever, seen her daughter give anyone a hug - not
even to her, and that was why she had been so amazed at her response to the treatment. She also told me that,
during the evening, when her daughter had been sitting up in her bedroom dressed only in her underwear, as she
was accustomed to do every night, the mother had called up to her that she was going down to the shop to make a
few purchases.
Instead of the OK that she expected, the girl called down to her to wait a moment while she got dressed, and she
would accompany her on the walk to the shop. This was so unusual that the mother could hardly believe her ears.
The daughter came down dressed, and walked to the shop and back with her, lacing her arm in her mothers on the
way back. This may sound like a very small breakthrough to many people, but the mother was moved to tears when
she was telling me this.
Reflexology treats all the organs of the body through the feet, but not only this - it clears blocked energy pathways
throughout the body enabling organs and glands to function properly and in a holistic way. When a blockage is
removed from one area, this in turn promotes the free flow of energy to a related area, and so on.
It can show benefits to the physical body or, as in this case, to the emotional body so that the heart can stimulate the
brain into alternative ways of thinking or behaving. The fact that a client cannot tell us what is felt during a treatment,
is therefore no indication as to the level of benefit that the treatment can bestow upon the mind, body and spirit.
Reflexology FAQ
What I s Ref l ex ol ogy?
Reflexology is the science or method of stimulating reflexes of the foot, hand or ear that correspond to each gland,
organ and part of the body. Stimulation of these reflexes serves to relax and normalize all functions of the body in
order to promote a natural balance and revitalization. In ancient times, walking barefoot over rocks and hard ground
naturally stimulated these reflexes every day.
By applying pressure on specific areas of the feet or hands, a Reflexologist can stimulate corresponding organs or
glands. For instance, pressure is applied to the big toe to affect the pituitary gland and the four other toes are
stimulated to affect to the brain, sinuses, eyes and ears. Because internal organs like the lungs and the Kidneys can
not be directly massaged, reflexologists believe that the feet, hands, and ears are an appropriate alternative.
Does Ref l ex ol ogy c ur e di seases or ai l ment s?
Reflexology is not intended to cure diseases or ailments. Reflexologists are not medical practitioners and are not
allowed to diagnose ailments or treat disease. Reflexology can be a valuable way of indicating areas where higher
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The Healing Art of Reflexology
stress or Tension is present in the body and can assist to relieve that stress or Tension which can promote or
encourage the natural healing process.
What ar e t he si mi l ar i t i es bet w een Ref l ex ol ogy and Ac upr essur e?
In Reflexology and Acupressure, the fingers and thumbs are used to exert pressure on various parts of the body to
relieve pain and promote healing.
The key to both Reflexology and Acupressure is the concept of chi, the vital life force energy flowing throughout the
body. Indeed, in Chinese medicine, practitioners seek to balance and harmonize the body to ensure an uninterrupted
flow of chi. This is the foundation of the Chinese healing arts.
Hands on Healing, by the Editors of Prevention Magazine, describes the human body as a network of highways and
byways called meridians. These meridians weave through every one of the body's vital organs, the bloodstream,
the bones and through the muscles.
Along these roads travel not cars and trucks but chi. Illness occurs when chi is blocked in the organs or along these
meridians. According to Hands on Healing, with the touch of the fingers acupressurists can influence the flow of chi,
and most important break up the traffic jams that can rob one of vitality and good health. Theory aside, the important
thing is that Acupressure and Reflexology work and are easy to learn.
What i s t he di f f er enc e bet w een Ref l ex ol ogy and Ac upr essur e?
The main difference between the two is in theory and technique, but for all practical purposes they can be used
together for relief of pain, associated Anxiety and Depression as well as other physical, mental and emotional
conditions or dysfunction.
In Reflexology, pressure is applied with the fingers and thumbs to specific points on the feet, ears, or hands. These
points correspond to different parts of the body such as the back, various muscle groups, and internal organs.
Acupressure is an ancient healing technique, in which finger or thumb pressure is placed on specific points on the
body. Acupressure is similar in principle to acupuncture, in which needles are inserted. The main distinction between
Reflexology and Acupressure is that in Acupressure points all over the body are activated, whereas in Reflexology,
these points are largely limited to the ears, feet, and hands.
What does Ref l ex ol ogy do?
Reflexology can relieve Tension and promote relaxation. Medical studies show that over 75% of all health problems
can be linked to Tension and stress. Our modern lifestyles not only cause a great deal of this stress, but also do
nothing to relieve it. In ancient times, we had stress of a different nature, and due to the ancient lifestyle, were able to
naturally treat Tension and stress without even realizing it.
How does i t w or k ?
There are many theories about how Reflexology works, but the most commonly held belief is that Reflexology acts to
relax those reflexes that in turn are connected to various parts of the body, improving lymphatic drainage and
Circulation as well as relaxing muscles and stimulating nerve connections.
Reflexology is primarily a relaxation technique, and while research clearly indicates that Reflexology benefits patients
health in both chronic and other ailments, it is not a substitute for medical treatment, and should be considered as
complementary to any type of medical treatment. Extensive research on Reflexology has validated the effectiveness
of Reflexology.
What does a Ref l ex ol ogi st do i n a sessi on?
A Reflexologist aims to provide a healing environment for a client. Prior to the session, the clients medical history is
discussed. After an inspection of the feet and hands, the Reflexologist will individually stimulate each foot and/or each
hand. The bottom, top and sides of the feet and/or hands receive a thorough massage.
By taking into account the needs of a client, a Reflexologist will vary the amounts of pressure on different areas of the
foot and hand. Cream is applied to the feet at the end of the Reflexology session. The entire process requires
approximately 45 minutes to an hour.
I s Ref l ex ol ogy new ?
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Although recently becoming much more popular and accepted in Western society, Reflexology has been practiced for
thousands of years by Egyptians, Native American cultures and Mayan and Incan civilizations. It is widely accepted in
many European countries as an accepted therapy. Modern Reflexology has its origins in the late 1930s, thanks to
Eunice Ingham.
I s Ref l ex ol ogy t he same as Massage, Ac upunc t ur e, Ac upr essur e or Shi at su?
Reflexology is not the same as massage, which involves tissue and muscle therapy to promote relaxation.
Acupuncture, Acupressure and Shiatsu are similar in some respects to Reflexology in their use of reflexes or
meridians of the body as they relate to the gland, organs and parts of the body, however Reflexology focuses on
relaxation of those reflexes through manipulation to reduce stress and Tension.
The other therapies are based on the belief that Chi or energy flows through the meridians and that the therapy
improves the flow of Chi by reducing or eliminating blockages.
What ar e t he benef i t s of Ref l ex ol ogy?
Reflexology primarily eases stress and Tension, which in turn can improve blood Circulation, lymph drainage, assist
in the elimination of Toxins, and strengthening of the Immune System. It enables the bodys natural healing
processes to promote wellness.
Who c an r ec ei ve Ref l ex ol ogy sessi ons?
Anyone can benefit from Reflexology, including children, the elderly and the sick. Reflexology is safe and drug-free,
so any person can begin Reflexology sessions as soon as they wish.
Can Ref l ex ol ogy mak e a c ondi t i on w or se?
No. Reflexology is a non-invasive natural therapy that relaxes the body and is essentially harmless. On rare
occasions, release of Toxins as a result of the bodys natural healing process may result in symptoms such as
Perspiration, nausea or Headaches, however these symptoms are not directly related to Reflexology, and are
temporary and not serious.
Can I have Ref l ex ol ogy i f I have a ver r uc a, or c or ns?
Verrucas are generally considered to be contagious, so for hygiene reasons they should be treated before you can
have Reflexology, corns are best removed before a treatment as they can get in the way, but you can have a
treatment with corns.
How c an Ref l ex ol ogy hel p my si nus pr obl em, w hen you' r e t r eat i ng my f eet , and my si nus i s i n
my head?
Reflexology acts on nerve endings in the feet relating to the whole body, by applying pressure to the sinus reflex in
the feet we are relieving the symptoms of sinus in the head.
Do you have t o be i l l t o have Ref l ex ol ogy?
No, Reflexology is used to maintain good health as well as treat ill health.
Can I gi ve mysel f Ref l ex ol ogy t r eat ment s?
YES, definitely! That is one of the coolest things about Reflexology, it is easy to learn and you can be just as effective
using it on yourself as a professional Reflexologist treatment. Browse through this site to see the various books, tools
and charts we have to help you learn this powerful healing technique.
Ar e t her e spec i f i c sessi ons f or di f f er ent t ypes of c l i ent s?
Generally, a Reflexologist will administer lighter and shorter sessions on seniors, Pregnant women, the sick and
children. However, it is recommended that these same types of clients receive Reflexology more frequently.
How c an I bec ome a Ref l ex ol ogi st ?
The regulations regarding practicing Reflexology vary from country to country and within countries can also vary by
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state or province. In some cases municipal or city licenses may be required to practice natural health care. The best
way to investigate becoming a Reflexologist is to contact your closest Reflexology Association.
The amount of classroom and practical training as well as written examinations also varies greatly. although
Reflexology Associations are striving to ensure that all practitioners are well trained and certified in most regions.
Using a well trained Reflexologist who is certified by an accredited school and/or Association is recommended.
I s Ref l ex ol ogy a good c ar eer ?
Reflexology is quickly gaining in world-wide recognition as an excellent way towards providing and maintaining health
care for all ages. A good Reflexologist has sensitive and strong hands. Personal cleanliness and a professional
outlook are important. For those who choose self-employment, good business sense is essential.
Remember, it takes time and persistence to develop professional skills and a successful practice. This profession is
best suited to those who are committed to helping people, and who are able to sustain a challenging work routine.
Reflexology and Color Therapy
Reflexology and Color Therapy have their roots in the distant past. As individual therapies, they have tremendous
therapeutic value. When used in conjunction with each other, they have shown their ability to both complement each
other and accentuate the healing process.

Color wheel depicting color, with its complementary color
The origin of Reflexology, or zone therapy as it was called, still remains a mystery. One theory, mentioned by Dr.
Fitzgerald, in his book Zone Therapy, is that it originated from China some 5,000 years ago as a form of Pressure
Point treatment. Dr. Fitzgerald was an ear, nose and throat specialist, and must be credited for his part in reviving
Another conjecture is that it began in Egypt. Evidence for this stems from an
Egyptian tomb drawing dating back to 230BC. This drawing depicts four
people. One person is being treated with foot massage and a second person
with hand massage. Others credit its birth to the Incas. These were people of
very ancient Peruvian civilisation, possibly reaching back to 1200BC. It is
speculated that they passed their knowledge of zone therapy down to the
North American Indians who, up to this present time, are still using this form of
It was believed that the method formulated by Dr. Fitzgerald was based on
acupuncture. Of the twelve meridians used in acupuncture, six terminate or
originate on the feet and six terminate or originate on the hands. If one follows
the path of these meridians, from their point of origin or termination over the
feet and hands, they form the ten longitudinal zones formulated by Fitzgerald.
It was Eunice Ingham, a student of Fitzgeralds, who instigated what we today
know as Reflexology. Through her dedicated research, she was able to
correlate the anatomical structure of the body to the energy zones found on
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the feet and on the hands. This made both the feet and the hands a mirror
image of the entire body; the microcosm of the macrocosm.
The principal teaching behind Reflexology states that the body is divided into ten vertical energy zones, inside which
are encompassed the organs, muscles and skeletal structure of the physical body, all of which are reflected on the
soles of the feet and palms of the hands. The occurrence of energy blocks in a human person, and the reasons for
these are many, are likewise reflected on the hands and the feet in one or more of the zones located there. Through
the use of specific pressure techniques, these energy blocks can be detected through the presence of pain or
crystalline formation under the skin.
color as a therapy also reaches far back into history, but unlike Reflexology, it is still in its infancy of rediscovery. It is
speculated that Color Therapy was used by the Atlanteans. It is believed that they built temples with ceilings that
were domed and constructed from interlocking Crystals that dissipated light into the color spectrum. Around the
circumference of these temples were healing rooms, each reflecting one of the colors dissipated from these Crystals.
Archaeologists have discovered that the Egyptians, like the Atlanteans, also incorporated color healing rooms into
their temples and used these not for physical illness alone, but for Childbirth, counselling and to aid the transition of
the soul at death.
India used and still uses color in gem therapy. Indian gem therapists believe that gem stones are the storehouse of
cosmic color and that everything manifest is composed of the seven rays which are primeval, formative forces of
nature. There, therapeutic techniques incorporate several methods of releasing this color force.
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, with the discovery of new drugs and advances in surgical procedure,
Color Therapy started to be replaced by allopathic medicine. What is interesting is that some of the early pioneers of
allopathic medicine, continued to use color in their treatments. One such pioneer was Paracelsus (1493-1541).
Paracelsus developed considerable interest in alchemy, astrology and occult sciences. His love of alchemy and his
application of this in his treatments earned him the title father of pharmacology. Another pioneer was Hippocrates
(460-370BC), also well versed in alchemy and known as father of medicine. He was famous for his Hippocratic
With the growing awareness of the detrimental effects of allopathic drugs, the percentage of people returning to
complementary therapies has started to increase. Unlike allopathic treatment, complementary therapies aim to deal
with the cause and not the manifested symptom.
This is frequently an alien concept which some people find difficult to work with. But, unless the cause is found and
eradicated, it will continue to manifest as a physical symptom. One way of helping the person to locate the cause is
through counselling and color.
We, as human beings, are beings of light, surrounded and interpenetrated by the colors which constitute visible light.
This establishes the electromagnetic field or aura surrounding us. The aura contains six sheaths or layers, all of
which interpenetrate with each other and the physical body. It is filled with constantly changing colors, determined by
our state of health, physically, emotionally and mentally. How true the sayings: green with envy, red with rage.
The layer closest to the physical body is known as the etheric sheath and is the blueprint for the physical body. It
contains the very fine energy channels or nadis through which pranic energy flows. This network of infinitely intricate
nadis establish the counterpart of the entire nervous system.
As well as containing the nadis, the etheric sheath contains seven major and twenty one minor chakras or energy
centres. It also contains numerous acupuncture points. A major chakra is defined by the crossing of 21 nadis; a minor
chakra by 14 nadis and an acupuncture point by seven nadis.
These force centres can be found in each of the layers constituting the aura, but their primary importance is at the
etheric level. They are both the transformers and the transmitters of energy for each of the layers and work with the
physical endocrine system. Disease starts in the aura as accumulated energy. If this is not dispersed, it will eventually
manifest as a physical disease.
A chakra which is not acknowledged as one of the major centres, but is of prime importance, is the splenic chakra. It
is this chakra which absorbs prana, chi or life force and disintegrates it into its seven varieties. Each of these seven
varieties of prana vibrates to the frequency of one of the colors on the color spectrum and establishes the dominant
color of the chakra to which it is distributed.
From these chakras, the colors radiate into the rest of the auric field. Because the feet and the hands present a mirror
image of the physical body, they reflect the auric field around themselves. The chakras can also be located along the
spinal reflex on both feet and hands. I have found these to be important points for treatment, especially for hormonal
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Position of the Chakras on the spinal reflex of the feet and the hands
Although the chakras work mainly with the endocrine glands, they also have an effect on organs, muscles and bones
which lie in their pathway. Each color contains within itself its own spectrum of color. Therefore the parts of the body
related to a specific chakra will vibrate to a frequency contained within the spectrum of color of that chakra. This I
always refer to as the general color.
When working with the vibrational frequencies of color in therapy, it has been deemed important to administer the
treatment color followed by its complementary color. This I have found through experience to be trite. One of my
students treated her husband with Reflexology and color for Diabetes.
Unfortunately, she forgot to administer the complementary color after the treatment color. This resulted in his blood
sugar, after stabilizing, suddenly rising. By treating with color complementary color, we work with polarity. Polarity
teaches that complementary energies have to be in balance to create harmony.
When combining color with Reflexology, color is used for three conditions. The first is to work with the cause, the
second to help keep the body in balance and the third to work with the manifested disease. Sometimes all three
conditions are treated with color during a therapy session. At other times only one or maybe two of the conditions are
worked with.
When treating a person with the combination of these two therapies, a complete Reflexology treatment is initially
carried out. A Reflexology treatment is diagnostic, thereby enabling a practitioner to locate where problems or
potential problems lie. Having completed this, the general colors with their complementary colors are applied to the
areas where an abnormality has been diagnosed but which has produced no noticeable symptoms in the physical
The reason for this can be twofold. It could be related to an accumulation of energy in the etheric layer of the aura, or
it could indicate that a particular part of the body is under strain through trying to keep the whole in balance.
If, through disease, the vibrational frequencies of the etheric body changes, the change will affect the cellular
structure of the physical body. This then affects the force field of the related organ or organs. If the force field of one
or more organs is altered, then the body will try to bring itself back into homeostasis.
This process can put strain on healthy organs within the physical structure which shows itself as pain on the related
reflexes on the feet or hands. Administering the general color, with its complementary color, to the related reflex, will
help to re-balance its altered function.
The treatment colors, with their complementary colors are then applied to the zones on the feet which relate to the
part of the body which has manifested problems. When selecting colors for specific diseases, several factors have to
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The Healing Art of Reflexology
be taken into consideration. These are, the nature of the disease, the part of the body affected and the overall
condition of the patient.
Having treated the reflexes related to the physical symptoms, the chakras situated along the spinal reflex on the feet
or hands, are balanced with their dominant color before the overall color, relating to the cause is administered
through both feet.
Color can be applied to the zones of the feet in two ways. Firstly, if the practitioner is sensitive to color, they can
visualise it being channelled through their hands. I personally believe that the physical body can be the most beautiful
instrument for the projection of color, but some reflexologists find sensitizing and using the physical body as a
channel too demanding. For these people the Reflexology crystal torch has been devised.
This instrument shines light through stained glass discs and projects the color of the stained glass into a Quartz
crystal. The crystal is then applied to the relevant zones of the feet. The length of time that a color is projected would
depend upon the nature of the illness and the stature of the person being treated.
The time factor would be less on a frail, elderly lady than on a robust young male. Apart from being a very powerful
instrument, I have discovered that patients love to look at the color. Depending upon their degree of sensitivity, some
patients are able to feel the color pulsating through their body.
Combining illuminatory color with Reflexology is still in its infancy, and I know that what we are experiencing is just
the tip of the iceberg. I also know that during the years that I have been treating with and teaching these two
therapies, some wonderful results have been achieved.
If we are beings of light, and of this I have no doubt, surely treating with the vibrational energies of light must be
therapeutic. I personally believe that vibrational medicine will be the medicine of the future and this will consist of both
color and sound.
Further reading: The Reflexology Manual by Pauline Wills published by Headline
The Reflexology and Color Therapy Workbook by Pauline Wills published by Element
Crystal Reflexology
First select a Quartz crystal which has a very good polished/smooth single-terminated point.
Then remove socks, tights and/or footwear. Instructions below are for someone giving a crystal Reflexology treatment
to a client - but this method is just as easily administered and just as effective if you are treating yourself. Also keep
in mind that stimulating reflexes on the hands will work just as well as using foot reflexes - it is really your preference!
Crystal Reflexology treatments may either be done lying on a massage couch or sitting in a comfortable chair. When
using the latter method you yourself need to sit on a stool so that you can place your clients feet upon your lap.
Reflexology is basically a foot massage. Or, at least, that is the way that it is normally described!
The principles of Reflexology, of course, is that the feet consist of numerous reflex points; all of which relate to
specific parts of the physical body.
An ordinary qualified Reflexologist will use his/her hands to press into every one of these reflex points and when a
health problem is diagnosed the client will often feel a sharp pain and the therapist will detect a small pea-like lump
just under the surface of the skin.
In crystal Reflexology, however, we do not need to be quite as precise. First, naturally, we must program our healing
Quartz crystal to re-balance any imbalances which might be discovered in the clients body as the treatment proceeds.
Using the single-terminated end of the Quartz crystal the crystal healer very gently - and without pressing too deep
into the skin - starts to rotate the crystal in a clockwise direction just lightly pushing into the skin.
Starting with the soles of the left foot, the crystal is moved slowly around to the
sides, lightly touching the skin all the time, and then on to the upper part of the
foot. All movements should be both slow and deliberate. Make sure that you
cover all the surface of the foot. Then on to the right foot
Whenever the crystal healer obtains a reaction from the client he or she will
spend a few moments directing crystalline healing energy into the appropriate
reflex point.
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As the crystal Reflexology treatment ends the therapist takes the Quartz
crystal and lightly runs it over the entire surface of the foot; on the soles and
on the upper part of both feet.
As a rough time-guide I would suggest that you spend around thirty minutes
per foot but naturally this is completely flexible depending upon what you find
and upon the needs of your client!
Reflexology Charts
(Full training in reflex points, reflex massage techniques, dozens of large reflex point charts and learning to address
specific ailments can be found in our courses at the Alternative Healing Academy)
The feet are a microcosm of the human body and every organ and body part is represented in the feet. Where there
are two organs in the body they will be represented on both feet, e.g. lungs and kidney and where there is only one
organ, this will be represented on one foot, e.g. the liver will be on the right foot while the heart will be on the left.
Where the organ or body part is reflected in the feet, this is called the organ reflex, e.g. the heart reflex.
The right foot represents the right side of the body as well as the past while the left foot represents the left side of the
body as well as the present and future.
Here are several larger charts - feel free to print them or save them if you wish!
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Ref l ex es i n t he l ef t f oot

Ref l ex es i n t he r i ght f oot

Foot Reflex Charts and Remedy Points
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Char t I (Ref er t o Key bel ow )

Char t 2 (Ref er t o Key bel ow )
Char t Key
1. Top of Head
2. Sinuses
3. Pituitary Gland
4. Temporal Area
5. Neck, Cervical
6. Upper Lymph Area
7. Parathyroid Gland
8. Ears
9. Eyes
10. Thyroid Glands
11. Shoulder
12. Lungs and Bronchi
13. Heart Area
14. Heart
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15. Spine, Vertebra
16. Pancreas
17. Solar Plexus
18. Stomach & Duodenum
19. Liver
20. Spleen
21. Spleenic Fixture
22. Gall Bladder
23. Adrenal Glands
24. Hepatic Flexure
25. Kidneys
26. Transverse Colon
27. Waist
28. Ureters
29. Ascending Colon
30. Descending Colon
31. Lumbar
32. Small Intestines
33. Sacral
34. Bladder
35. Ileo-Caecal Valve
36. Appendix
37. Sigmoid Flexure
38. Hip & Lower Back
39. Coccyx
40. Sciatic Area
41. Rectum
42. Uterus
43. Prostate
44. Breast
45. Lymph Drainage
46. Fallopian Tubes
47. Lymph Nodes (Arm Pit)
48. Sacro Iliac Joint
49. Ovary or Testicle
50. Lymph Nodes (Groin)
51. Maxilla/Submaxilla (Jaw)
52. Tonsils
Remedy Poi nt s:
Sk i n
Acne : Liver(19), gall bladder(22), Adrenal Glands(23), ureters(28), bladder(34), Kidneys(25).
Eczema or HERPESZOSTER : Parathyroid glands(7), Adrenal Glands(23), Kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34).
PSORAISIS or DERMATITS : Parathyroid glands(7), Adrenal Glands(23), Kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34)
Di gest i ve Syst em
ANOREXIA : Thyroid glands(10), stomach & duodenum(18), small intestines(32), transverse colon(26), descending
colon(30), rectum(41).
FOOD-POISONING : (induce vomiting)Stomach & duodenum(18), lymph glands(6).
GINGIVITIS : Maxilla & submaxilla(51).
Indigestion : Solar Plexus(17).
Halitosis : Stomach(18).
TOOTHACHE : Stomach & duodenum(18), small intestines(32), transverse colon(26), descending colon(30), liver
(19), pancreas(16), maxilla & submaxilla(51).
STOMACHACHE : Stomach(18).
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ULCER : Stomach & Duodenum(18).
FLATULANCE : Stomach & duodenum(18), appendix(36).
Diabetes : Stomach & duodenum(18), pancreas(16).
APPENDICITIS : Appendix(36), lymph areas(6).
Diarrhea, NAUSEA : Stomach & duodenum(18), small intestine(32), ascending colon(29), transverse colon(26),
descending colon(30), rectum(41), lymph areas(6).
Constipation : Stomach & duodenum(18), small intestine(32), ascending colon(29), transverse colon(26), descending
colon(30), rectum(41).
HEMORRHOIDS : Adrenal Glands(23), Kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34), rectum(41).
HERNIA : Stomach & duodenum(18), liver(19), pancreas(16), small intestines(32), ascending colon(29), transverse
colon(26), descending colon(30), rectum(41).
Ci r c ul at or y Syst em
Stomach & duodenum(18), liver(19), pancreas(16), small intestines(32), ascending colon(29), transverse colon(26),
descending colon(30), spleen(20).
Hypertension : Head(1), Kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34), ear(8).
SWOLLEN LYMPH GLANDS : Lymph areas(6,47,50).
HEART PROBLEMS : Heart(14), stomach & duodenum(18), small intestine(32), ascending colon(29).
BLOOD Circulation PROBLEMS : Parathyroid glands(7), Adrenal Glands(23), Kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34),
Ner vous Syst em
Anxiety : Head(1), Adrenal Glands(23), Kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34), duodenum(18), small intestines(32),
transverse colon(26), descending colon(30), rectum(41).
Epilepsy : Head(1), lymph areas(6).
MIGRANE : Head(1), frontal and temporal areas(4).
Insomnia : Head(1), liver(19).
BACKACHE : Hip and lower back(38), spine(15).
NECK PAIN : Neck(5), sacral(33), spine(15).
I mmune Syst em
Parathyroid glands(7), Adrenal Glands(23), Kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34).
HAY FEVER : Nose (front & temporal region)(5), lungs and bronchi(12), parathyroid glands(7), Adrenal Glands(23),
ureters(28), Kidneys(25), bladder(34).
TUMOR (Cancer) : Spleen(20), lymph areas(6), tonsil(52) (also reflex areas relating to the cancerous regions).
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The Healing Art of Reflexology
INFLAMMATION : Parathyroid glands(7), lymph areas(6) (also reflex areas relating to the inflamed regions).
Respi r at or y Syst em
Sore Throat : Lymph areas(6), tonsils(52), thyroid area(10).
DRY NOSE : Nose (front and temporal region)(4), parathyroid glands(7).
Asthma : Parathyroid(7), lungs and bronchi(12), Kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34), lymph areas(6).
Bronchitis : Parathyroid(7), lungs and bronchi(12), Adrenal Glands(23), lymph areas(6).
RESPIRATORY DISEASE : Head(1), nose (front and temporal region)(4), lungs and bronchi(12), heart(14).
J oi nt s
PAIN IN THE HIP JOINT : Adrenal Glands(23), Kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34), neck(5), hip(38).
INFLAMMATION OF THE HIP JOINT : stomach & duodenum(18), Kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34), hip(38),
waist(27), vertebra and spine(15).
PARKINSONs DISEASE : Head(1), neck(5), parathyroid(7), Adrenal Glands(23), stomach & duodenum(18),
pancreas(16), liver(19), small intestines(32), colon areas(26,29,30), Kidneys(25), ureters(28), bladder(34), rectum(41).
Foot Reflexology and Foot Massage Tips and Techniques
Foot Reflexology is pressure therapy and involves applying focused pressure to certain known reflex points located
in the foot to cure or prevent disease. Foot Reflexology is based on the premise that our nerve zones or reflex points
go from the bottom of our feet to the top of our head, encompassing all vital organs on the way.
A trained Reflexologist can put pressure on different meridiens or energy lines on the sole and side of the feet to
determine the cause of illness.
The information below is a guide to foot massage. Some benefits of Reflexology will happen automatically simply by
virtue of massaging the soles of the feet but the main objective is to help tired feet feel better.
Pr epar at i on f or Foot Massage:
If you are giving a foot massage to your partner or friend than ensure that the massage foot is comfortably reclined on
a pillow or a sofa. There are various creams and oils that can be used for a foot massage. However, we recommend
the use of essential massage oils to achieve an ultimately relaxing foot massage. To begin with make sure the feet
are clean, a foot soak with epsom salts is a wonderful way to de-stress before a foot massage. Make sure that your
feet are completely dry (including in between toes) before you start.
Foot Massage Tec hni ques:
Stroking- This technique stimulates the blood vessels in your feet and promotes gentle heat. Hold the foot in your
hands and begin to massage the top surface of the foot. Use your thumbs in a slow, firm stroking motion, starting at
the toes and moving up to the ankle. Once you have reached the ankle follow the same line back to the toes. Make
sure you apply lighter pressure towards the toes than the ankle.
Ankle Rotation- Firstly gentle move the ankle side to side to loosen the ankle joint. Hold the heel of the foot in a
cupping motion and hold the ball of the foot with the other hand. Rotate the foot clockwise and anticlockwise three or
four times to relax the foot from the ankle joint, reversing the directions will calm and destress your senses.
Wear clean socks and shoes that fit you properly. Right shoes helps you put off injuries and soreness. If you feel your
feet Sweat more than others, go in for leather or canvas shoes but not synthetic ones or plastic shoes. Plastic or vinyl
shoes do not stretch or breathe. Sandals are also a good option. Use foot powder daily. - Random Tip
Pivoting - Gently hold the foot in your hand and use the other hand to massage the sole of the foot with your thumb.
Begin with the area directly below the large toe and slowly move to the other toes. After initial pressure, roll the thumb
back and forth. It may be seen as wiggling the thumb. Release pressure, and move.
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The Healing Art of Reflexology
Some handy and val uabl e t i ps on Foot Car e:
a) Check your feet daily for cuts, sores, red spots, swelling and infected nails.
b) Do not cut corns and calluses (hardened or thickened part of the skin). Consult your doctor if you have developed
corns and calluses rather than cutting them off using razor, corn plasters or some liquid corn removers.
c) Make sure your toe nails are trimmed properly. Trim them straight across and smooth them using a nail file.
d) If you are Diabetic, consult your doctor. Diabetic patients are at more risk to developing foot complications and
wounds which do not heal easily. There are three major problems which a Diabetic person faces if he develops some
foot disease.
Reflexology Massage Techniques
(Full training in reflex points, reflex massage techniques and addressing specific ailments can be found in our
courses at the Alternative Healing Academy)
Basi c Thumb Tec hni que
In Reflexology you use your thumbs mainly to work the reflexes on the soles, and sometimes the sides, of the feet.
Working with the first joint of your thumb, you walk forward along the reflex by successively bending and unbending
the joint a little way. It is the inside or medial edge of the thumb that makes contact with the foot, not the tip or the ball
(the part that touches the table if you put your hand down flat).
When the thumb is at the correct angle, the joint is not bent too far, allowing greater accuracy and smoothness of
technique, as shown. Bending the joint over too far not only strains it but also means that the person you are working
on may feel your nail. The fingers of the working hand wrap around the top of the foot to provide leverage.
Hook i ng

Support the foot well in your holding hand and place the thumb of your working hand on a reflex area. Now hook
the thumb in and back up sharply, to one side (in this instance, towards the outside).
This technique is useful for homing in on a particularly small reflex and for working on parts of the foot where the skin
is tough, such as the heel. Like a bee inserting a sting, you push your thumb into the reflex, then pull it back. The
leverage of the fingers is crucial here, as the technique demands great precision.
Legal I nf o: Products and information on this site are not intended to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any illness,
disease, injury or condition and is for informational purposes only. Always seek medical attention and/or advice when
suffering from any disease, illness, or injury, or before attempting any herbal, folk or traditional remedy. Keep all
products away from small children. As with any natural product, essential oils can be toxic if misused. Remedies
offered are not recommended for children under 3 years of age unless stated otherwise.
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Natural Holistic Health Blog - Keep Your Family Health Safely & Naturally
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Why Combine Reflexology and Aromatherapy?
interest and study for healthcare providers, holistic practitioners and the general
populace alike. Many are finding that the combination of two or more therapies
brings quicker, more complete relief from physical, emotional, spiritual and mental
maladies than does one modality alone. For the purposes of this discussion, I am
going to focus on the practice of using Aromatherapy to complement and enhance
the benefits of Reflexology.
Many people are aware of the positive aspects of Reflexology. Stress release, total
relaxation, and relief from chronic complaints are some areas that this treatment
targets. Now, imagine using essential oils to complement the above effects. By
combining the healing properties of Aromatherapy with the calming touch of
Reflexology, clients undergo a complete holistic experience.
Reflexology massage is derived from a
primitive instinct. It is inherent in
human nature to use touch to comfort
and heal. Hugging, patting, even
kissing a childs scraped knee are all
instinctive responses to making it
better. Not only does this help to
relieve physical pain, but it also makes
one feel emotionally secure. Without
conscious intent, we generate a small
form of holistic care. This, the act of
touching, combines the physical and
emotional sides of what we consider to
be care. (5)
Essential oils complete the holistic approach by affecting the mind. Due to the fact
that these oils stimulate the limbic system, the brains own healing mechanism is
triggered. By inhaling these fragrances during therapy, the scents own healing
power enters the bloodstream. When these oils activate the olfactory bulb, it sends
electrical impulses to the Limbic system, which affects emotional behaviour. This is
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Don't forget, if you'd like to learn Aromatherapy, Reflexology or ReflexAromatherapy (the combination of the two)
In the holistic health care field many healing modalities have become the subject of
for use in a therapy or professional setting, please visit the Alternative Healing Academy
Natural Holistic Health Blog - Keep Your Family Health Safely & Naturally!
why people feel invigorated when they smell Rosemary and Basil, and calmed by
Chamomile and Jasmine. (5)
This is the main focus of ReflexAroma - the term I have coined to signify the
combination of Reflexology and Aromatherapy methods: to combine several of the
bodys senses in effectual healing. Other orthodox medical practices can
temporarily heal the client but usually fails to help the client to heal themselves.
This is where ReflexAroma excels as a treatment. By using scent and touch
together, the bodys healing is heightened not only by the therapist, but also by the
First let us take a look at the definitions, histories and benefits of Aromatherapy and
Aromatherapy - What Is It?
Aromatherapy is a holistic treatment, the aim of which is to produce a physical,
spiritual, emotional and mental sense of well-being through inhalation and massage
of essential oils. Essential oils are derived from plants and are chosen for their
particular therapeutic qualities that are stimulating, refreshing and sedative.
Massage is used with the oils to enhance their effectiveness. (1)
Aromatherapy is also referred to as the fragrant art of using socially selected
aromatic oils for therapeutic purposes. It is one of the fastest growing
complementary therapies in the world and is recognised as one of the most natural
and holistic treatments available today. (1)
Aromatherapy does not aim to treat disease. Its aim is to release feelings of well-
being, harmony and improved mental and physical health. (1)
Essentail oils are aromatic volatile liquids distilled from shrugs, flowers, trees, roots,
bushes and seeds. The chemistry of essential oils is very complex; each one may
consist of hundreds of different and unique chemical compounds. Moreover,
essential oils are highly concentrated and far more potent than dried Herbs. The
distillation process is what makes the essential oils so concentrated. It often
requires an entire plant or more to product a single drop of distilled essential oil. (4)
Aromatherapy - History
Nobody knows exactly where and
when the healing art of aromatherapy
began. Nevertheless, it has its roots in
the rites and rituals of earliest
mankind. By analysis of fossilised
pollens found in ancient habitation and
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Natural Holistic Health Blog - Keep Your Family Health Safely & Naturally
burial sites of early humans, scientists
have discovered traces of plants that
have known medicinal properties. At
least some of these properties must
have been evident to these early
people, who would have made the
discovery either by accident or by
observation. Early man would soon
have recognised which leaves, berries,
fruit or roots encouraged wounds to
heal or sickness to improve. He would
also have observed which plants sick
animals sought out and ate. They
discovered startling proof of the early
use of plants by Neanderthal man in 1975 at a cave site in Iraq. Scientific
excavation showed signs of human habitation for 60 000 years and the discoveries
there have been some of the most significant and important finds to date. (1)
At this site in 1975, the burial of a Neanderthal adult male was discovered. The
subsequent soil analysis showed pollen evidence that the body had been placed on
a bed of a type of woody Horsetail plant and that it had been buried with a wreath of
flowers. The plants used for the wreath are all well known today and still used for
their medicinal properties. They include Yarrow, groundsel, cornflower, St.
Barnabys thistle, grape, hyacinth and hollyhock. As several of these plants are
known to have wound healing andFever reducing properties, it is tempting to think
that they were used for those same properties by the Neanderthal man, who, far
from being a lumbering cretinous creature, had now been shown to have been a
thinking, feeling being as demonstrated by the care of the burial ritual. (1)
Evidence of the widespread use of aromatic plant substances was seen in the tomb
paintings of the ancient Egyptians 5000 years ago. Plant substances were used not
only for medicinal purposes, but also for perfumes and cosmetics, in preservation
and preparation of food to enhance flavour and aid digestion. They were also used
for their Antibacterial and Antiviral properties to stave off illness and epidemic.
Some were even found to have contraceptive qualities. (1)
The ancient Egyptians practised a sophisticated level of medicine and many of the
plants that they used are today recognised as beneficial in the treatment of certain
diseases. Their surgeons even developed techniques for successful brain surgery.
Medieval Europe saw the use of plants in infusions, pills, potions, pomanders and
nosegays, which were sniffed as protection against epidemic and pestilence. The
Herbs Lavender, Sage and Rosemary were used widely to scent linen and to
protect materials against moths. Herbs were strewn on the floors of dwellings to
perfume rooms and repel fleas, flies and ticks. In times of plague, bonfires were lit
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at intervals along the streets in the belief that the smoke would act as a powerful
disinfectant and would give some protection against infection. Although many uses
of plants through the centuries would have been extremely effective, some were not
and this type of fumigation during the times of the bubonic plague would provably
have been useless. (1)
Towards the end of the 19th Century, a French chemist, Professor Rene
Gattefosse, accidentally discovered the healing power of Lavender essence when
he plunged his hand into a bowl of Lavender oil after receiving a bad burn. The burn
healed quickly, without forming a blister or leaving a Scar. He then began many
years of research into the healing properties of essential oils. His knowledge
increased further when he treated soldiers wounded during the 1914 - 1918 war
and in 1928 he gave his treatment the name Aromatherapie. (1)
His work was later extended by Dr. Jean Valnet, a French physician, who used
essential oils to treat cancers, tuberculosis, Diabetes and other serious illnesses.
He claimed many successes. Marguerite Maury followed him, a French biochemist
and beautician, who further developed massage techniques and skin-care
treatments using essential oils. She continued to further develop and work in the
field of aromatherapy until she died in 1968 at the age of 73. Interest in
aromatherapy has continued to grow and today, rightly, it has a massive following.
Aromatherapy - Benefits
Essential oils are some of the oldest and most powerful therapeutic agents known.
In their pure state, essential oils are also some of the most concentrated natural
extracts known, exhibiting significant and immediate Antiviral, anti-inflammatory,
Antibacterial, hormone-balancing effects. In clinical practic, they have been shown
to have a profound influence on the central nervous system, helping to reduce or
eliminate pain, release muscle tenstion and provide strong emotional uplift. (4)
The chemical structure of an essential oil is such that it can rapidly penetrate cell
membranes, travel throught the blood and tissues, and enhance cellular function. (4)
Dr. Gary Young, ND, observed two fundamental facts during his 20-year history in
using essential oils in his practice. First, he began to see that essential oils are very
potent, in some cases more potent than prescription drugs. Second, despite their
Concentration and strength, unlike prescription drugs, the essential oils generated
no negative side effects. (4)
Reflexology - What Is It?
For the Reflexologist, the feet are a microcosm of the human body and every organ
and body part is represented in the feet. Where there are two organs in the body
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Natural Holistic Health Blog - Keep Your Family Health Safely & Naturally
they will be represented on both feet, e.g. lungs and kidney and where there is only
one organ, this will be represented on one foot, e.g. the liver will be on the right foot
while the heart will be on the left. Where the organ or body part is reflected in the
feet, this is called the organ reflex, e.g. the heart reflex. (2)
Reflexology is the science or method of stimulating reflexes of the foot, hand or ear
that correspond to each gland, organ and part of the body. Stimulation of these
reflexes serves to relax and normalize all functions of the body in order to promote
a natural balance and revitalization. In ancient times, walking barefoot over rocks
and hard ground naturally stimulated these reflexes every day. (3)
By applying pressure on specific areas of the feet or hands, a reflexologist can
stimulate corresponding organs or glands. For instance, pressure is applied to the
big toe to affect the pituitary gland and the four other toes are stimulated to affect to
the brain, sinuses, eyes and ears. Because internal organs like the lungs and the
Kidneys can not be directly massaged, reflexologists believe that the feet, hands,
and ears are an appropriate alternative. (3)
The right foot represents the right side of the body as well as the past while the left
foot represents the left side of the body as well as the present and future. (2)
Reflexology - Principals
By stimulating reflexes on the feet, hands and body with a type of pressure
massage, the organs of the body are stimulated, thus allowing them to start
unblocking and healing themselves. In addition to this, the stimulation of these
reflexes allows the body to begin detoxing and eliminating poisons which have built
up through bad diet, thinking and habit. (3)
Reflexology can only be defined as a body, foot or hand massage that induces
relaxation and reduces Tension. This is essentially true. By inducing relaxation and
reducing Tension, the body is able to heal itself. (3)
Reflexology - History
Reflexology is known to be more than four
thousand years old. Paintings were
discovered showing a Reflexology
treatment in practice in about 2300 BC.
The Chinese were known to have used the
practice of Reflexology in earlier years in
conjunction with Acupuncture. (2)
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There is no way of tracing the true beginnings of Reflexology, however both the
Egyptians and the Chinese shared the same belief of the use of this treatment. (2)
Reflexology, as it is known in the West today, had its origins in the study of Zone
Therapy. This practice utilised the longitudinal lines of energy that run through the
body starting at the feet and moving up to the brain. In the early 20th Century Dr
William Fitzgerald spent time broadening his medical experience at various
hospitals. At a post in an American hospital where he was head of an ear, nose and
throat department, he brought to the attention of the medical world his research into
the ancient Chinese healing techniques. He had discovered that by applying
pressure to the feet he could bring about an increase in the functioning of other
parts of the body. (2)
By chance a Eunice Ingham, a physiotherapist at a hospital, overhead talk on Dr
Fitzgeralds findings and was immediately fascinated by his discoveries as to the
benefits brought about by Zone Therapy. (2)
In her practice at an orthopaedic hospital she introduced the practice of Zone
Therapy after post operative surgical procedures on her patients, noticing that it
speeded up the bodys natural healing and that they were able to move quicker
after the operation. Eunice Ingham introduced Zone Therapy or Reflexology as we
know it today. (2)
In 1930 Eunice Ingham started a private practice as a Reflexologist. She was
instrumental in writing the first book on Reflexology and was later to open a
teaching school dedicated specifically to train students in the practice of
Reflexology. Eunice Ingham dedicated forty years of her life to Reflexology but
sadly passed away in 1952. (2)
Reflexology - Benefits
Thousands of specific benefits have been reported from people who have received
reflexology sessions. The broad range of reported benefits can be divided into
several categories.
Stress reduction, profound relaxation, for all parts of the body,
Pain reduction and pain elimination, such as in the neck, shoulders, lower
back and jaw,
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Improved Circulation resulting in better oxygen and nutrient supply to all the
cells of the body,
Detoxification, improved organ and gland function,
Feeling better, greater productivity, enriched quality of life,
Normalization of body functions,
Prevention by reducing accumulated stress in the body before health
challenges develop,
Safe nurturing touch. (3)
Methodology - Combining Aromatherapy and Reflexology
When you combine
the practice of
Reflexology with the
use of essential oils,
both modalities
become more
effective than either
used alone.
Because reflex points are basically neural pathways to various body organs and
systems, the therapeutic effects of the oils are carried through the body to treat the
condition and through the reflex massage, Circulation to these organs and systems
is stimulated, unblocking vital energy pathways. This combination of effects - the
unblocking and stimulation of energy and Circulation together with the healing
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properties of the essential oils used - serves to better promote the bodys own
natural self-healing tendencies.
The ability of essential oils to act on both the mind and the body is what makes
them truly unique among natural therapeutic agents. The fragrance of an essential
oil can be very stimulating - both psychologically and physically. The fragrance of
other essential oils may be calming and sedating, helping to overcome anxiety or
hyperactivity. On a physiological level, essential oils may stimulate Immune
Function and regenerate damaged tissue. Essential oils may also combat infectious
disease by killing virusses, bacteria, and other pathogens. (4)
Probably the two most common methods of essential oil application are cold-air
diffusion and neat (undiluted) topical application. (4)

Combining the discipline of Reflexology with the application of essential oils
enhances the healing response and often produces amazing results that can not be
achieved by Reflexology or Aromatherapy alone. Just 1-3 drops of an essential oil
applied to a meridian or reflex point on the hand or the foot can produce results
within seconds to 1-2 minutes.
A technique which uses the principals of Reflexology in the application of essential
oils is a method of delivery which is exceptionally effective in delivering the benefits
of essential oils throughout the body. (4)
This method is based on a complete network of reflex points that stimulate all the
internal body systems. Essential oils are applied to contact points, and energy is
released through electrical impulses created by contact between the fingertips (or
Massage Tool) and reflex points. This electrical charge follows the nerve pathways
to a break or clog in the electrical circuit usually caused by Toxins, damaged
tissues, or loss of oxygen. As with Acupressure, there are hundreds of reflex points
throughout the body, encompassing the entire realm of body and mind, that are
capable of releasing many kinds of Tension, congestion, and imbalances. (4)
This application combination of Aromatherapy and Reflexology uses a rolling and
releasing motion to apply the essential oils to the appropriate reflex points and/or
areas. Use of a percussion instrument or other reflex tools are also effective
methods of stimulation application of an essential oil.
Combining the therapeutic properties of the appropriate essential oil(s), which are
absorbed into the body via the skin within minutes, with the energy and body
system stimulation of Reflexology massage, the practitioner can frequently expect
far more dramatic results in much less time than with the use of either healing
modality alone.
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Case History #1 - 14 year old female
Brief medical history: K was 35 week gestational baby who was born with an
enlarged heart, a heart murmur and one immature lung. She was on heart/
breathing monitors for the first year of her life. She had frequent bouts of
pneumonia (average of once monthly) until she was 4 years old. At age 8 she was
diagnosed with Cough Variant Asthma - a type of Asthma that is characterized by
violent, sustained coughing due to spasms in the upper bronchial tubes. Whenever
K suffered from any type of respiratory ailment - even the common cold - she would
invariably end up in what physicians termed an Acute Asthma Phase.
These phases resulted in numerous trips to the emergency room and
hospitalizations - intravaneous infusions of broncho-dialators, antihistamines and
nebulizer treatments. She was put on the prescription medications Singulair and
Advair at age 10 to attempt to prevent the frequent acute Asthma phases and
attacks. By age 12, K was continuing to experience at least bi-monthly attacks
resulting in hospitalization.
Reflexology/Aromatherapy Treatment Begins: Treatments of reflexology began on
K (at age 12), concentrating on the respiratory and lymphatic reflexes in both her
feet and her hands. Also used during the reflexology treatments was an oil blend
composed of the oils: Ravensara, Eucalyptus, Pine, Myrtle, Cypress and
The essential oil blend was also administered via direct inhalation and topical
application to bronchial area on the chest.
Improvement in Ks condition was nearly immediate. After approximately six months
of 3 x weekly Reflexology/Aromatherapy treatments, K showed marked
improvement in breathing, stamina and overall health. She has not suffered another
Asthma attack severe enough to require medical intervention since the
commencement of the afore-mentioned treatments. She was able to go off of her
medication within 6 months of these treatments beginning and has remained off of
all medication to date. She receives weekly maintenance reflexology treatment with
the use of essential oils coming into play if there is any sign of respiratory illness.
During a recent bout of Croup at age 14.5, K was aggressively treated with the oil
blend and a combination of manual reflexology foot stimulation and percussion foot
stimulation. She was over her illness within 72 hours without having to use her
rescue inhaler at all. That was a first for K in her lifetime.
Case History #2 - 40 year old female
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Natural Holistic Health Blog - Keep Your Family Health Safely & Naturally
Brief medical history: D had suffered from debilitating Migraine Headaches since
the age of 13. Medical intervention resulted in the use of prescription drugs such as
Fioronal, Ibuprofen and Hydrocodone. After experiencing a severe allergic reaction
to a hydrocodone medication, D refused further prescription medication and instead
relied on the practice of reflexology and over-the-counter pain medications.
The Migraines included symptoms of dizziness, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light
and considerable pain in the back of the head and forehead. Reflexology, if used
early enough in the headache, could stem the pain, but didnt completely relieve the
Reflexology/Aromatherapy treatment begins: At age 39, D began combining the
reflexology stimulation on both hand and foot reflexes corresponding to head, eyes,
sinuses and digestion, with an aromatherapy essential oil blend of Peppermint,
Basil, Marjoram, and Helichrysum.
This blend is also administered via direct inhalation and topical application to the
temples, behind the ears and throat area.
The addition of the essential oil blend to the reflexology stimulation resulted in total
abatement of the Migraine symptoms within 20 minutes as well as the ability to
completely prevent a full-blown Migraine if the technique was used at the first sign
of a headache. Weekly prophylactic reflexology treatments have proven effective
with no recurrence of Headaches for the past 5 months.
Case History #3 - 15 year old female
Brief medical history: J experienced difficult menstrual cycles beginning at age 12,
characterized by Migraine Headaches, cramping and nausea. Over-the-counter
medications seemed to provide no relief and frequent visits to the emergency room
resulted in injections of narcotics to relieve the Migraine pain.
Reflexology/Aromatherapy treatment begins: At age 13, J began a regimen of reflex
stimulation to both hand and foot reflexes corresponding to the endocrine glands
(with special Concentration on the sex gland reflexes), the head/brain, eyes, sinus
and digestive reflexes. Oil blends were rotated during treatments, one blend for the
Migraine symptoms and one for the cramping and other symptoms of premenstural
The Migraine blend included the oils of: Peppermint, Basil, Marjoram, Helichrysum.
This blend was also administered via direct inhalation and topical application to
temples, behind ears and throat area.
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The premenstrual symptom blend contained the oils: Clary Sage, Marjoram,
Fennel, Sage, Jasmine.
This blend was also administered via massage into Js abdomen during bouts of
This combination therapy has proven very effective for J and she has not had to
miss school since age 13.5 due to Migraine or PMS symptoms - she is now age
15.5. Weekly prophylactic reflexology treatments are given. These treatments are
combined with the essential oil blends during the time period immediately before
the start of her menstrual cycle each month.
Combining reflexology and aromatherapy speeds the healing process in the body.
The aromatherapy calms, revitalizes or stimulates and the reflexology balances the
energy in the body.
For a healthy body everything must function in harmony. Reflexology can be used
as a tune up by reducing Tension and calming the mind. By reducing Tension and
calming the mind we are then free to think our best thoughts, work longer hours
with greater clarity especially with difficult tasks and come up with our best ideas.
Reflexology and aromatherapy combined, speeds up healing as it increases blood
Circulation, stimulates the body and makes the client feel refreshed, vital and
From the research, as well as from my own experiences as shown by the three
case histories, I am confident in asserting that combining the healing modalities of
Aromatherapy and Reflexology is not only more effective than either modality used
alone, but in the cases Ive worked with, it has proven more effective, without the
rash of negative side effects, than allopathic treatments and medication.
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The Efficacy of Combining Aromatherapy and Reflexology
Aromatherapy massage confers health benefits
Massage that
includes the
application of
fragrant essential oils
reduces anxiety and
stress and is
beneficial to the
immune system,
according to recent
Immunological and Psychological Benefits of Aromatherapy Massage was
conducted by staff at the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine.
The study group comprised eleven volunteers who were healthy and did not take
any daily medication. Baselines were established using psychological assessments,
blood and saliva samples, and palmar Galvanic skin response (GSR), finger skin
temperature and finger plethysmogram amplitude using a biofeedback system.
Subjects were then placed in reclining seats and allowed to rest. Then they
performed a serial subtraction task, and rested again while experimenters
monitored their physiological response.

After that, the subjects took a footbath with one drop of tea tree oil and received an
aromatherapy massage or control massage. Psychological and physiological
conditions were then measured again.
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Don't forget, if you'd like to learn Aromatherapy, Reflexology or ReflexAromatherapy (the combination of the two)
for use in a therapy or professional setting, please visit the Alternative Healing Academy
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All subjects received both an aromatherapy massage and a carrier oil control
massage at an interval of at least 2 weeks. The first five subjects received the
aromatherapy massage before the carrier oil massage. The other six subjects
received the carrier oil massage first.
Each subject received the same massage with or without essential oils by the same
skilled therapist. For the aromatherapy massage, sweet almond, lavender, sweet
marjoram and cypress oils were used. For the control massage, only sweet almond
oil was used.
Psychological responses to treatment were assessed in State-Trait Anxiety
Inventory (STAI) and Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS) results. State anxiety
scores from the STAI were significantly reduced after both aromatherapy massage
and control massage compared with the baseline. Though both STAI and SDS
showed a significant reduction after treatment with aromatherapy and carrier
massage, no difference between the aromatherapy and control massage was
observed for STAI and SDS.
Peripheral blood cell counts were compared.
Aromatherapy, in contrast to control massage, did not significantly reduce red blood
cell count or hematocrit. However, aromatherapy massage showed a significant
increase in peripheral blood lymphocytes.
The studys authors state, These results suggest that aromatherapy massage is a
valuable relaxation technique for reducing anxiety and stress, and beneficial to the
immune system.
Source: Department of Microbiology, Department of Psychiatry andDepartment of
Epidemiology for Community Health and Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of
Medicine Japan; Graduate School of Science for Human Services, Ritsumeikan
University Japan; and Department of Research and Development, Hyper Plants
Co., Ltd Japan. Originally published in Evidence-based Complementary and
Alternative Medicine, 2005 Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 179184.
Effectiveness of Aromatherapy Massage in the Management of Anxiety and
Depression in Patients With Cancer: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled
Susie M. Wilkinson, Sharon B. Love, Alex M. Westcombe, Maureen A. Gambles,
Caroline C. Burgess, Anna Cargill, Teresa Young, E. Jane Maher, Amanda J.
From the Marie Curie Palliative Care Research
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Unit, Royal Free and University College
Medical School, Department of Mental Health
Sciences, Cancer Research UK London
Psychosocial Group, Institute of Psychiatry,
Kings College London, London; Lynda Jackson
Macmillan Centre, Mount Vernon Cancer
Centre, Middlesex; and Cancer Research UK
Medical Statistics Group, Centre for Statistics in
Medicine, Oxford, United Kingdom
Purpose: To test the effectiveness of
supplementing usual supportive care with
aromatherapy massage in the management of
anxiety and depression in cancer patients
through a pragmatic two-arm randomized
controlled trial in four United Kingdom cancer centers and a hospice.
Patients and Methods: Two hundred eighty-eight cancer patients, referred to
complementary therapy services with clinical anxiety and/or depression, were
allocated randomly to a course of aromatherapy massage or usual supportive care
Results: Patients who received aromatherapy massage had no significant
improvement in clinical anxiety and/or depression compared with those receiving
usual care at 10 weeks postrandomization (odds ratio [OR], 1.3; 95% CI, 0.9 to 1.7;
P = .1), but did at 6 weeks postrandomization (OR, 1.4; 95% CI, 1.1 to 1.9; P = .01).
Patients receiving aromatherapy massage also described greater improvement in
self-reported anxiety at both 6 and 10 weeks postrandomization (OR, 3.4; 95% CI,
0.2 to 6.7; P = .04 and OR, 3.4; 95% CI, 0.2 to 6.6; P = .04), respectively.
Conclusion: Aromatherapy massage does not appear to confer benefit on cancer
patients anxiety and/or depression in the long-term, but is associated with clinically
important benefit up to 2 weeks after the intervention.
Supported by Cancer Research UK, Marie Curie Cancer Care, Macmillan Cancer
Support, and Dimbleby Cancer Care.
Evaluating Effects of Aromatherapy Massage on Sleep in Children with
Autism: A Pilot Study
Previous studies have found beneficial effects of aromatherapy massage for
agitation in people with dementia, for pain relief and for poor sleep. Children with
autism often have sleep difficulties, and it was thought that aromatherapy massage
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might enable more rapid sleep onset, less sleep disruption and longer sleep
duration. Twelve children with autism and learning difficulties (2 girls and 10 boys
aged between 12 years 2 months to 15 years 7 months) in a residential school
participated in a within subjects repeated measures design: 3 nights when the
children were given aromatherapy massage with lavender oil were compared with
14 nights when it was not given.
The children were checked every 30 min throughout the night to determine the time
taken for the children to settle to sleep, the number of awakenings and the sleep
duration. One boy's data were not analyzed owing to lengthy absence. Repeated
measures analysis revealed no differences in any of the sleep measures between
the nights when the children were given aromatherapy massage and nights when
the children were not given aromatherapy massage. The results suggest that the
use of aromatherapy massage with lavender oil has no beneficial effect on the
sleep patterns of children with autism attending a residential school. It is possible
that there are greater effects in the home environment or with longer-term
What is the Evidence for Aromatherapy?
A recent review of the evidence for sensory stimulation in dementia care suggests
that aromatherapy with lemon balm or lavender oil decreases agitation in patients
with dementia (1). In other populations there are anecdotal reports of the
effectiveness of aromatherapy in calming people with autistic spectrum disorders
(2) and helping people sleep (3) and relax (4), although a systematic review of the
field found little satisfactory evidence for the claims (5). Nevertheless, one of the
review authors claimed that there was good evidence for a relaxing effect (6).
The situation is complicated by the fact that aromatherapy is often delivered as a
massage, and research studies have not identified clearly which is the active
ingredient (7,
beneficial effects in chronic pain and situations where muscle relaxation is required
(9). In an experimental study published last year, Kuriyama and co-workers were
unable to identify psychological effects of aroma over that of the massage alone,
but did find physiological effects of aromatic oils over and above that of the carrier
oil massage (9). In this investigation we sought to demonstrate the effects of an
aromatherapy massage.
How could Aromatherapy Massage help Children with Autism?
Children with autism have problems establishing a regular diurnal pattern and in
remaining asleep through the night (1113). Some of these difficulties may be
owing to over arousal or agitation. Given the effects of aromatherapy massage in
dementia and the wider claims of the effects of aromatherapy on sleep and arousal,
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8). Trials of massage interventions alone have clearly established
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we sought to examine whether aromatherapy massage enabled an improved sleep
pattern in children with autism. During waking hours the behavior of children with
autism is characterized by repetitive activities such as stereotyped behavior, which
are thought to be the result of non-optimal levels (over and under arousal) of
arousal. The putative mode of action of aromatherapy would be that it enabled an
arousal level closer to the optimal, and hence, made sleep both easier to achieve
and to maintain. The aims of the study were therefore to examine whether
aromatherapy delivered through massage resulted in faster sleep onset, longer
sleep durations or fewer sleep interruptions.
Participants All 12 children (2 girls and 10 boys) aged between 12 years 2 months
to 15 years 7 months (mean age 14 years 1 month) from one unit of a residential
school for children with autism were selected as participants for a trial of
aromatherapy. The school checks diagnoses of autism against DSM-IV criteria
before the children are admitted. One boy had a diagnosis of Down's syndrome in
addition to the diagnosis of autism. One girl was on carbamazepine and topiramate
for control of her epilepsy and one of the boys was taking risperidone for control of
behavior. All the children had severe learning difficulties and exhibited multiple
repetitive behaviors. No children in the unit were excluded from entry to the trial,
and the medication taken by the children did not change during the trial.
All the children lived in one residential unit of the school from Sunday to Thursday
night inclusive. Only three of the children remained at the school for any of the
Friday and Saturday nights during the study. Owing to these small numbers it has
not been possible to estimate the effect of remaining for the weekend. Each child
slept in a separate bedroom. Although 12 children were considered as participants
for the trial, one became ill before the trial and remained at home for 10 of the
possible 17 nights. His data has therefore been excluded from the analysis.
A within subjects design was used. Aromatherapy massage was administered on
Thursday nights. The period of the study was 24 days, beginning on the first night
of the term and finishing after three administrations of aromatherapy. The first night
of the study was a Tuesday night, and aromatherapy was provided on the second,
third and fourth Thursday nights. This corresponds to an ABABAB design in which
the A refers to nights when no aromatherapy was provided, and B refers to those
nights when aromatherapy was provided. Nights without aromatherapy can be
regarded as baseline nights. The design does carry with it the risk of improvements
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in sleep over time (a shifting baseline) if the effects of aromatherapy are cumulative.
An experienced and trained aromatherapist delivered the aromatherapy as a foot
and leg massage using 2% lavender oil in grapeseed oil on three separate
evenings during the study period at the school. The timing of each child's
aromatherapy was variable owing to other activities undertaken by the child, but
was always in the last 2 h before going to bed. All the children were free to leave
the aromatherapy sessions, although none did so. In order to accustom the children
to aromatherapy massage, it had been used as a leisure activity at various times
during the school day in the previous term. This ceased once the trial started. Thus,
the intervention was not anxiety provoking for them.
Sleep onset, sleep duration and wakings from sleep are routinely recorded by
waking night staff who checks each child every 30 min throughout the night from 9
p.m. to 6 a.m. Sleep onset time is the time at which the children were first recorded
as being asleep. Sleep duration was calculated as the difference between the time
the children were first recorded as being asleep and the time the children woke up
minus the time periods the children were awake. The number of wakings from sleep
was identified from the sleep records. Consecutive records of being awake were
counted as a single waking.
Complete data were available for 11
children. The analyses reported below
are for Sunday through Thursday
nights of 3 weeks. Data from 17
nights of a possible 24 nights were
examined, of which 3 nights included
aromatherapy massage as part of the
evening schedule. From the 24
possible nights, 3 Fridays and
Saturdays were excluded because
only 3 children stayed for those
nights; a further one night was
excluded from analysis because 2
children had been at home on that
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There was little variability in the
average time the children fell asleep.
The children fell asleep on average
between 10:30 p.m. and 11:15 p.m. A repeated measures analysis of variance
comparing nights with and without aromatherapy revealed that there was no night
with a statistically significant different sleep onset time (GreenhouseGeisser
corrected F = 1.27; df = 4.15, 41.5; P = 0.30). There was however a significant
participant effect suggesting that there were systematic differences in the times at
which individual children fell asleep (F = 59.83; df = 1, 10; P < 0.001; meansleep
onset time range 9:30 p.m. and 11:40 p.m.)

In total only 22 sleep interruptions were recorded. Seven of the children slept
through all the nights without any interruptions. Of the four remaining children, there
were between 0.11 and 0.5 interruptions per night (i.e. between one awakening
every nine nights and one every other night). There were no significant differences
between the nights with and without aromatherapy (Friedman test 2 = 20.19; df =
16; P = 0.21).
The length of time the children were asleep was also subject to a repeated
measures analysis of variance which showed that there was no significant
difference between the nights with and without aromatherapy (F = 0.59; df = 16,
160; P = 0.89). The children slept on average between 7.25.and 8.25 h per night.
There was however a statistically significant child effect suggesting that different
children had significantly different sleep durations (F = 1411.4; df = 1, 10; P <
0.001). The average number of hours slept per child ranged between 6.85 and 8.88
The results show that there were no statistically significant differences in the time
the children went to sleep, the number of times they woke in the night and the
length of time the children slept that could be ascribed to the aromatherapy
massage. It was well tolerated by the children. Each child's sleep pattern seemed to
be stable although there were marked inter-individual differences in both the
duration of sleep and the sleep onset time. In summary, where children with autism
and severe learning difficulties sleep well, aromatherapy massage does not appear
to offer benefits for sleep patterns.
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Limitations of the Study
A better study would have allowed for evaluation of the introduction of the
intervention. Our results also suggest that the sample size may have been too small
to detect a significant effect. Power calculations suggest that for an increase in
sleep duration of 30 min, a sample of 160 children would need to be recruited.
Alternatively, aromatherapy would need to produce an increase in sleep duration of
about 1 h 6 min to reach a power of 0.80 at the 0.05 significance level.
Our estimates of effect sizes may however have been skewed by the relatively
good sleep pattern the children showed. While it is possible that a more sensitive
measure of sleep would enable smaller effects on sleep to be detected, the inter-
and intra-individual variability is so great that this seems unlikely.
Does this Study Agree with Others on Aromatherapy Massage?
This study offers evidence on the effects of aromatherapy massage on sleep
patterns in children with comorbid learning disabilities and autism. To our
knowledge this article represents the first attempt to evaluate the effects of
aromatherapy massage on the sleep of people with autistic spectrum disorders. It
differs from previous studies by virtue of considering sleep. A previous study with
adults with learning disabilities similarly noted little change in communication skills,
as a result of the use of aromatherapy massage (14). In contrast, the literature on
agitation in the elderly suggests that there are benefits of the combined
aromatherapy massage procedure, although these may not extend to pure
aromatherapy [i.e. administration of the oil without massage or skin contact (8)].
These results are concordant with the systematic review of aromatherapy
interventions reported by Cooke and Ernst (5). They concluded that the effects on
anxiety were small and transient, but cautioned that the trials were conducted with
participants for whom conventional anxiolytic treatment was not warranted.
Similarly, the sleep patterns of the participants in this study did not warrant the use
of medication. Indeed, the sleep pattern of the children is better than that of children
in the community studied using actigraphic measures (13). The children in this
study went to sleep at about the same time as the sleepless group in Wiggs and
Stores (13), but showed rather less waking in the night. It might be better, therefore,
to research aromatherapy massage in community samples where sleep problems
are more prevalent.
What are Future Concerns for Analyses of Aromatherapy?
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The fact that the children tolerated the aromatherapy massage suggests that further
investigations of aromatherapy massage could be undertaken with this group.
Future studies will have to take into account general concerns about the most
appropriate design for a trial of aromatherapy massage. Any treatment that involves
bodily contact cannot easily be subject to a double blind trial because the recipient
will inevitably be aware that they are being touched. The materials used also leave
traces on the skin of the recipient, and the aromatic constituent is easily detected.
In order to ensure adequate blinding of the assessors, video or automated data
gathering methods (e.g. actimeters, which are small devices the size of a wrist
watch) would be useful.
Alternatively, researchers might wish to consider the possibility of separating the
aromatherapy and massage constituents of this intervention, since lavender oil mist
has already been shown to have beneficial effects on agitation in the elderly (8) and
there is some research showing better immune responses when aromatic essential
oils are added to massage procedures. There may be a priori reasons for
considering that some types of touch or aroma are non-therapeutic for this
population, which would enable a comparative trial of different types of touch or
Some consideration should also be given to the possibility that this population might
choose to have aromatherapy massage because it is a pleasant sensation
regardless of its effects on sleep, behavior or learning. Further trials should
therefore consider the implications for the quality of life of the participants, by
measuring behavioral disturbances, learning or quality of life in this population.
Finally, consideration should be given to the optimum duration of the intervention.
The use of an ABABAB design requires both that aromatherapy has a rapid mode
of action and that it does not continue to have effects for more than a few hours
after it was administered. Support for this assertion comes from studies on sleep in
the elderly (15) and joint attention in children with autism (16). However, one study
has reported effects lasting several days for anxiety in children with autism (16). A
further risk is that the effect of aromatherapy is cumulative, and becomes evident
only after several administrations.
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1. Burns A, Byrne J, Ballard C, Holmes C. Sensory stimulation in dementia: an
effective option for managing behavioural problems. Br Med J. 2002;325:13123.
2. Ellwood, J. Aromatherapy and autism. Available at:
uk/aromatherapy_and_autism.htm (last accessed 1 July 2005).
3. McCutcheon, L. What's that I smell? The claims of aromatherapy. Skeptical
Inquirer May 1996. Available at: (last
accessed 1 July 2005).
4. Maddocks-Jennings W, Wilkinson JM. Aromatherapy practice in nursing:
literature review. J Adv Nurs. 2004;48:93103.
5. Cooke B, Ernst E. Aromatherapy: a systematic review. Br J Gen Pract.
6. Ernst E. The role of complementary and alternative medicine. Br Med J.
7. Holmes C, Hopkins V, Hensford C, MacLaughlin V, Wilkinson D, Rosenvinge H.
Lavender oil as a treatment for agitated behaviour in severe dementia: a placebo
controlled study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2002;17:3058.
8. Snow AL, Hovanec L, Brandt J. A controlled trial of aromatherapy for agitation in
nursing home patients with dementia. J Altern Complement Med. 2004;10:4317.
9. Fellows D, Barnes K, Wilkinson S. Aromatherapy and massage for symptom
relief in patients with cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004 CD002287.
10. Kuriyama H, Watanabe S, Nakaya T, Shigemori I, Kita M, Yoshida N, et al.
Immunological and psychological benefits of aromatherapy massage. Evid Based
Complement Alternat Med. 2005;2:17984.
11. Diomedi M, Curatolo P, Scalise A, Placidi F, Caretto F, Gigli GL. Sleep
abnormalities in mentally retarded autistic subjects: Down's syndrome with mental
retardation and normal subjects. Brain Dev. 1999;21:54853.
12. Patzold LM, Richdale AL, Tonge BJ. An investigation into sleep characteristics
of children with autism and Asperger's Disorder. J Paediatr Child Health.
13. Wiggs L, Stores G. Sleep patterns and sleep disorders in children with autistic
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spectrum disorders: insights using parent report and actigraphy. Dev Med Child
Neurol. 2004;46:37280.
14. Lindsay WR, Black E, Broxholme S, Pitcaithly D, Hornsby N. Effects of four
therapy procedures on communication in people with profound intellectual
disabilities. J Appl Res in Intellect Disabil. 2001;14:1109.
15. Connell FEA, Tan G, Gupta I, Gompertz P, Bennett GCJ, Herzberg JL. Can
aromatherapy promote sleep in elderly hospitalized patients. J Can Geriatr Soc.
16. Solomons S. Using aromatherapy massage to increase shared attention
behaviours in children with autistic spectrum disorders and severe learning
difficulties. Br J Spec Educ. 2005;32:137.
17. Wilkinson S, Aldridge J, Salmon I, Cain E, Wilson B. An evaluation of
aromatherapy massage in palliative care. Palliat Med. 1999;13:40917.
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Untitled Document
Nutrition is the 1st Step to Good
About Omega 3 - What Are They?
Omega 3 capsules can provide the essential fatty acids that your body needs, as these important
nutrients are often depleted in many of the foods we eat. However it is important to find a high
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Through a long and rich history of scientific inquiry, both dietary and supplemental sources of
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What are Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

The three omega 3 fatty acids are called ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid),
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converted in the body to EPA and later to DHA, both vital nutrients in the healthy function of the
brain and cardiovascular system. Omega 3 pills contain various combinations of these three, but
not all combinations are equally beneficial because this conversion process is in general very

Omega 3 oils containing only ALA, like flaxseed oil supplements, are therefore not as effective in
increasing the amount of EPA and DHA available to the body. Omega 3 supplements that
provide EPA and DHA directly, in particular those containing oils from fatty fish like tuna and
salmon, are not dependent on the conversion of ALA and may therefore provide the maximum
benefits of supplementation.

The omega 3s are one of the two types of essential fatty acids (EFAs) that are absolutely
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necessary but cannot be synthesized in the body. EFAs are used in the formation and function of
cellular membranes, and in the manufacture of hormone-like molecules that influence and
regulate vital body processes, including heart rate, blood pressure, and immune response.

The second of the EFAs needed for all these processes are the omega-6 fatty acids, and some
omega 3 capsules contain supplemental quantities of omega-6 as well. It is generally suggested
that these supplements not be used, since our dietary intake of omega-6 fatty acids already far
exceeds that of the omega 3s (mostly because of an increase in our consumption of processed
vegetable oils). Because ALA has to compete with the primary omega-6 fatty acid for the same
enzymes in its conversion to EPA and DHA, such an imbalance in the relative concentrations of
the two EFAs can result in EPA and DHA levels that are insufficient to maintain normal body

What are the best supplements?

Omega 3 pills containing natural triglycerides from fish oils are the most common sources of
EPA and DHA. Care should be taken when purchasing these fish oil supplements, since they can
vary greatly in their taste and digestibility, and they are not required to undergo a strict
purification process to remove mercury and other contaminants like PCBs.

If you are looking for high quality omega 3 capsules then take a look at Omega 3 DHA Esters, a
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Take a look at this special product and discover how omega 3 oils can improve your health today!
What are antioxidants?
The benefits of antioxidants have been the subject of thousands of studies in recent years due to
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concentrations of antioxidants are present in many herbal supplements, which is why herbal
supplements have become so popular.
Antioxidants are one of the many protective compounds found in plants, known as
phytochemicals. The main function of antioxidants is to neutralize free radicals in the body,
thought to be the cause of premature aging, heart disease and cancer.

Free radicals are highly reactive byproducts of chemical processes in the body. They produce
harmful oxidation that can damage the integrity of cells and body tissues.

With so many outside forces influencing the amount of free radicals in the body (exposure to
sun, smoke pollution, harmful bacteria, cholesterol-laden foods) it is now more important than
ever to make sure your body has the benefits of antioxidants it needs to fight disease.

Antioxidants scavenge these free radicals in the body, and research has shown that this
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wards off disease and promotes general well being.

Where are antioxidants found?

Our bodies produce their own antioxidants, but as we get older our ability to produce
antioxidants weakens. Antioxidants are found naturally in fruits and vegetables. Vitamins such
as Vitamin C and Vitamin E have antioxidant properties.

Herbs contain powerful antioxidants which are often more powerful than many

That is one of reasons why herbal supplements have become so popular. The benefits of
antioxidants in herbs have been studied extensively and have shown impressive results.

Herbs with the benefits of antioxidants

Turmeric - contains the potent antioxidant curcumin, which helps fight free radicals in the liver
and aids in digestion.

Hawthorn - contains OPC's, powerful antioxidants that strengthen the heart muscle and blood

Ginkgo Biloba - contains extremely powerful flavonoids that increase circulation to the brain,
attributing to increased mental awareness and memory. Also protects the ears and eyes and
promotes blood circulation to the lower legs.

Green Tea - contains OPC's which protect the heart and circulatory system, contributing to
overall well-being.

Red Clover - the extract contains four anti-tumor compounds and the strong antioxidant
tocopherol, a form of Vitamin E.

Bilberry - its powerful antioxidant compounds, called anthocyanosides, help with eye problems
such as cataracts and poor night vision.

What's the best source of antioxidants?

Should you take all of these herbs with the benefits of antioxidants separately or
together in one comprehensive formula?

We recommend that you take these herbs together if possible for many reasons:

1. Taking each herb separately could prove very costly as you would have to buy many different

2. Mixing and matching herbs on your own could be dangerous to your health.

3. Many herbs working together can offer more therapeutic benefits, often better than a single
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herb on its own.

4. All of these nutrients have to be balanced perfectly in order to be optimally effective.

We have found a nutritional product that contains all of these powerful antioxidants in a
synergized comprehensive formula. The product is called Total Balance, and we have made it our
core nutritional product. It is made up of all natural herbs, vitamins, minerals and nutrients with
the benefits of antioxidants and other therapeutic properties.

We researched the company that makes this natural formula and have found that they adhere to
strict GMP compliance, which are the highest manufacturing standards in the world. This
ensures the quality and effectiveness of the ingredients.

Also, they only use standardized herbal extracts, the purest herbal extracts with the highest
quality and therapeutic benefits.

All of the ingredients in Total Balance are supported with a Certificate of Analysis (COA)
which guarantees their potency and safety.

Lastly, all of the nutritional products are formulated by a highly trained, highly
credentialed scientific team that can blend these ingredients perfectly to ensure that they do
not interact adversely and offer the maximum benefits to your body.

Many of our editors and visitors have experienced success with Total Balance. They have used
Total Balance for the benefits of antioxidants as well as its many other therapeutic benefits.
Supplementing Your Immune System
A high quality immune system supplement can ensure that your body has the vitamins, minerals,
antioxidants and other vital nutrients it needs to fight off illness and maintain optimal health.

Many of us are nutrient-deprived due to poor dietary habits, coupled with the fact that many of
the foods we eat are depleted of nutrients by the time they arrive on store shelves.

A lack of essential nutrients can have a serious negative impact on the strength and
functioning of our immune systems, rendering us susceptible to any number of illnesses.

That's why millions of people take an immune boosting supplement to keep themselves
healthy, strong, and disease-free.

Of course it is important to eat a well-balanced diet and exercise regularly to maintain your
health. Also avoiding smoking, excessive alcohol and exposure to stress and harmful toxins will
keep your immune system strong.

An immune system supplement can also be part of your general wellness regimen. Not only can
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it build your body's defense against all types of infections and diseases, it can also
increase cardiovascular function, maintain digestive health and bolster the nervous system.

Where can you find an immune boosting supplement?

There are a number of supplements on the market these days, but many of them are subpar. In
fact, some of these products do not contain any therapeutic ingredients, despite what it says on
the bottle!

That's why it's important to find a high quality immune system supplement, one with vitamins,
minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients that have been proven to boost the immune system
and promote general health.

One of the most promising immune system supplements we have come across is called Viral-
Protec, which contains a broad spectrum of therapeutic nutrients to fortify the immune

This special supplement has a number of specialty ingredients, all of which have been clinically
shown to provide a host of health benefits to the body.

If you are interested in immune boosting supplements, you might want to take a look at Viral-
Protec, an immunity supplement formulated by a well-regarded natural health company.
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Essential Oil Profiles

Essential oils are liquids that have been distilled from the leaves, stems, flowers,
bark, roots or other parts of a plant. Though they're referred to as oils, they're
actually not oily at all rather, they're usually clear, though some do have a
slight amber or yellow color. Aromatherapy treatments use these oils to relieve a
number of common ailments, and because the oils are highly concentrated, a
little bit goes a long way. Below is a list of some of some essential oil some
properties, aromas and uses.
Aroma: sweet, reminiscent of licorice
Properties and uses: Aids muscle aches, respiratory problems
Balsam Peru
Aroma: Fresh and earthy
Properties and uses: soothes chapped or chafed skin
Aroma: sweet, reminiscent of licorice
Properties and uses: refreshes and invigorates body and mind; good for
Aroma: citrus, a little floral
Properties and uses: Relaxes and uplifts, good for depression, good for
oily or blemished skin
Aroma: sweet and spicy
Properties and uses: Refreshes, good for stress
Carrot Seed
Aroma: earthy, woody
Properties and uses: tones mature skin
Cedarwood, Atlas
Alternative Healing Academy
for use in a therapy or professional setting, please visit the Alternative Healing Academy
Don't forget, if you'd like to learn Aromatherapy, Reflexology or ReflexAromatherapy (the combination of the two)
Natural Holistic Health Blog - Keep Your Family Health Safely & Naturally
Aroma: sweet and woody, a little bit of camphor
Properties and uses: Respiratory problems, oily skin, hair products
Aroma: sweet and fruity
Properties and uses: soothing effect on body and mind
Aroma: a little peppery and spicy
Properties and uses: Stress, rheumatism, arthritis
Clary Sage
Aroma: nutty and earthy
Properties and uses: Soothes, relaxes away stress
Clove Bud
Aroma: warm but bitter
Properties and uses: Good for tooth aches and respiratory problems
Aroma: sweet and spicy, a little fruity
Properties and uses: Good for muscle aches and arthritis
Aroma: smoky, reminiscent of evergreens
Properties and uses: Natural deodorant, good for treating perspiration and
menstrual cramps
Aroma: sweet and a little earthy
Properties and uses: Calms, soothes, good for digestive problems
Aroma: fresh but a little medicinal, slightly earthy
Properties and uses: Respiratory problems, immune system boosting,
tension reducer
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Aroma: sweet, licorice-like Properties and uses: Good for cellulite,
Aroma: rich, spicy, woody
Properties and uses: slows down breathing and helps respiratory
problems, good for caring for mature skin
Aroma: flowery and very fresh
Properties and uses: good balance for women's hormones, skin care
Aroma: spicy and earthy
Properties and uses: Excellent for aching muscles and nausea
Aroma: fresh, slightly bitter citrus
Properties and uses: Good toning effect on skin, treatment of cellulite
Juniper Berry
Aroma: crisp, refreshing, earthy
Properties and uses: good for digestive system, helps with overeating and
obesity, gout, rheumatism
Aroma: very floral, sweet
Properties and uses: Relaxing, and also useful in treating wounds, burns,
and skin care
Aroma: fresh and citrusy
Properties and uses: Very uplifting, yet relaxing. Helpful in treating wounds,
infections, and house cleaning and deodorizing.
Aroma: lemony sweet aroma
Properties and uses: excellent astringent and deodorant
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Aroma: sweet, woody odor
Properties and uses: comforts, relaxes, good for general aches and pains
Aroma: Rich and smoky
Properties and uses: good for respiratory problems, mouth and gum
Aroma: spicy, sweet and woody
Properties and uses: muscle aches, poor circulation, slow digestion
Orange, Sweet
Aroma: fresh and citrusy
Properties and uses: colds, slow digestion, stress
Aroma: musky and very earthy
Properties and uses: skin problems, stress
Aroma: minty and fresh
Properties and uses: good for headaches and digestive problems like
indigestion and flatulence.
Pine, Scotch
Aroma: Fresh and woody
Properties and uses: respiratory problems
Aroma: very floral
Properties and uses: depression, stress, eczema
Aroma: herbaceous and sweet, a little medicinal
Properties and uses: Very good for muscle aches and tension.
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Aroma: floral and sweet
Properties and uses: colds, infections, dry skin, frigidity
Aroma: woody
Properties and uses: tension, depression, respiratory problems
Aroma: minty, vaguely fruity aroma
Properties and uses: digestive and respiratory problems
Aroma: fresh and woody, sweet
Properties and uses: respiratory problems, depression
Aroma: sweet and citrusy
Properties and uses: soothing, calming, good for digestive system
Aroma: sweet, fresh herbal smell
Properties and uses: muscle aches, colds and immune system problems
Violet Leaf
Aroma: green and earthy, floral
Properties and uses: respiratory problems, poor circulation, stress
Ylang Ylang
Aroma: very strong, sweet, floral smell
Properties and uses: encourages relaxation; antidepressant
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The following tables consist of information taken from various sources
which have been said to help with the corresponding ailments. We in no
way endorse these as claims but rather as educational resources from
historical use.
In no way is this information meant to replace the professional treatment of
a health care practitioner and is not meant for self-diagnosis. If you have any
problems we recommend that you see your health care professional before
embarking on any self-help treatments. Serene Aromatherapy will not be
liable for what you do with this information.
Physical Well Being
References to cinnamon and cloves is for diffuser only

EO Name

Tea Tree

Bay Laurel, Black Pepper, Clary Sage,
Coriander, Eucalyptus, Fir Needle,
Frankincense, Geranium, German
Chamomile, Ginger, J uniper Berry, Lavender,
Marjoram-Sweet, Peppermint, Roman
Chamomile, Rosemary, Vetivert

Air Freshener/

Bergamot, Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, Fir needle,
Geranium, J uniper Berry, Lavender, Lemon,
Marjoram-Sweet, Orange, Peppermint,

Alternative Healing Academy
for use in a therapy or professional setting, please visit the Alternative Healing Academy
Don't forget, if you'd like to learn Aromatherapy, Reflexology or ReflexAromatherapy (the combination of the two)
Natural Holistic Health Blog - Keep Your Family Health Safely & Naturally





Palmarosa, Vetivert
Anti Staph

Eucalyptus Citriodora



Lemon, Marjoram-Sweet

Bergamot, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Clove,
Coriander, Cypress, Geranium, Grapefruit,
J uniper Berry, Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass,
Niaouli, Orange, Palmarosa, Patchouli,
Petitgrain, Pine, Rose, Rosemary, Tangerine,
Thyme, Vetivert

Black Pepper, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Clary
Sage, Ginger, J asmine, Neroli, Patchouli,
Rosewood, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang
Appetite Loss

Coriander, Ginger
Appetite Suppressant Fennel-Sweet, Patchouli
Arteriosclerosis J uniper Berry

Bay Laurel, Cedarwood, Cypress, Eucalyptus,
Ginger, J uniper Berry, Lavender, Marjoram-
Sweet, Pine, Roman Chamomile, Rose,
Rosemary, Thyme, Vetivert

Clary Sage, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Fir needle,
Frankincense, Lavender, Marjoram-Sweet,
Peppermint, Pine, Roman Chamomile, Rose,
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Sandalwood, Spearmint
Athlete's Foot

Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemongrass, Patchouli,
Tea Tree
Back Pain

Lavender, Marjoram-Sweet, Roman
Bacterial Infections

Bergamot, Black Pepper, Clary Sage,
Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Lemon, Marjoram-
Sweet, Myrrh, Niaouli, Peppermint,
Sandalwood, Tea Tree, Thyme,
Bladder Infections

J uniper Berry

Blood Pressure

Geranium, Ginger
Blood Sugar


Basil, Bay laurel, Bergamot, Cedarwood,
Cypress, Eucalyptus, Fir needle, Frankincense,
Hyssop, Lavender, Marjoram-Sweet, Myrrh,
Peppermint, Pine, Rosemary, Sandalwood,
Spearmint, Tea Tree, Thyme
Chicken Pox

Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree


Bay Laurel, Black Pepper, Carrot Seed,
Cypress, Eucalyptus, Fir needle, J uniper
Berry, Lemon, Neroli, Pine, Rosemary,

Lemon, Grapefruit, Pine

Basil, Bay Laurel, Bergamot, Black Pepper,
Cedarwood-Atlas, Cinnamon, Citronella,
Clove bud, Coriander, Cypress, Eucalyptus,
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Frankincense, Geranium, Ginger, Hyssop,
J uniper Berry, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram-
Sweet, Myrrh, Orange, Peppermint, Pine,
Rosemary, Rosewood, Tea Tree

Fennel, Lavender, German Chamomile


Basil, Black pepper, Eucalyptus, Frankincense

Fennel-Sweet, Marjoram-Sweet, Orange,
Roman Chamomile, Rose, Rosemary

Bergamot, Cinnamon, Cypress, Fir needle,
Frankincense, Hyssop, Marjoram-Sweet,
Myrrh, Myrtle, Pine, Sandalwood, Thyme

Bergamot, Cedarwood, Coriander, Cypress,
Eucalyptus, Frankincense, J uniper Berry,
Lavender, Pine, Sandalwood

Clary Sage, J uniper Berry

Eucalyptus, J uniper Berry, Spearmint

Bergamot, Petitgrain, Pine

Basil, Bergamot, Clary Sage, Cypress,
Frankincense, Geranium, German Chamomile,
Grapefruit, J asmine, Lavender, Lemon,
Lemongrass, Lime, Marjoram-Sweet, Neroli,
Orange, Patchouli, Petitgrain, Roman
Chamomile, Rose, Rose Geranium, Rosemary,
Rosewood, Sandalwood, Spearmint, Ylang
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Cedarwood, J uniper Berry
Diaper Rash

German Chamomile, Tea Tree

Cinnamon, Coriander, Cypress, Eucalyptus,
Frankincense, Geranium, German Chamomile,
Ginger, J uniper Berry, Lavender, Lemon,
Myrrh, Neroli, Peppermint, Roman

Basil, Bergamot, Black Pepper, Carrot Seed,
Cinnamon, Clove bud, Fennel-Sweet, Ginger,
Grapefruit, J uniper Berry, Lavender, Lemon,
Myrrh, Orange, Peppermint, Roman
Chamomile, Tangerine

Cedarwood-Atlas, Geranium, J uniper Berry,

Ear Ache/ Infection

Lavender, German Chamomile, Roman
Chamomile, Tea Tree
Eating Disorders

Excessive sweating


Lavender, Patchouli, Vetivert


Basil, Lavender, Peppermint, Roman
Chamomile, Rosemary

Basil, Bergamot, Clary Sage, Coriander,
Eucalyptus, Geranium, J uniper Berry, Neroli,
Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme
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Basil, Bergamot, Black Pepper, Eucalyptus,
Fir needle, Frankincense, Ginger, J uniper
Berry, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Peppermint,
Rosemary, Rosewood, Tea Tree
Foot Odor

Fungal Infections

Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Geranium,
Marjoram-Sweet, Myrrh, Patchouli,
Sandalwood, Tea Tree


Gas/ Flatulence

Bergamot, Black Pepper, Coriander, Clary
Sage, Roman Chamomile, Fennel-Sweet,
Hyssop, J uniper Berry, Lavender, Lemon,
Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme
Genital Infections

Basil, Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Fir needle,
Frankincense, Geranium, Ginger, Peppermint,
Sandalwood, Tea tree

Eucalyptus Citriodora, Lemon, Neroli, Thyme

Basil, Lemon
Hay Fever

Eucalyptus, Roman Chamomile, Rose
Headache/ Migraine

Basil, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Coriander,
Eucalyptus, German Chamomile, Grapefruit,
J asmine, Lavender, Lemongrass, Marjoram-
Sweet, Peppermint, Roman Chamomile,
Rosemary, Rosewood

Cinnamon, Neroli, Orange, Petitgrain, Ylang
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Cypress, J uniper Berry, Myrrh, Myrtle, Neroli,
Patchouli, Peppermint, Sandalwood
High Blood Pressure

Clary Sage, Coriander, Lavender, Lemon,
Marjoram-Sweet, Neroli, Orange, Pine,
Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang
Hyperactivity in
German Chamomile
Immunity (low)

Bergamot, Eucalyptus Smithii, Frankincense,
German Chamomile, J uniper Berry, Lavender,
Lemon, Myrrh, Tea Tree, Vetivert

Ginger, Peppermint, Pine, Rose, Ylang Ylang

Basil, Bergamot, Black Pepper, Coriander,
German Chamomile, Ginger, J uniper Berry,
Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass, Litsea
Cubeba, Marjoram-Sweet, Myrrh, Orange,
Peppermint, Roman Chamomile, Rosemary,

Citronella, Geranium, Lemongrass, Myrrh,
Palmarosa, Rosewood, Thyme

Bergamot, Clary Sage, Coriander, Eucalyptus,
Frankincense, Geranium, German Chamomile,
Ginger, J uniper Berry, Lavender, Lemon,
Marjoram-Sweet, Myrrh, Patchouli,
Peppermint, Roman Chamomile, Rosemary,
Sandalwood, Tea Tree

Bergamot, Cedarwood-Atlas, Clary Sage,
Cypress, Frankincense, German Chamomile,
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J asmine, J uniper Berry, Lavender, Marjoram-
Sweet, Neroli, Orange, Patchouli, Petitgrain,
Roman Chamomile, Rose, Sandalwood,
Tangerine, Vetivert, Ylang Ylang
Irritable Bowel


Cinnamon, Fennel, Grapefruit

Cypress, Frankincense, Lavender, Marjoram-

J asmine

Eucalyptus, Geranium
Liver Problems

Carrot Seed, German Chamomile, Ginger,
Grapefruit, J uniper Berry, Lemon, Peppermint,
Rose, Vetivert
Low Blood Pressure

Cypress, Rosemary, Peppermint
Lung Infections

Ginger, Lavender, Myrtle, Peppermint,
Rosemary, Tea Tree, Thyme
Mental Clarity

Basil, Bay laurel, Clove bud, Cypress,
Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Hyssop, J asmine,
J uniper Berry, Lemon, Neroli, Palmarosa,
Peppermint, Petitgrain, Rosemary
Mental Fatigue

Clove bud, Clary Sage, J uniper Berry, Thyme
Mineral Absorption

Mouth/ Gums

Basil, Bergamot, Cypress, Myrrh, Orange,
Rose, Rosemary, Tea Tree
Muscle Cramps/
Basil, Bay rum, Bergamot, Black Pepper,
Cedarwood-Atlas, Cinnamon leaf, Clary Sage,
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Clove Bud, Coriander, German Chamomile,
Cypress, Eucalyptus, Fir needle, Lavender,
Lemon, Lemongrass, Marjoram-Sweet,
Myrtle, Peppermint, Vetivert, Ylang Ylang
Nausea/ Vomiting

Basil, Cinnamon Leaf, Clove bud, Fennel-
Sweet, Ginger, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint,
Rose, Rosewood, Sandalwood

Basil, Bergamot, Cedarwood-Atlas, Cinnamon
leaf, Clary sage, Clove bud, Coriander,
Cypress, Frankincense, Geranium, German
Chamomile, J asmine, Lavender, Lemon,
Lemongrass, Marjoram-Sweet, Neroli,
Orange, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Sandalwood,
Tangerine, Vetivert, Ylang Ylang

Coriander, Peppermint
Poison Oak



J asmine

Bay Laurel, Cedarwood-Atlas, Cypress,
Eucalyptus, Fir needle, Frankincense,
Lemongrass, Marjoram-Sweet, Myrrh, Myrtle,
Niaouli, Peppermint, Tea Tree

Bay Laurel, Black Pepper, Cinnamon leaf,
Clove bud, Coriander, Cypress, Eucalyptus,
Fir needle, Ginger, J uniper berry, Lavender,
Lemon, Lemongrass, Lime, Marjoram-Sweet,
Neroli, Roman Chamomile, Rosemary, Thyme

Geranium, Lavender, Neroli
Sedative Lavender, Marjoram Sweet Orange,
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Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang
Sexual Difficulties

Cedarwood-Atlas, Cinnamon leaf, Clary Sage,
Geranium, J asmine, Patchouli, Rose,
Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang

Basil, Bay Laurel, Cypress, Eucalyptus,
Lavender, Marjoram-Sweet, Neroli,
Peppermint, Spearmint, Tea Tree
Smoking Cessation

Sports Injuries


German Chamomile, Geranium, Ginger,
Marjoram-Sweet, Vetivert

Stress/ Tension

Basil, Bergamot, Cedarwood Atlas, Cinnamon
leaf, Clary Sage, Coriander, Frankincense,
Geranium, German Chamomile, J asmine,
J uniper Berry, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram-
Sweet, Neroli, Orange, Palmarosa,
Peppermint, Petitgrain, Roman Chamomile,
Rose, Sandalwood, Tangerine, Vetivert, Ylang

J uniper Berry

Throat Infection

Bergamot, Citronella, Clary Sage, Eucalyptus,
Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon,
Lemongrass, Lime, Myrrh, Niaouli, Rose,
Rosemary, Sandalwood, Tea tree, Thyme

Tea Tree
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Thyroid problems

Myrrh, Palmarosa

Tired Feet


Clove Bud
Travel Sickness


Lavender, Peppermint, Roman Chamomile
Ulcers in digestive

Frankincense, German Chamomile
Urinary Infections

Bergamot, Black Pepper, Carrot Seed,
Cedarwood-Atlas, Cinnamon leaf, Coriander,
Cypress, Fennel-Sweet, Fir needle,
Frankincense, Ginger, J uniper berry,
Sandalwood, Tea Tree, Thyme
Varicose Veins

Cypress, Frankincense, J uniper Berry, Lemon,
Lemongrass, Myrrh, Palmarosa, Patchouli,
Viral Infections

Bergamot, Black pepper, Cinnamon leaf,
Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Lemon, Myrrh,
Niaouli, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Thyme
Water Retention

Cypress, Eucalyptus, Fennel-Sweet,
Geranium, Grapefruit, J uniper Berry,
Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass, Lime, Orange,
Patchouli, Rosemary, Tangerine
Weight Loss

Cypress, Fennel-Sweet, Grapefruit, J uniper
Berry, Lemon, Orange, Patchouli, Tangerine,
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Whooping Cough

Worms Bergamot, German Chamomile
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Taking proper care of your body involves more than just exercise, nutrition, and treating diseases or
ailments; it can also mean maintaining standards of personal hygiene and treating yourself right on the
outside. Often seen as luxuries, its important to keep up with personal care because it can have
immense healing effect on both the mind and body.

Many ailments can affect your outward appearance and cause severe discomfort both physically and
mentally. From simple issues like dry skin, damaged hair or poor nail care, to more complex conditions
such as psoriasis, balding, acne or weight troubles, taking care of your personal hygiene and outer
body can be a big part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

At Native Remedies you will find a comprehensive set of herbal remedies to help you with beauty and
personal care naturally and safely.

By using the chart we would be able to look at the particular problem we
wish to deal with and make up a blend accordingly. For example, if we
wanted a weight loss blend, we could use any of the oils mentioned under
that particular symptom being sure to not make more than a 2.5% blend as
an all over body massage, or we could mix the oils without a carrier and use
it in a diffuser.
Skin Care Oils
These oils are specifically useful for skincare problems


Bergamot, Cedarwood-Atlas, Clary Sage,
Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Geranium, German
Chamomile, J uniper Berry, Lavender, Lemon,
Litsea Cubeba, Myrtle, Niaouli, Palmarosa,
Patchouli, Roman Chamomile, Rose,
Rosemary, Sandalwood, Tea Tree, Ylang
Aging Skin

Benzoin, Carrot Seed, Clary Sage, Fennel-
Sweet, Frankincense, Geranium, J asmine,
Lavender, Myrrh, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Rose,
Rosemary, Rosewood, Vetivert, Ylang-Ylang

Cypress, Geranium, Lemon, Lime, Myrrh,
Orange, Tangerine

Eucalyptus, Frankincense, German
Chamomile, Lemon
Cell Regenerator

Lavender, Palmarosa

Cedarwood-Atlas, Cypress, Geranium,
Grapefruit, Grapefruit-Pink, J uniper Berry,
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Lemon, Orange, Patchouli, Rosemary, Thyme,
Tea Tree
Cold Sores

Myrrh, Tea Tree

Cedarwood-Atlas, Clary Sage, Eucalyptus
Citriodora, Geranium, J uniper Berry,
Lavender, Lemon, Patchouli, Rosemary,
Sandalwood, Tea Tree

Citronella, Cypress, Lemongrass, Sandalwood
Dermatitis J asmine, Myrrh, Neroli, Patchouli, Rose

Bergamot, Carrot Seed, Cedarwood, Cypress,
Geranium, German Chamomile, J asmine,
J uniper Berry, Lavender, Myrrh, Palmarosa,
Patchouli, Roman Chamomile, Sandalwood

Bay Laurel, Bay rum, Clary Sage, J uniper
Berry, Lavender, Petitgrain, Roman
Chamomile, Rosemary
Nail conditioner


Bergamot, Carrot Seed, Geranium, German

Carrot Seed, German Chamomile, Lavender,

Lemongrass, Myrrh, Peppermint, Tea Tree

Clove Bud, Lemongrass, Peppermint

Eucalyptus Citriodora

Basil, Bergamot, Geranium, Tea Tree
Stretch Marks Geranium, Lavender, Neroli
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Common Emotional Ailments
We must remember that man is a holistic being and therefore when making a
blend for physical symptoms, we must not forget to look at any underlying
emotional problems the person may be having. Included here is a list of
emotional issues and the essential oils that have been traditionally used to
help. Again, I repeat, that this is in no way meant to replace proper medical
care. Some emotional problems can be severe and require the attention of a
qualified psychiatrist or medical doctor, especially with depression which
may include suicidal thoughts. Please do not try and diagnose the problems
as we are not qualified to do that.
This list also includes some magical uses of the oils which some of you
may find interesting .


Cinnamon leaf, Lavender, Lemon,
Peppermint, Tea tree

Benzoin, Carrot Seed, Clary Sage, Fennel-
Sweet, Frankincense, Geranium, J asmine,
Lavender, Myrrh, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Rose,
Rosemary, Rosewood, Vetivert, Ylang-Ylang
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Berry, Lemon, Marjoram, Rosemary,
Sandalwood, Ylang-Ylang
Bergamot, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Clary Sage,
Coriander, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, J asmine,
Lavender, Lemon, Mandarin, Marjoram,
Melissa, Myrrh, Orange, Palmarosa, Patchouli,
Petitgrain, Peppermint, Rose, Rosemary,
Sandalwood, Vanilla, Vetivert, Ylang-Ylang
Basil, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Chamomile,
Clary Sage, Eucalyptus Citriodora,
Frankincense, Geranium, J asmine, J uniper
Berry, Lavender, Linden Blossom, Litsea
Cubeba, Marjoram, Melissa, Neroli, Orange,
Patchouli, Petitgrain, Pine, Rose, Rosewood,
Sandalwood, Spikenard, Tangerine, Ylang-
Bergamot, Cajeput, Frankincense, Geranium,
J asmine, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram, Orange,
Patchouli, Peppermint, Rose, Rosewood,
Sandalwood, Tangerine, Tea Tree, Thyme,
Black Pepper, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Clary
Sage, Ginger, J asmine, Neroli, Nutmeg,
Patchouli, Rose, Sandalwood, Vanilla, Vetivert,
Ylang-Ylang Cedarwood, Chamomile,
Eucalyptus, Frankincense, J asmine, Orange,
Thyme, Ylang-Ylang
Ginger, J asmine, Lavender, Neroli
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When making blends for specific issues, it is best to try and keep the blend
to 3 or 4 oils. These can be for all the same emotion such as Clary Sage,
Lavender and Sandalwood for problems with Worry, or you may find that
there are a few emotional problems that need to be dealt with. In this case
you would choose oils that can be directed to all the problems. Many times
you will find that the oils can be beneficial for many emotional problems
and so you can choose to use it for more than one problem For instance, say
that you have a problem with Insomnia, and Nervousness. Lavender added
to the blend would help both these problems.
Especially For Women
Because Women have special needs I have included a small chart to help
with the everyday annoyances that plague us in particular. Many times you
will find that you will benefit from using the oils for menopause, for
instance with oils for the specific emotions that are plaguing you such as
weepiness, etc.
Women Specific Problems

Breast Engorgement

Breast Milk

Basil, Fennel

Eucalyptus, Lavender, Myrrh, Tea Tree,
Childbirth Basil, J asmine
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Hormone Balancer

Clary Sage, Cypress, Geranium, J asmine,
Orange, Roman Chamomile, Rose,
Rosewood, Vetivert, Ylang Ylang

Clary Sage, Cypress, Fennel-Sweet,
Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Neroli,
Orange, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Ylang
Menstrual Problems

Basil, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Cypress,
Frankincense, Geranium, German
Chamomile, J asmine, J uniper Berry,
Lavender, Marjoram-Sweet, Myrrh,
Peppermint, Roman Chamomile, Rose,
Rosemary Sandalwood

Basil, Bergamot, Clary Sage, Cypress,
Geranium, German Chamomile, J uniper
Berry, Lavender, Marjoram-Sweet, Neroli,
Palmarosa, Roman Chamomile, Rose,
Sandalwood, Thyme, Ylang Ylang
Sexual Difficulties

Cedarwood-Atlas, Cinnamon leaf, Clary
Sage, Geranium, J asmine, Patchouli, Rose,
Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang
Vaginal Infections

Cedarwood, Lavender, Rosewood, Tea Tree
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Kalyx is where we recommend you purchase all of your organic, wild crafted bulk herbs,
spices, teas and pure, organic essential oils!
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Keeping Your Heart Healthy
Learning about hypertension
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a condition caused when constricted arteries
decrease blood flow and makes it more difficult for the heart to pump blood and nutrients
throughout the body.
In most cases, hypertension has no known cause, though it may be triggered by factors such as
obesity, excess alcohol consumption, high sodium intake or stress. In about 5% of cases, high
blood pressure is caused by kidney or liver diseases or as a side effect of certain
Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is measured by taking the pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts
(systolic blood pressure) and the pressure in the arteries when the heart relaxes (diastolic
blood pressure).
Normal blood pressure is below 120 (systolic)/80 (diastolic). Blood pressure between
120/80 and 139/89 is considered borderline high (known as pre-hypertension), and high blood
pressure is any measure greater than 140/90.
Hypertension Symptoms
Initially, there are almost no hypertension symptoms. In some cases, symptoms such as
dizziness, headaches or blurred vision may signal hypertension, but usually it is only
discovered when blood pressure is measured. Over time, hypertension can cause the heart and
kidneys to become damaged.
People with high blood pressure are also at higher risk for developing hardening of the
arteries, eye damage and stroke. Hypertension remedies include medications, diet
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modifications and lifestyle changes.
ACE inhibitors are medications used to regulate blood pressure by blocking enzymes that take
part in chemical reactions that constrict blood vessels. Beta-blockers are used to slow heart
rate and lessen the impact on constricted arteries.
Diuretics are medications used to remove salt and fluid from the body in order to reduce
swelling which can put pressure on blood vessels. Calcium channel blockers and alpha-blockers
are other hypertension medications that prevent the contraction of blood vessels by preventing
parts of the chemical reactions that control this process.
Changes in diet and lifestyle are also effective hypertension remedies. Lowering salt intake
can lower blood pressure in sodium sensitive people. Decreasing caffeine intake is effective as
well, since caffeine constricts blood vessels.
Lowering fat intake can help people with hypertension lose weight, which is linked to a
decrease in blood pressure.
Relaxation Techniques
Relaxation techniques, such as yoga and meditation can reduce stress-related hypertension.
People with stress-related hypertension can also learn stress management techniques that
may help lower blood pressure.
A variety of nutritional and herbal supplements have been found useful for treating
hypertension as well. In particular, garlic, hawthorn, and coenzyme Q-10 supplements
are widely used by herbalists to treat hypertension.
Antioxidant vitamins, the minerals calcium, magnesium and potassium, and omega-3
fatty acids are also linked to lower blood pressure. These nutrients should be abundant in a
healthy diet, especially for people with hypertension.
Help for Hypertension
We have discovered a natural remedy to help with Hypertension.

High-Rite contains herbs which have been carefully selected to balance and regulate blood
Some of the ingredients in High-Rite specifically target blood vessels which have become
constricted and others improve the heart's ability to pump blood effectively, while also
treating and preventing plaque build up in the arteries.
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Try High-Rite today and increase your energy, calm and soothe stress and nervous tension and
improve overall feelings of well being.
High colesterol can present a dangerous situation, as colesterol buildup could lead to heart
disease, which affects nearly 61 million Americans.

As we mentioned on our Lower Colesterol Naturally page, it is important to note that over 75% of
the body's colesterol is produced internally by the liver.
High Colesterol - What is LDL & HDL colesterol?
Depsite all the negative press, colesterol is an important part of proper bodily function.
Colesterol is a non-soluble waxy substance which your body needs to make hormones, cell walls
and nerve sheaths.

There are two types of colesterol, one is bad, one is good. Following is a brief description of each.

1) Bad Colesterol (LDL) - LDL colesterol attaches itself to artery walls, creating plaque that
can build up and eventually block your arteries, which could result in a heart attack or
stroke. If you have high colesterol you should try to lower LDL colesterol.

2) Good Colesterol (HDL) - HDL colesterol travels around in your bloodstream, picks up
excess LDL colesterol and brings it back to your liver to be reprocessed. Therefore, HDL
colesterol is cleaning out your body...high HDL colesterol is good.

In summary, when you are considering a diet for lowering high colesterol, you should only be
avoiding food with high LDL colesterol, not HDL colesterol.

High Colesterol - What should you eat to lower colesterol?

A healthy diet for high colesterol should follow the following tips:

1. Limit your intake of trans fats, found commonly in margarine, even the so-called "healthy"

2. Reduce your intake of hydrogenated oils and unsaturated fat, found commonly in refined
and processed foods. The saturated fat in eggs and butter is actually essential for the body, so no
need to avoid them.

3. A low fat, low cholesterol diet can be dangerous because it can lower HDL (good) colesterol,
and have minimal impact on LDL levels. So a low fat diet can actually make matters

4. Take Omega 3 essential fatty acids, found commonly in organic flax oil and cod liver oil.
Omega 3's are necessary for proper function of your heart.
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4. Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil when you cook if possible, as it has been shown to help lower
LDL cholesterol and raise HDL colesterol.

5. Add garlic to your cooking and dishes. It has been shown to lower LDL colesterol as well.

High Colesterol - How can you lower your body's colesterol levels?

As we mention above, only 25% of your body's colesterol comes from your diet. So along
with following a healthy diet to lower high colesterol, it is also necessary to maintain colesterol
levels within the body itself.

There are prescription medications called statins that can lower LDL cholesterol levels, but
there are often dangerous side effects that can occur. You can read about the side effects of
statin medications on our site.

Fortunately, there are natural herbs, vitamins and minerals that can help lower
LDL colesterol and raise HDL colesterol in the body. They have been shown to be safer
than prescription medications. These nutrients can be helpful along with a diet to lower high

For a speci al nutr i ti onal pr oduct that can help si gni fi cantly decr ease hi gh
colester ol safely and natur ally, j ust cli ck the li nk and fi nd out mor e.

Best Herbs to Lower High Colesterol

Guggulipid - an ancient Indian herb that has been shown to lower high colesterol
and triglyceride levels. Guggulipid reduces LDL (bad colesterol) levels and has
performed better than modern drugs in several trials.

Turmeric - a powerful herb used in curry dishes, turmeric contains curcumin
which lowers LDL levels and improves blood circulation.

Green Tea - among its many therapeutic benefits green tea has been shown to
lower the amount of LDL's in the blood stream, and aids in the prevention of blood
vessel constriction.

Olive Leaf - native to the Mediterranean region, studies have shown that olive leaf
extract may lower high colesterol levels, as well as facilitate blood flow and lower
blood pressure.

Ginger - according to a study in the New England Journal of medicine, ginger helps
reduce high colesterol in the body. This powerful herb used often in Chinese
cooking also helps lower blood pressure and thins the blood.

Other Important Nutrients to Lower High Colesterol Naturally

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Policosanol - a powerful extract from sugar cane wax that has been widely studied.
Policosanol has been shown to lower bad colesterol (LDL) and increase good
colesterol (HDL).

Chromium Polyniconate - this organic version of chromium can help lower LDL
cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as raise HDL (good) cholesterol.

Niacin (Vitamin B3) - in high dosages niacin has been shown to help reduce total
cholesterol levels.

An Ideal Supplement for Lowering High Colesterol

We have found a comprehensive colesterol lowering product that we believe is
ideal. It contains all of the natural cholesterol lowering herbs and nutrients we
mention above in a perfectly balanced formula.

We throughly researched the company that makes this natural formula and have
found that they adhere to strict GMP compliance, which is the highest
manufacturing standards in the world. This ensures the quality and effectiveness
of the ingredients.

Also, they only use standardized herbal extracts, the purest herbal extracts with
the highest potency and therapeutic benefits.

It contains a synergistic blend of colesterol lowering herbs and minerals along with
essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients to help lower cholesterol naturally as
well as promote general well-being and health.

The product is a special cholesterol lowering formula with ingredients that can
lower LDL cholesterol levels and raise good HDL cholesterol levels.

We also found a product that works in conjunction with the colesterol lowering
formula called Total Balance which acts to improve heart health as well as promote
general well-being.

Some of our editors as well as our visitors have experienced success with the
Cholesterol Lowering Formula as well as Total Balance to lower colesterol
naturally and other therapeutic benefits. They have taken these products in
addition to following an exercise program and a low cholesterol diet.
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Hazardous Essential Oils
The below chart displays essential oils that should not be used in aromatherapy
without the express administration by a qualified aromatherapy practitioner. Many
should not even be used by a qualified practitioner. Do not assume that an oil is
safe to use if it is not on this list.

Trachyspermum copticum
Almond, Bitter
Prunus dulcis var. amara
Arnica Montana
Birch, Sweet
Betula lenta
Boldo Leaf
Peumus boldus
Broom, Spanish
Spartium junceum
Acorus calamus var. angustatus
Cinnamomum camphora
Carphephorus odoratissimus
Allium sativum
Armoracia rusticana
Pilocarpus jaborandi

Melilotus officinalis
Artemisia vulgaris
Brassica nigra
Allium cepa
Mentha pulegium
Ruta graveolens
Sassafras albidum
Thuja occidentalis
Gaultheria procumbens
Chenopodium ambrosioides var.
Artemisia absinthium
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for use in a therapy or professional setting, please visit the Alternative Healing Academy
Don't forget, if you'd like to learn Aromatherapy, Reflexology or ReflexAromatherapy (the combination of the two)
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What Is Aromatherapy?

In brief, aromatherapy is the use of volatile plant oils, including essential oils, for
psychological and physical well-being. Although the term aromatherapy was not
used until the 20th Century, the foundations of aromatherapy date back
thousands of years. The use of essential oils in particular date back nearly one
thousand years.

Aromatherapy and Essential Oil Recipes

Recipe: Ease Stress and Muscle Pain
Try the following combination of essential oils in a warm (not hot) bath to ease
stress and muscle pain:
3 drops Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
2 drops Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium var. amara)
1-2 drops Frankincense (Boswellia cateri) - optional
Use only Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils.
Draw the bath first, add the essential oils, swirl them around with your foot, get in
and relax. Allow yourself 10 to 20 minutes. Do not get the bath water in your eyes,
as the oils will sting. Use this formula up to once a day for 3 days a week over a
two to three week period.
You can also use this recipe to create a massage blend.
In one tablespoon of carrier oil (like Sweet Almond or our Massage Base), add
the above oils. (If making an ounce, then multiply drops by 2)

General Information:
3 teaspoons (tsp) = 1 tablespoon (tbls)
2 tablespoons (tbls) = 1 ounce (oz)
6 teaspoons (tsp) = 1 ounce (oz)
10 milliliter (ml) = 1/3 oz.
15 milliliter (ml) = 1/2 oz.
30 milliliter (ml) = 1 oz.
10 milliliter (ml) = approximately 300 drops
Generally 2 drops of Essential Oil should be used per Tsp of Carrier
Oil (but follow individual recipes if available.
Generally it takes from 1 to 2 oz of carrier oil for a full body massage.
Generally you can use any kind of natural carrier oil except mineral
oil. There are lots to choose from and each has their own properties.
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for use in a therapy or professional setting, please visit the Alternative Healing Academy
Don't forget, if you'd like to learn Aromatherapy, Reflexology or ReflexAromatherapy (the combination of the two)
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For most applications, I prefer our own Massage Base. It's a
combination of Sweet Almond, Grapeseed and Jojoba oils.

Relaxation Massage Oil - Great for a soothing massage.
4 drops Lavender per tbls of carrier oil (like our massage base)
1 drop Petitgrain per tbls of carrier oil
1 drop Frankincense per tbls of carrier oil
This blend may be added to a warm bath (about a capful of the massage oil
blend). or, you can blend the essential oils in the same proportions and use in
one of our Aromatherapy Diffusers

Recipe: Abrasions:
5 drops (plus 1) lavender
Clean well with 5 drops lavender diluted in a small bowl of warm water.
Apply one drop undiluted lavender directly from bottle and leave to heal.

Recipe: Athlete's Foot and Ringworm:
1 drop lavender
2 drops tea tree
Add 1 drop lavender and 2 drops tea tree oil to 1 teaspoon of our massage oil
base (or any plain base/carrier oil). to the massage base. Stir gently to mix and
apply with cotton swab.

Recipe: Minor Burns:
2 drops lavender
Immediately apply ice cold water for 10 minutes. Then apply 2 drops undiluted
lavender directly from bottle.

Recipe: Chest and Sinus:
2 drops lavender
2 drops tea tree
2 drops eucalyptus
Boil a pot of water and remove from the stove. While still steaming, add 2 drops
eucalyptus, 2 drops lavender and 2 drops tea tree. Cover bowl and head with
towel and inhale for at least 3 minutes. KEEP EYES CLOSED.

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Kalyx is where we recommend you purchase all of your organic, wild crafted bulk herbs,
spices, teas and pure, organic essential oils!
Recipe: Colds:
2 drops lavender
2 drops rosemary
2 drops eucalyptus
Add 2 drops lavender, 2 drops rosemary and 2 drops eucalyptus to 2 teaspoons
milk or cream. Pour into a warm bath and soak.
Mix 2 drops lavender, 2 drops eucalyptus and 2 drops tea tree oil. Place in a
diffuser and diffuse into your room.

Recipe: Headaches:
2 drops lavender
Massage 2 drops undiluted lavender into the temples and the base of the skull.

Recipe: To Calm Nerves and Promote Sleep::
4 drops lavender
Add 4 drops lavender to a teaspoon milk or cream. Pour into a warm bath and
Add 4 drops lavender to 4 teaspoons of our massage oil base (or any plain
base/carrier oil). Place in a diffuser and diffuse into your room.

Recipe: Muscle Pain:
2 drops lavender
2 drops rosemary
Add 2 drops lavender and 2 drops rosemary oil to 4 teaspoons of our massage
oil base (or any plain base/carrier oil). Use for a gentle body massage.

Recipe: To Ease Sinuses:
2 drops Eucalyptus
2 drops Peppermint
2 drops Tea Tree
Boil a pot of water and remove it from the stove. While it is still steaming, add 2
drops peppermint, 2 drops eucalyptus and 2 drops tea tree, immediately cover
the pot and head with a towel and inhale for 3 minutes. Keep Eyes Closed.

Recipe: To Ease Coughs:
2 drops Eucalyptus
2 drops Lavender
Boil a pot of water and remove it from the stove. While it is still steaming, add 2
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drops eucalyptus and 2 drops lavender, immediately cover the pot and head with
a towel and inhale for 3 minutes. Keep Eyes Closed.

Recipe: To Ease Coughs throughout the day:
2 drops Eucalyptus
2 drops Lavender
Add 2 drops eucalyptus and 2 drops lavender to 4 teaspoons of our massage
base oil and apply to the throat and chest (this will make enough for several

Recipe: To Combat colds and flu - daytime:
2 drops Eucalyptus
2 drops Lavender
2 drops Peppermint
2 drops Tea Tree
Add 2 drops eucalyptus, 2 drops lavender, 2 drops peppermint and 2 drops tea
tree to a steaming bowl of water - let stand so that the steam diffuses into the
room (or add same essential oils to our tea candle diffuser).

Recipe: To Combat colds and flu - nighttime:
2 drops Lavender
2 drops Tea Tree
Add 2 drops lavender and 2 drops tea tree to a steaming bowl of water - let stand
so that the steam diffuses into the room (or add same essential oils to our tea
candle diffuser).

Recipe: Sleepwell:
3 drop lavender
1 drop clary sage
Mix 3 drops lavender and 1 drop clary sage with a teaspoon of milk or cream.
Add to a warm bath & soak.

Recipe: Stress-Soothing Massage Oil:
2 drops lavender
1 drop ylang ylang
2 drops petitgrain
Add 2 drops lavender, 1 drop ylang ylang and 2 drops petitgrain to 5 teaspoons
of our massage oil base (or any plain base/carrier oil). to the massage base. Stir
gently to mix and massage into body.

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Recipe: Pre- Sports Rub:
2 drops rosemary
1 drop lavender
1 drop eucalyptus
First, blend all the essential oils together, then add to 4 teaspoons of our
massage oil base (or any plain base/carrier oil). Stir gently to mix and apply to
the body prior to exercise.

Recipe: Post- Sports Rub:
2 drops lavender
1 drop juniper
1 drop rosemary
Mix the essential oils together, then add to 4 teaspoons of our massage oil base
(or any plain base/carrier oil). to the massage base. Stir gently to mix and apply
to body.

Recipe: Uplifting Personal Blend for Daytime Use:
2 drops Geranium
2 drops Rosewood
2 drops Bergamot
Add 2 drops geranium, 2 drops rosewood and 2 drops bergamot to 6 teaspoons
of our massage oil base (or any plain base/carrier oil). Wear as a fragrance or
inhale directly from the bottle. Lasts a long time. Or use for gentle massage.

Recipe: Uplifting Personal Blend for Nighttime Use:
2 drops Rosewood
2 drops Bergamot
2 drops Ylang Ylang
Add 1 drop rosewood, 2 drops bergamot and 2 drops ylang ylang to 6 teaspoons
of our massage oil base (or any plain base/carrier oil). Wear as a fragrance or
inhale directly from the bottle. Lasts a long time. Or use for gentle massage.

Arthritis - Compounded with essential oils that were historically associated with
pain relief and elimination of toxins, this pure and undiluted essential oil blend
can be added to any carrier oil or cream (2 drops per teaspoon) and applied to
painful joints or, add 3 drops to a warm bath. / A blend of 100% pure Essential
Oils: White Birch, Ginger, Juniper, Marjoram and Rosemary.

Cold & Flu Made from Essential Oils that have been historically reported to ease
aches and pains and combat viral and bacterial infections, this helpful blend can
be used as a preventative; for relief of uncomfortable symptoms; and to support
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the body's healing response. This blend may be added to our Massage Base (2
drops per teaspoon), added to a warm bath (2 to 4 drops) or, added to one of our
Aromatherapy Diffusers. / A blend of 100% pure Essential Oils: Eucalyptus,
Lavender, Marjoram and Ravensara.

Headache Many headache suffers report relief with this simple blend. We have
tested many more complicated blends but like this one best. Add 2 drops to a
teaspoon of our Massage Base and rub lightly into temples and base of skull at
the neck. Or put 2 drops on a tissue and inhale for a few moments. Use at first
sign of headache for best result. Can also be diffused in room with one of our
Aromatherapy Diffusers. / A blend of 100% pure Essential Oils: Lavender and

Insomnia Compounded with nature's most relaxing and soothing essential oils,
this blend helps you find restful sleep and sweet dreams. Add to any carrier oil or
lotion base for a sensual massage or, add a few drops to a warm bath or, use in
one of our Aromatherapy Diffusers. Or, you can add a drop or two on a tissue
and place it under your pillow. / A blend of 100% pure Essential Oils: Roman
Chamomile, Lavender, Marjoram, Sweet Orange, Tangerine and Ylang Ylang.

Overcoming Sadness & Negativity Be good to yourself and let this heavenly
blend work it's holistic magic on body, mind & spirit. Add to our Massage Base for
massage or add a few drops to a warm bath or use in one of our Aromatherapy
Diffusers. / A blend of 100% pure Essential Oils: Bergamot, Geranium, Jasmine,
Petitgrain, Rose, Rosewood, Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang.

Peace of Mind Soothing and calming, this everyday healing blend helps
overcome ordinary nervousness and stress. Add to our Massage Base for
massage or add a few drops to a warm bath or use in one of our Aromatherapy
Diffusers. / A blend of 100% pure Essential Oils: Geranium, Lavender, Marjoram,
Melissa, Neroli, Tangerine and Ylang Ylang.

Rheumatic Muscle Pain Rheumatic Muscle Pain - Pure Essential Oils - blended
& undiluted. In traditional herbalism, the oils of this blend were used to ease
muscle pain and promote the elimination of toxins. Similar to our Arthritis Blend,
which targets joint pain, this blend has been designed to ease the discomforts of
muscular pain. Can be added to any carrier oil or lotion base (2 drops per
teaspoon) and applied to painful muscles or, add 3 drops to a warm bath. / A
blend of 100% pure Essential Oils: White Birch, Cajeput, Ginger, Juniper and

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Serenity Serenity - Pure Essential Oils - blended and undiluted. This blend is
made with beautifully fragrant and deeply comforting oils that help the mind, body
and spirit to cope with times of unusual stress and tension. Add to any carrier oil
or lotion base for a sensual massage or, add a few drops to a warm bath or, use
in one of our Aromatherapy Diffusers. / A blend of 100% pure Essential Oils:
Clary Sage, Lavender, Marjoram, Petitgrain and Ylang Ylang.

Sinusitis Sinusitis - Pure Essential Oils - blended & undiluted. Historically, these
oils have been reported to relieve pain, open the sinuses, and aid the body in
overcoming both bacterial and viral infections. This blend is mildly stimulating
and may keep poor sleepers awake if used before going to bed. If this is the case,
we suggest using this blend during the day and lavender oil by itself at night. This
blend may be added to any carrier oil (2 drops per teaspoon) but will be most
effective as an inhalation (2 to 3 drops in steaming water) or, in a warm bath (2 to
4 drops). / A blend of 100% pure Essential Oils: Eucalyptus, Lavender and

Sports - Perfect for both before and after strenuous exercise. Add to our
Massage Base for massage or add a few drops to a warm bath or use in one of
our Aromatherapy Diffusers. / A blend of 100% pure Essential Oils: Juniper,
Lavender and Rosemary.

Uplifting - Wonderful for elevating the spirit. Add to our Massage Base for
massage or add a few drops to a warm bath or use in one of our Aromatherapy
Diffusers. / A blend of 100% pure Essential Oils: Petitgrain, Rosemary and Ylang

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Natural Holistic Health Blog - Keep Your Family Health Safely & Naturally
Native Remedies is the market-leading brand of natural remedies
specially formulated to offer a complete solution for holistic health and
wellness. With over 500,000 customers worldwide and more than 250
herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies, were confident that youll
find the holistic health products you need.

Find out how our dual-modality approach to wellness can provide fast-
acting symptomatic relief (homeopathic) plus improve body function for
long-term holistic health (herbal), and discover the bodys innate sense
of healing with tissue salts and flower essences.
Making Your Own Incense at Home

Natural incense cones, sticks and loose incense mixtures can be made and
enjoyed at home. Below is a basic recipe that you can use and adapt to your
aromatic preferences:
1 part Frankincense Powder
1 part Myrrh Powder
1 part Sandalwood Powder
3-4 parts Makko Powder
4-5 Drops Essential Oil (optional)
For your first time making incense, use 1 tablespoon as the basis for 1 "part" in
your recipe. That way if you are not pleased with the recipe, you will not have
wasted a large batch and can easily adjust the recipe to better suit your needs
next time.
Add the dry ingredients to a bowl and mix them with a spoon or fork. Very slowly
add water drop by drop while mixing until you have a workable "dough." If
planning to add essential oils, choose oils that compliment the aroma of the
powders. Suitable choices include frankincense, sandalwood, patchouli, vetiver
or orange. Add your optional essential oils and mix the dough again.
Form small cones or create handmade "sticks" by rolling them into thin 4-5" long
spaghetti-like strands. They won't be perfect, especially not your first time. Set
your cones and/or sticks on wax paper and allow them to dry for at least 1-2 days.
I prefer to use this recipe to make sticks because the sticks tend to burn more
evenly than the cones. If making cones, be sure that you keep their size small
and that you form a good "point" on them. They are less likely to burn properly if
they do not taper well into a small point. Handmade sticks can be burned by
filling a heat resistant bowl with fine sea salt and sticking the handmade stick
straight into the sea salt (make sure it is securely in place).
You can also experiment by trying other powdered herbs. Be sure to only use
herbs that are not toxic when burned.
Alternative Healing Academy
Don't forget, if you'd like to learn Aromatherapy, Reflexology or ReflexAromatherapy (the combination of the two)
for use in a therapy or professional setting, please visit the Alternative Healing Academy
If you find that your incense does not burn properly, your incense may not have
had enough time to dry or there may not be enough makko powder in your recipe.
Natural Holistic Health Blog - Keep Your Family Health Safely & Naturally
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Natural Help for Energy & Fatigue
In today's fast-paced world, it is not uncommon to feel our energy levels being depleted as the
day progresses. Health and energy go hand in hand and a healthy body has a fine-tuned set
of mechanisms in place to regulate energy levels. Because a variety of body systems contribute to
this process, the best way to maintain optimum natural energy levels is to support the body
through systemic balance.
The body relies on every organ to support natural energy levels. When one body system
is compromised a domino effect is created, with one system affecting the next. To complicate
things further, todays modern lifestyle is filled with fast food (including food additives),
pollution and stress! This can directly affect natural energy levels and over time, this can lead to
common feelings of tiredness and lack of energy even in otherwise healthy people!
Modern Western diets, environmental pollution and the use of alcohol, recreational drugs and
prescription medicines all take their toll on the bodys ability to remain energized.
Fortunately there are steps you can take to help the symptoms of fatigue. Review the following
protocol to learn how you can relieve the effects of this condition.

1. Make sure you exercise. Although you might feel too tired to do so, lack of exercise is
worse for fatigue as muscles will weaken. Any form of exercise will improve your body's health by
facilitating blood flow and metabolism. It will also help you build and strengthen muscle

2. Follow a healthy diet regimen. Along with regular exercise it is always important to
maintain a healthy diet, with natural, balanced foods - fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans,
fish. Avoid processed and fast foods, refined sugars and excessive alcohol. You want to
make sure your body has essential nutrients it needs for proper function, while at the same
time avoiding toxins are harmful substances.

3. Supplement important nutrients. Unfortunately, most of us do not eat properly. Also,
most foods are depleted of essential nutrients due to overprocessing. So in most cases it
makes sense to supplement important nutrients.
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There are natural energy boosting herbs such as siberian ginseng, gotu kola and maitake.

There are natural energy boosting vitamins such as the B, Family, particularly B12, Biotin
and Folic Acid. B vitamins help fight fatigue by helping our body use the sugar glucose (fuel) and
aiding in the formation of red blood cells (energy transport).

There are natural energy boosting minerals and nutrients such as NADH, Co-Enzyme Q-
10 and magnesium, all of which can treat chronic fatigue syndrome symptoms by increasing
energy production in cells.
Natural energy boosters are not difficult to find. Eating a well-balanced diet that
incorporates fresh fruits and vegetables is a simple way. Also, adequate sleep is a vital
component to support natural energy levels and increase stamina. Scientists are still
unsure of the exact processes in the brain that take place during sleep, but what they do agree on
is that sleep is an anabolic, or building, process - sleep helps to restore the bodys energy supplies
that have been depleted through the days activities.
Natural remedies and herbs for supporting energy have been used in traditional
medicine for thousands of years to maintain stamina as well as the bodys natural health,
endurance and energy levels. In more recent times, research has confirmed this traditional
wisdom. There are now many published clinical studies demonstrating the natural energy tonics
present in a wide range of herbs for energy health.
Fatigue Fighter is a 100% safe, non-addictive, natural herbal remedy that can be used
consistently to safely support healthy energy levels, stamina and endurance.
Fatigue Fighter contains a selection of herbs for healthy energy - known for their supportive
function in maintaining natural health and energy levels, as well as balanced metabolism,
stamina, endurance and routine, healthy performance without stimulants or caffeine. Fatigue
Fighter can make all the difference, without compromising health and without the risk of serious
side effects.
The formula remains true to the whole spectrum method of herbal extraction, ensuring the bio-
availability and balance of all the active ingredients contained in the remedy. This method of
manufacture also significantly reduces the likelihood of side effects and maintains all active
ingredients in perfect balance exactly as nature intended!

What's the Best Way to Treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms?

Should you take all of these herbs, vitamins and minerals separately or together in
one comprehensive formula?

We recommend that you take these nutrients together if possible for many reasons:
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1. Taking each herb, vitamin and mineral separately could prove very costly as you would have to
buy many different supplements.

2. Mixing and matching herbs and nutrients on your own could be dangerous to your health.

3. Many nutrients working together can be more beneficial that a single nutrient on its own.

4. All of these nutrients have to be balanced perfectly in order to be optimally effective.

We have found a nutritional product that contains all of the natural ingredients to treat
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome symptoms as well as other nutrients for general health in a
synergized comprehensive product.
The product is called Total Balance, and we have made it our core nutritional supplement. It is
made up of all natural nutrients - herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other important
nutrients for overall well-being.
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