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Branch: EEE Semester: 6

Class Test II
Subject-Advanced Micr!rcessr " Inter#aces
$te: %art &a' # each unit is cm!ulsr(. Attem!t an( t) #rm &b'* &c'* &d'.
&a' E-!lain #ll)in. terms in relatin t /012 &0'
,' $- 3e( rll ver 0 ' T) 4e( lc3 ut

&b' E-!lain Initiali5atin Se6uence # /072. &6'
&c' E-!lain internal structure # /071 8MA Cntrller in detail. &6'

&d' Sh) inter#acin. # /079 )ith /0/6 and )rite an A:% t .enerate
s6uare )ave # #re6uenc( , 4;5 i# clc3 #re6uenc( is , M;5 &6'

&a' 8ra) the #la. arran.ement # /09/6. &0'

&b' E-!lain <ISC " CISC !rcessr in detail. &6'

&c' E-!lain ! mechanism in /09/6 !rcessr. &6'
&d' E-!lain the #ll)in. s!ecial re.isters # /09/6 &6'
8ebu. "Test re.ister
S(stem address re.ister
Cntrl re.ister
&a' =hat d (u understand b( the term> multi!rcessr s(stem>. &0'
&b' 8ra) and 8iscuss internal architecture # /0/1 $8% in detail. &7'
&c' 8iscuss cmmunicatin bet)een I?% /0/2 " C%+ /0/6. &7'
&d' =rite a !r.ram t calculate vlume # s!here usin. /0/1$8%. &7'

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