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India should develop SAARC satelite

SRIHARIKOTA: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday asked the Indian Spae Researh
Or!anisation "ISRO# to develop a satellite $hih $ill serve all the Saar nations%
Addressin! Indian spae sientists at the Satish &ha$an Spae Centre in Sriharikota a'ter the
suess'ul launh o' PS() C*+ roket, the Prime Minister said the 'ruits o' India-s spae
missions should reah other developin! nations, espeially India-s nei!h.ours%
/0ou should develop a Saar satellite,/ he told the sientists% /1e should dediate this satellite
to our nei!h.ourhood as India-s !i't %%% India is rooted in our a!e2old ethos o' -)asudeva
Kutum.akom-% Our spae siene re'lets that% 1e should share the 'ruit o' this $ith our
nei!h.ourin! ountries,/ he said%
Minutes earlier, PS() C*+ had in3eted 'ive 'orei!n satellites into the spei'ied or.its% The
roket li'ted o'' at 4%5*am and ompleted all 'our phases $ith te6t.ook preision% Modi $ent
around on!ratulatin! the sientists a'ter promisin! .i!!er thrust on spae siene% The Prime
Minister sou!ht to dispel the notion that spae siene is 'or the elite% /This is the .i!!est
mistake some people make% Spae siene ultimately $orks to han!e the lives o' the poor %%%
Spae siene empo$ers a hild in the 'arthest villa!e $ith eduation% It delivers telemediine% It
ena.les a youth in a small to$n $ith various ne$ 3o. opportunities% Satellite tehnolo!ies have
made distane irrelevant% It 'urthers the po$er o' 7*5 rore onneted Indians,/ he said%

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