Task 3 Planner 20th June Amended

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FTF session - 20

June Main activities planned + timings (e)
(a) Activity description Mini-Olympics/Sports day a
series of team games & challenges
in the style of Olympics. To
commence at appro !"#$pm once
all %& have arrived.
'(rric(l(m aims physical
eercise) team *(ilding)
comm(nication s+ills (vols
instr(cting mem*ers))
organisational s+ills) time-
+eeping) coordination
Smoothies choose from a
selection of fr(it and ,(ices to
create smoothie to o-n taste.
'(rric(l(m aims healthy eating)
follo-ing instr(ctions) n(meracy
s+ills) +itchen . & S) coo+ing
To r(n after Sports session as a
refreshing rela and -ind do-n/
appro 0"#$pm
(*) 1eso(rces re2(ired 3ario(s games e2(ip from
reso(rce c(p*oard) incl(ding"
hoops) *alls) 4ris*ee) spoons 5
eggs & pri6es
.ave (sed *efore) -ith s(ccess)
are safe and accessi*le for all.
7ggs (ra-) provide element of
ecitement (ris+ of *rea+age) and
-ill promote increased
concentration of coordination
8lender) ,(g) +nife) chopping
*oard) glasses/c(ps) fr(it) ,(ice)
ice-cream - familiar +itchen items)
easy to so(rce. A straightfor-ard
method to follo-) -ith room for
plenty of creativity/personal taste)
ma+ing it possi*le for %& -ith
little coo+ing eperience to have a
s(ccessf(l o(tcome.
(c) 1ationale &rovide f(n gro(p *onding games
& challenges. &romote physical
eercise. 9evelop vols in planning
& leading an activity. Ta+e
advantage of nice -eather.
'hallenge 4T4 mem*ers physical)
comm(nication and coordination
&rovide alternative) less physical
indoor activity.
&romote healthy eating.
9evelop vols in leading an activity.
7asy food prep activity to
enco(rage home coo+ing rather
than *(ying ready-made food
(d) :ey personnel
; Staff/Senior vols to oversee
activity/ monitoring games and
children -aiting to participate in
games. 3ols to s(pport.
# Staff/Senior vol to r(n & assist
mem*ers) -ith # vol in s(pport.
; vols at end to clear and tidy
(f) <in+ to %&
3ols specifically as+ed to r(n
more o(tdoor game sessions to
ma+e (se of nicer s(mmer
3ols have identified that the
mem*ers en,oy the coo+ing
activities. 3ol '8 is trying to
develop his coo+ing s+ills and
-or+ to-ards his 4ood Safety
(h) 3en(e / location O(tside *(ilding on grass. 7act
location dependent on -hether
cric+et cl(* has match or not.
Strip o(tside *ac+ or over *y
1(g*y field.
=n the coffee *ar area.
(i) 4inances / costs Main e2(ip availa*le from
reso(rce c(p*oard.
7ggs & pri6es ma >?
=ngredients left over from 8(66
session #@
A(ne (>0.@?)
(,) Appropriate reso(rce
All game e2(ipment age
appropriate and easy to (se for
4T4 mem*ers.
'lear ver*al instr(ctions.
(+) Any additional needs Bone
B3 has re2(ested to help -ith
sports and to r(n an o*stacle
co(rse) she can tend to *e a *it
hyperactive and over-ecita*le so
-ill need s(pport in staying calm
and foc(sed.
'8% -o(ld li+e to p(rs(e a career
as sports teacher/coach so -o(ld
*e helpf(l for him to lead this
activity so as to help gain re2(ired
s+ills for the f(t(re.
'8 -o(ld li+e to r(n this activity)
he is very logical/ordered tho(gh
and (s(ally -ants to follo- a
recipe. .e -ill need very clear
instr(ctions at the start and etra
s(pport and enco(ragement in
r(nning a more creative) free-form
coo+ing session.
(l) Monitoring &
Ongoing progress of %& -ill *e monitored & eval(ated -ith (se of
attendance register) Session chec+list/tas+ record sheet) 3ol(nteer
revie- forms and reflective diary

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