Curriculum Vitae: Prajnyana Nayak

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Prajnyana Nayak
C/o- Sarat Kumar Das
Plot No- 3365/6055
Prachi Vihar, Palasuni
Rasulgarh, BHB!N"S#!R-$0
%o&'()3*30$)**, (33+05**6*
"-mail- ,ra-n.ana/.ahoo0co0in

Work Experience:
#or1ing in 23or1ing in 4" Ca,ital 56S 7t80 as a Coll9ction incharg9 sinc9
:anuar. ;005 to till 8at90
Job Profile:
Coll9ction o< ,a.m9nt0
Visiting th9 custom9r throughout =rissa0
S9n8ing &oth har8 co,. an8 so<t co,. to th9 h9a8 o<<ic9 0
Dail. r9,orting to th9 h9a8 o<<ic9 0
Han8ling DS! <rom 8i<<9r9nt ar9as0
Preio!" Experience:
#or198 as a 59am 79a89r in !5=R"!CH >8ir9ct sal9s associat9s o< !BN
!%R= B!NK? <rom =ct ;00$ to D9c9m&9r ;00)0
Job Profile:
D9aling r9<inanc9 o< ;
han8 car
5o achi9@9 th9 high @olum9 3ith m. t9am
!lso to ,lan out <or incr9as9 th9 @olum9
D9@9lo, th9 r9lationshi, 3ith ;
han8 car 89al9r0
=rganiAing loan %9la an8 roa8 sho30
#or198 as a sal9s 9B9cuti@9 Car99r !ir-Con8ition <rom :anuar. $((( to S9,t9m&9r ;00$
Job profile:
%ar19t Sur@9. o< th9 Pro8ucts /air con8ition9rs
5o Kno3 th9 main Com,9titors
5o 3or1 out 8i<<9r9nt strat9gi9s in or89r to achi9@9 th9 gro3th o< th9 com,an.
!rranging <inanc9 <or th9 custom9r
Aca#e$ic %!alifica&ion:
Di,loma in %ar19ting %anag9m9nt <rom !RC!D" School o< sal9s, Salt 7a19,
Com,ut9r !,,lication in th9 <i9l8 o< %SCD=S, #in8o3s (+, "Bc9l
Bach9lor o< !rts <rom t1al ni@9rsit., Bhu&an9s3ar, =rissa, in th9 .9ar $((+
D; !rts <rom CHS" ,orissa in th9 .9ar $((5
Per"onal profile:
Dat9 o< Birth '+
:ul. $(*+
6ath9rEs nam9 ':i&an Kumar Na.a1
S9B '%al9
%arital Status 'marri98
R9ligion 'Hin8u
7anguag9 ,ro<ici9nc. '=ri.a, Hin8i, "nglish
Fnt9r9st 'R9a8ing N93s,a,9r an8 %agaAin9s
Str9ngth '
Strong int9r,9rsonal s1ills
Committ98 to tas1 an8 tim9 manag9m9nt
!&ilit. to 3ithstan8 ,r9ssur9
Sinc9r9 an8 hon9st
'eclara&ion :
F h9r9&. 89clar9 that all th9 stat9m9nt ma89 h9r9 in ar9 tru9 to th9 &9st o< m. 1no3l98g9 an8 &9li9<
0in cas9 an8 o< th9 ,articulars <urnish98 &. m9 ar9 <oun8 to &9 <als9 at an. stat9 m. a,,lication <or
can8i8atur9 is lia&l9 to r9-9ct980
Plac9' BHB!N"S#!R
Dat9' 03/0+/;006
(Prajnyana Nayak)

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