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Bil Tajuk ISB Tesis Semester Julai 2012

1 Malaysian Sectorial indices VS Macroeconomic factors, Any correlation?:Evidence from

2 The monetary policy effect towards total loan supply: ase !f "an# Muamalat$
% The &mpact !f Macroeconomics Varia'les towards stoc# price in Malaysia$
( &mpact of Macroeconomic indicators on "&M" )oldin*s &slamic stoc# mar#et performance
+ The ,eterminacy of the e-uity mar#et 'etween Malaysia an us$
. /erformance of unit trust in Malaysia :A comparison 'etween &slamic unit trust and
conventional unit trust$
0 hallen*es to housin* afforda'ility in Malaysia
1 /rofita'ility of Malaysia Airport )oldin* "erhad$
2 3actor that influence customers choosin* 'etween &slamic 'an#in* and conventional
'an#in* :A case study amon* employees Standard hartered$
14 The empirical study of macroeconomic factor towards the performance of local and forei*n
&slamic 'an#s in Malaysia$
11 The relationship 'etween the economic varia'le with the &slamic deposit in Malaysia
'an#in* system
12 The affect of macroeconomic factor towards performance of &slamic 'an#in* in Malaysia:
ase of 5)" &slamic "an#$
1% An investi*ation of macroeconomic varia'le toward the performance of &slamic 'an#s in
1( Effect of *ross domestic product towards forei*n direct investment in Malaysia$
1+ 3actor that influence the performance of loan supply in "an# 5a#yat /udu "ranch$
1. An investi*ation of non /erformin* financin* in "an# 6er7asama 5a#yat Malaysia
awan*an 8u#ut$
10 3inancial /erformance of &slamic "an#in* versus onventional "an#in* &n Malaysia in term
of /rofita'ility$
11 /rofita'ility performance of "an# &slam Malaysia "erhad 9"&M":$
12 /erformance of "an# &slam "erhad: A case study$
24 /erformance of 6uwait 3inance house in Malaysia environment
21 The performance of ommercial "an# in Malaysia
22 The 3actor of ;onperformin* 8oan for ommercial "an#in* &n Malaysia$
2% 3actor influencin* the level of dis'ursement of personal financin* 9tawarruq:<i in "an#
2( A study on pu'lic awareness on Ar<5ahnu Scheme and the factors influencin* the pu'lic to
pursue the scheme in 6luan*,=ohor$
2+ 8evel of pu'lic awareness and factors influencin* pu'lic to pursue &slamic pawn 'ro#in*
scheme : case study of Ar<5ahnu &n ;e*eri Sem'ilan$
2. A study on the awareness of &slamic pawn 'ro#in* as an intermediation to the development
of micro enterprise$
20 Stora*e fee diver*ence effect on &slamic pawnin* and conventional pawnin* toward
21 onsumers> Acceptance on &slamic )ome 3inancin* Throu*h "ai>"ithaman A7il ontract $
22 The Via'ility of 5ental /rice and 8endin* 5ate in )ome 3inancin* /roduct$
%4 3inancial /erformance of Malaysian 3ounder &slamic "an#$
%1 &nternal factor that influence "an#>s /erformance
%2 3actors that affect profita'ility performance of "an# Muamalat$
%% ,eterminants profita'ility of conventional 'an#: &n the conte?t of Malaysia evidence$
%( ,eterminants of performance of &slamic 'an#in* :"an# &slam Malaysia "erhad9"&M":
%+ omparison financial performance in &slamic 'an#in* 'etween "an# Muamalat Malaysia
"erhad 9"MM": and "an# &slam Malaysia "erhad 9"&M": &n term of profita'ility$
%. Measurin* &slamic "an# /erformance throu*h capital structure of Malaysia$
%0 A study on the consumers> Acceptance towards &slamic "an#in* products and services in
=ohor "ahru, =ohor$
%1 The determinants of retirement 'enefit plan$
%2 The sensitivity of companies> performance towards dividend payment$
(4 The awareness of payin* @a#at on income :A case study at SM6 Methodist Serem'an$
(1 An Empirical Study on the &ntention to pay Aa#ah on Employment &ncome amon* private
sector :ase study in Shah Alam$
(2 The impact of Aa#at payment in 3inancial performance$
(% The factors influence of the increase collection of @a#at on income in district of Muar$
(( The implication of Macroeconomic Varia'les on the Shari>ah companies> stoc# return
:Evidence from Malaysia$
(+ ,eterminants that affect the stoc# price movement in Malaysian plantation sector$
(. The lin#a*es 'etween stoc# mar#et development and economic *rowth in Malaysia$
(0 ,oes inflation rate ,economic *rowth and e?chan*e rate influencin* direct investment in
(1 Evidence from Malaysia case study of Syari#at Ta#aful Malaysia "erhad$
(2 The Muslim perspective towards Ta#aful protection$
+4 Economic determinants of family Ta#aful consumption :Evidence from Eti-a Ta#aful
May'an# Malaysia$
+1 3actors that influence company towards Aa#at payment$
+2 A Study of onsumers >Acceptance Towards &slamic "an#in* /roducts and services in "atu
+% A study on the customer>s acceptance towards &slamic 'an#in* products amon* non<Muslim
in Mersin* ,=ohore$
+( 3actors Acceptance &slamic redit ard &n "an# &slam Malaysia$ A case study in =ohor
++ The 8in#a*es of poverty reduction towards Malaysia economy$
+. redit 5is# mana*ement and profita'ility of &slamic "an# :A case study of "an# &slam
Malaysia "erhad 9"&M":$
+0 Effectiveness of redit 5is# mana*ement towards profita'ility in &slamic "an# in Malaysia:
ase study of 6uwait 3inance )ouse 9M: "erhad$
+1 /erformance B redit ris# in Malaysia &slamic 3inancial institution$
+2 8i-uidity ris# and performance of 'an#in* system$
.4 5is# e?posure in "an# &slam and "an# Muamalat$
.1 onsumer choice on &slamic personal financin* towards "ai &nah: A case study at "an#
.2 The &mpact of economic factors on demand of family Ta#aful and life insurance$
.% ustomer>s acceptance on Ar C5ahn scheme : &n case study of "an# 5a#yat$
.( 5eceptiveness of internet 'an#in* 'y Malaysian consumers :A case study in Malacca$
.+ redit ris# Bprofita'ility :An analysis of &slamic 'an#s and conventional 'an#s in Malaysia$
.. A study of operational efficiency :omparative study 'etween &slamic and conventional 'an#
in Malaysia$
.0 &slamic "an#: A omparative Study of &slamic 3inancial /erformance 'etween Malaysia and
.1 Technical affiance of &slamic "an# :A omparative study of Malaysia and D ountries$
.2 ,eterminants of financial performance for family Ta#aful in Malaysia industry$
70 Determination Of Malaysian Islamic Banks Performance

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