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Blah blah

1. Residence A house where people live.

2. Condemn Express complete disapproval of something.
3. Youth The period between childhood and adult age
4. Yield The amount of something produced.

5. Terminal An end or extremity of something.
6. Tyranny Cruel and oppressive government or rule.
7. luminous Something that shines or glows in dark.
8. Sensational A sensational murder trial

9. Vague Thinking or communicating in an unfocused or imprecise way
10. Wage A fixed regular payment, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis, made
by an employer to an employee, esp. to a manual or unskilled

11. Intelligent Ability to think, understand and learn quickly.
12. Continuousblah blah

Continuing for a long period without stopping.
13. Ultimateblah blah The best achievable or imaginable of its kind.

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