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Andrea Gamber, Sodexo Intern March 2014

What is a sugar-sweetened beverage?
Any drink with sugar added is a sugar-sweetened beverage. A
beverage contains added sugar if the ingredient list contains
any of the following words: sugar, syrup, dextrose, fruit juice
concentrate, glucose, and sucrose.
Drinks that claim to be loaded with vitamins, minerals or antioxidants
are often packed with sugar as well! Always read the label to identify if
it is a sugar-sweetened beverage and to check caloric content.
Rethink Your Drink

Would you let your kids put 19 teaspoons of sugar on their cereal? That
is how much sugar they are consuming when they down a 20oz bottle
of Mountain Dew. Adults and children consume about 400 calories from
beverages everyday. While it is essential to your health to get enough
fluid everyday, it is also important to make smart fluid choices.
Beverages sweetened with sugars provide some water but they
typically have more calories than unsweetened beverages and excess
calories can lead to weight gain. This includes non-diet sodas,
sweetened teas, sports drinks, energy drinks, sweetened waters and
juices and blended coffee drinks.
What about 100% fruit juice? While 100% fruit juice is not a sugar-
sweetened beverage, it is still a sugary drink. In fact, 8oz of 100%
orange juice has 21 grams (over 5 teaspoons) of sugar and 110 calories.
The best choice is to drink water, seltzer or unsweetened flavored
What about diet drinks? Artificially sweetened diet sodas or teas are
low in calories but usually have little to no nutritional value.
Tips to Decrease
Sugary Drink Intake
Carry a water bottle
wherever you go and
only fill it with water
Choose water when
eating out
Infuse your water with
fruit to improve taste
Drink water first thing
in the morning instead
of a sweetened coffee
drink or juice

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016
Nam ac justo non erat ullamcorper vulputate. In hac habitasse platea
dictumst. Curabitur eu lectus. Morbi sed quam ac tortor eleifend
iaculis. Ut vel quam vitae orci aliquam mattis.
Morbi venenatis vestibulum magna. Pellentesque rutrum, dui
at accumsan semper, massa ipsum nonummy dui, eget varius
velit velit sed sapien. Suspendisse potenti.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016

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