Technical Feedback Form

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s R H

Candidate Name Date (R1/ R11)

Current Company Current Role
Total Experience Relevant Experience
Position Applied for Practice
Excellent "ood #atisfactory $air Poor
5 4 3 2 1
Desired s%ills/%no&lede expected for t'is position
Comments #elf Round ( Round (( (n Person

#oft / )e'avioral #%ill sets
#elf Round ( Round (( (n Person
Ability to work independently
Ability to work with a diverse group
Willingness to assume other duties as assigned
Verbal communication skills (articulate clear!
"roblem solving and analytical skills
#eambuilding$%nterpersonal &kills
"ro'ect (anagement $ coordination
#ime (anagement
(ntervie& panel*s name and sinature!
Comments ! "rocess )or *e+t round ,e'ect -n .old
s R H
(n Person! Date!
)est $it to 'ire (Average ,ating between 4$5!
$it to 'ire &it' some improvement and trainin needs (Average ,ating between 3$4!
Not fit to 'ire (Average ,ating between 1$2!
(ntervie& panel*s name and sinature!

Additional Comments!

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