Educ 260 Artifact 3

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Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact

inTASC Standard:

Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration
The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportnities to take
responsibility for stdent learnin!" to collaborate #ith learners" fa$ilies"
collea!es" other school professionals" and co$$nity $e$bers to ensre learner
!ro#th" and to advance the profession%
Brief Description of Evidence:

&hile establishin! a leadership role in the creation of this co$$nity event" stdents
and parents are encora!ed to attend in order to e'pand the kno#led!e of the stdents
otside of the classroo$% The prpose of this co$$nity event is to involve anyone
connected to the classroo$ in a careflly created $anner that allo#s stdents" fa$ilies"
collea!es" school professionals" and co$$nity $e$bers to !ro# edcationally" as #ell
as bond socially%
Analysis of What I Learned:

&hile creatin! this co$$nity activity" ( brainstor$ed $any different options and
narro#ed it do#n to si'% Thro!h this process" ( learned $ltiple activities to $atch #ith
$ltiple different sb)ect areas% The i$ple$entation of this co$$nity activity teaches
everyone involved" incldin! the teacher%

How this artifact demonstrates my competence on the inTASC Standard:
( have de$onstrated co$petence of this certain inTASC by providin! a learnin!
environ$ent appropriate for the sccess and learner !ro#th of stdents" fa$ilies"
collea!es" school professionals" and co$$nity $e$bers% The lesson ta!ht in this
co$$nity activity allo#s all a!es to co$e to!ether #ith the sa$e !oal in $ind% *y
tili+in! the (ndiana Crricl$" ( have created $ltiple topics of learnin! co$piled into
one learnin! environ$ent%

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