Bird Symbolism

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Bird Symbolism

Part I
Directions: Read the description of each bird. Determine which character(s) that you think could be associated
with that bird. Write the characters name and a brief explanation.
From ancient times to the present, certain birds have been considered both symbols and forecasters of
events. These birds, from every part of the world, have been especially important. The symbol of a bird
is thought to have been a symbol of the soul.
Phoenix: mythical bird that dies by fire, then rises from its own ashes after 5 years! thus it
symboli"es renewed life.
Raven: said to predict death and pestilence (disease). #olklore says that the ra$en%s sense of
smell is so acute that it can smell death before it comes.
Stork: symbols of &ood luck. 'n folklore, storks deli$er babies. (he stork is a symbol of respect
for elders.
Finch: new experiences and encounters, increased opportunity to experience a $ariety of
acti$ities, awakenin& of the nature spirit
Pelican: self)sacrificin&, non)competiti$e, buoyant, risin& abo$e trials
Swan: sensiti$e, emotional, dreamer and mystic, lon&e$ity. *wans are associated with the moon.
+ame, -eriod,
Cardinal: brin&s color to your life and reminds you that all you do is important, you are
someone who bri&htens others li$es
Owl: silent wisdom and nocturnal $ision, healin& powers
Loon: reali"in& dreams, hauntin& and eerie son&, ima&ination
Eagle: capable of reachin& "enith, &reat perception, brid&in& worlds
Part II
Write a para&raph explainin& why one of the characters could be represented by one of these birds. Discuss this
persons personality traits and use direct .uotations from the no$el to emphasi"e your point (please include pa&e

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