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Recap from Day 1

Health Technology Assessment Workshop

Jakarta, Indonesia
24 June 2014
Key themes and learnings
HTA overview: Basic principles, multi-disciplinary
process, multiple applications in support of decision
making, transparency in process is key
Opportunities to learn from HTA experiences from
other countries but local context will determine
need, demand, and supply
Several opportunities for learning and networking at
regional & global level
Institutionalization: Again, dependent on country
Some questions raised that require further
How do we build a transparent process for issue selection
and evaluation?
What policy decisions do we want to inform: Benefits
package, price negotiations, services & systems
Role of HTA body: Evidence generation v. decision making

Some questions raised that require further
Who are the key clients and what are the linkages with
UHC, vertical & horizontal programs, centralized v.
decentralized level?
What is the current understanding of HTA and political will
for it within these clients/stakeholder groups?
Types of studies we need to conduct and the costs

Some questions raised that require further
Harmonization with existing efforts: GFATM proposals,
academia & medical schools, other local & global
How do we build capacity at decentralized levels?
Legal and policy framework for an independent/neutral
HTA unit?
Level of financing and types of financing for the unit?
Next steps
Break out into groups to discuss issues of Need,
Demand, and Supply for HTA in Indonesia
Moderated by HITAP resource persons
Assign raconteur from group (GOI)
Discuss issues raised (broad guidance in template)
Develop activity plan for defining and institutionalizing each
aspect of HTA timelines and key stakeholders
Present to plenary for discussion and consensus

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