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Allison Zimmerman

Knowledge And Skills Acquisition (KASA) Summary Form

For Certification in Speech-Language athology
The KASA form is intended for use by the certification applicant during the graduate program to track the processes by which the knowledge and
skills specified in the 2014 Standards for the are being ac!uired" #ach student should re$iew the KASA form at the beginning of graduate study%
and update it at inter$als throughout the graduate program and at the conclusion of the program"
The student% with input and monitoring of program faculty% must enter a check mark in column & as each of the knowledge and skills is ac!uired" 't is
e(pected that many entries will appear in the course work and the clinical practicum columns% with some entries% as appropriate% in the )*ther) +lab%
research% etc", columns" -lease enter the course or practicum number and title and description of other applicable acti$ity"
!" K#$%L&'(& A)&AS
A *
C '
-ow Achie.ed,
Course / and 0itle
racticum &1periences
/ and 0itle
Standard !2-A" 0he applicant must demonstrate knowledge of the 3iological sciences4 physical sciences4 statistics4 and the social 5
3eha.ioral sciences6
. &iological sciences
Zoology 101 Animal &iology +0123adison,
Zoology 102 Animal &iology 4aboratory +0123adison,
50T6' S' 172 +0123adison,

-hysical sciences
hem 107 8eneral hemistry +0123adison,
Statistics /
Stats 701 'ntro2Statistical 3ethods +0123adison,
-S:; <0= Abnormal -sychology +0123adison,
;>?S 7@2 >e$elopment of :oung hildren +0123adison,
;>?S 7@7 >e$elopmentA Adolescence B *ld Age +0123adison,
Sociology 120 3arriage and ?amily +0123adison,
Sociology 174 American 6acial C #thnic 3inorities +0123adison,
6- C S# 700 'ndi$iduals with >isabilities +0123adison,
;istory 412 ;istory2American #ducation +0123adison,

Standard !2-*" 0he applicant must demonstrate knowledge of 3asic human communication and swallowing processes4 including their
3iological4 neurological4 acoustic4 psychological4 de.elopmental4 and linguistic and cultural 3ases
*asic -uman Communication rocesses
om >is 201 Speech Science +0123adison,
om >is 202 5ormal Aspects of ;earing +0123adison,
om >is 210 Speech and 4anguage ?unctions of the &rain +0123adison,

5eurological / om >is 201 Speech Science +0123adison,
om >is 202 5ormal Aspects of ;earing +0123adison,
om >is 210 5eural &asis for ommunication +0123adison,
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is F11 3otor Speech >isorders

Spring% 2014
Allison Zimmerman
Knowledge And Skills Acquisition (KASA) Summary Form
For Certification in Speech-Language athology
om >is F70 Swallowing and >ysphagia
om >is 202 5ormal Aspects of ;earing +0123adison,
om >is 707A Speech Acoustics% -erception +0123adison,
om >is 720 'ntroduction to Audiology +0123adison,
om >is 42< Auditory 6ehabilitation +0123adison,

om >is 240 4anguage >e$elopment B hild C Adolescent +0123adison,
om >is 210 5eural &asis for ommunication +0123adison,

om >is 240 4anguage >e$elopment B hild C Adolescents +0123adison,
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
;>?S 7@2 >e$elopment of :oung hildren +0123adison,
;>?S 7@7 >e$elopmentA Adolescence to Adulthood +0123adison,
om >is F@4 Speech and 4anguage >isorders in :oung hildren
om >is F17 4anguage 4earning >isorders in School Age hildren

4inguistics 101 ;uman 4anguage +0123adison,
4inguistics 710 -honology +0123adison,
om >is 210 Speech and 4anguage ?unctions of the &rain +0123adison,
om >is 240 4anguage >e$elopment B hild C Adolescent +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012

4inguistics 101 ;uman 4anguage +0123adison,
om >is 210 Speech and 4anguage ?unctions of the &rain +0123adison,
om >is 240 4anguage >e$elopment B hild C Adolescent +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is F@4 Speech and 4anguage >isorders in :oung hildren
om >is F17 4anguage 4earning >isorders in School Age hildren

Swallowing rocesses
om >is 201 Speech Science +013adison,
om >is 210 5eural &asis for ommunication +013adison,
om >is @24 ommunication >isorders Across the 4ifespan
om >is F70 Swallowing and >ysphagia

om >is 210 5eural &asis for ommunication +013adison,
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +013adison,
om >is F11 3otor Speech >isorders
om >is F22 4anguage and ogniti$e 'mpairments in Adults
om >is F70 Swallowing and >ysphagia

Acoustic /
om >is F70 Swallowing and >ysphagia

-sychological /
om >is F70 Swallowing and >ysphagia

>e$elopmental94ifespan /
om >is F70 Swallowing and >ysphagia

4inguistic /
om >is F70 Swallowing and >ysphagia

ultural /
om >is F70 Swallowing and >ysphagia

Spring% 2014
Allison Zimmerman
Knowledge And Skills Acquisition (KASA) Summary Form
For Certification in Speech-Language athology
Standard !2-C" 0he applicant must demonstrate knowledge of the nature of speech4 language4 hearing4 and communication disorders and
differences and swallowing disorders4 including their etiologies4 characteristics4 anatomical5physiological4 acoustic4 psychological4
de.elopmental4 and linguistic and cultural correlates" Specific knowledge must 3e demonstrated in the following areas6
om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is F@4 Speech C 4anguage >isorders in :oung hildren
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is 4F2 Assessment in ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is @FF >isorders of Speech -roduction
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

om >is 210 Speech and 4anguage ?unctions of the &rain +0123adison,
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is 440 4anguage >isorders in hildren +0123adison,
om >is <D< ?luency >isorders
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is <D< ?luency >isorders
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

2oice and resonance4 including respiration and phonation
om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is F20 Eoice >isorders
om >is F11 3otor Speech >isorders
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is F20 Eoice >isorders
om >is F11 3otor Speech >isorders
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

)ecepti.e and e1pressi.e language (phonology4 morphology4 synta14 semantics4 and pragmatics) in speaking4 listening4 reading4 writing4
and manual modalities
om >is 240 4anguage >e$elopment B hild C Adolescent +0123adison,
om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is @F2 Assessment in ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F@4 Speech C 4anguage >isorders in :oung hildren
om >is F17 4anguage 4earning >isorders in School Age hildren
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

haracteristics / om >is 240 4anguage >e$elopment B hild C Adolescent +0123adison,
om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders

Spring% 2014
Allison Zimmerman
Knowledge And Skills Acquisition (KASA) Summary Form
For Certification in Speech-Language athology
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is F@4 Speech C 4anguage >isorders in :oung hildren
om >is F17 4anguage 4earning >isorders in School Age hildren
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience
-earing4 including the impact on speech and language
om >is 202 5ormal Aspects of ;earing +0123adison,
om >is 720 'ntroduction to Audiology +0123adison,
om >is 42< Auditory 6ehabilitation +0123adison,
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is 202 5ormal Aspects of ;earing +0123adison,
om >is 720 'ntroduction to Audiology +0123adison,
om >is 42< Auditory 6ehabilitation +0123adison,
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
Swallowing (oral4 pharyngeal4 esophageal4 and related functions4 including oral function for feeding7 orofacial myofunction)
#tiologies / om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is F70 Swallowing and >ysphagia
om >is F=7 ?ield -lacement

haracteristics / om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is F70 Swallowing and >ysphagia
om >is F=7 ?ield -lacement

Cogniti.e aspects of communication (attention4 memory4 sequencing4 pro3lem-sol.ing4 e1ecuti.e functioning)
#tiologies / om >is 210 5eural &asis for ommunication +0123adison,
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is 440 4anguage >isorders in hildren +0123adison,
om >is F17 4anguage 4earning >isorders in School Age hildren
om >is F22 5eurogenic 4anguage and ogniti$e 'mpairments in Adults
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

haracteristics / om >is 210 5eural &asis for ommunication +0123adison,
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is 440 4anguage >isorders in hildren +0123adison,
om >is F17 4anguage 4earning >isorders in School Age hildren
om >is F22 5eurogenic 4anguage and ogniti$e 'mpairments in Adults
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

Social aspects of communication (challenging 3eha.ior4 ineffecti.e social skills4 lack of communication opportunities)
om >is 42< Auditory 6ehabilitation +0123adison,
om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is 210 5eural &asis for ommunication +0123adison,
om >is F@4 Speech C 4anguage >isorders in :oung hildren
om >is F17 4anguage 4earning >isorders in School Age hildren
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

haracteristics / om >is 42< Auditory 6ehabilitation +0123adison,
om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is 210 5eural &asis for ommunication +0123adison,
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

Spring% 2014
Allison Zimmerman
Knowledge And Skills Acquisition (KASA) Summary Form
For Certification in Speech-Language athology
om >is F@4 Speech C 4anguage >isorders in :oung hildren
om >is F17 4anguage 4earning >isorders in School Age hildren
Communication modalities (including oral4 manual4 augmentati.e and alternati.e communication techniques4 and assisti.e technologies)
om >is 42< Auditory 6ehabilitation +0123adison,
om >is 440 4anguage >isorders in hildren +0123adison,
om >is @F2 Assessment in ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is @D7 Augmentati$e and Alternati$e ommunication
om >is F11 3otor Speech >isorders
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

Standard !2-'6 0he applicant must possess knowledge of the principles and methods of pre.ention4 assessment4 and inter.ention for
people with communication and swallowing disorders4 including consideration of anatomical5physiological4 psychological4 de.elopmental4
and linguistic and cultural correlates of the disorders"
om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is 7F1 -re2linical *bser$ation of hildren and Adolescents +012
om >is @FF >isorders of Speech -roduction
om >is F@4 Speech C 4anguage >isorders in :oung hildren
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is 7F1 -re2linical *bser$ation of hildren and Adolescents +012
om >is @FF >isorders of Speech -roduction
om >is @F2 Assessment in ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F@4 Speech C 4anguage >isorders in :oung hildren
om >is F11 3otor Speech >isorders
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is 7F1 -re2linical *bser$ation of hildren and Adolescents +012
om >is @FF >isorders of Speech -roduction
om >is F11 3otor Speech >isorders
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is <D< ?luency >isorders
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

Spring% 2014
Allison Zimmerman
Knowledge And Skills Acquisition (KASA) Summary Form
For Certification in Speech-Language athology
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is <D< ?luency >isorders
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is <D< ?luency >isorders
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

2oice and )esonance
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is F20 Eoice >isorders
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is F20 Eoice >isorders
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is F20 Eoice >isorders
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

)ecepti.e and &1pressi.e Language
om >is 210 Speech and 4anguage ?unctions of the &rain +0123adison,
om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 240 4anguage >e$elopment B hild C Adolescent +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is F@4 Speech C 4anguage >isorders in :oung hildren
om >is F17 4anguage 4earning >isorders in School Age hildren
om >is F22 5eurogenic 4anguage and ogniti$e 'mpairments in Adults
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

om >is 210 Speech and 4anguage ?unctions of the &rain +0123adison,
om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 240 4anguage >e$elopment B hild C Adolescent +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is 7F1 -re2linical *bser$ation of hildren and Adolescents +012
om >is @F2 Assessment in ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F17 4anguage 4earning >isorders in School Age hildren
om >is F@4 Speech C 4anguage >isorders in :oung hildren
om >is F22 4anguage and ogniti$e 'mpairments in Adults
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

'nter$ention /
om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 240 4anguage >e$elopment B hild C Adolescent +0123adison,
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders

Spring% 2014
Allison Zimmerman
Knowledge And Skills Acquisition (KASA) Summary Form
For Certification in Speech-Language athology
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is 7F1 -re2linical *bser$ation of hildren and Adolescents +012
om >is F17 4anguage 4earning >isorders in School Age hildren
om >is F@4 Speech C 4anguage >isorders in :oung hildren
om >is F22 4anguage and ogniti$e 'mpairments in Adults
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience
-earing4 including the impact on speech and language
om >is 202 5ormal Aspects of ;earing +0123adison,
om >is 720 'ntroduction to Audiology +0123adison,
om >is 42< Auditory 6ehabilitation +0123adison,
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is 202 5ormal Aspects of ;earing +0123adison,
om >is 720 'ntroduction to Audiology +0123adison,
om >is 42< Auditory 6ehabilitation +0123adison,
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is 202 5ormal Aspects of ;earing +0123adison,
om >is 720 'ntroduction to Audiology +0123adison,
om >is 42< Auditory 6ehabilitation +0123adison,
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is 201 Speech Science +0123adison,
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is F70 Swallowing and >ysphagia
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

om >is 201 Speech Science +0123adison,
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is F11 3otor Speech >isorders
om >is F22 4anguage and ogniti$e >isorders in Adults
om >is F70 Swallowing and >ysphagia
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

om >is 201 Speech Science +0123adison,
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is F11 3otor Speech >isorders
om >is F22 4anguage and ogniti$e >isorders in Adults
om >is F70 Swallowing and >ysphagia
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

Cogniti.e aspects of communication
-re$ention /
om >is 210 Speech and 4anguage ?unctions of the &rain +0123adison,
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is F22 4anguage and ogniti$e >isorders in Adults
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

Assessment /
om >is 210 Speech and 4anguage ?unctions of the &rain +0123adison,
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is F22 4anguage and ogniti$e >isorders in Adults
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

Spring% 2014
Allison Zimmerman
Knowledge And Skills Acquisition (KASA) Summary Form
For Certification in Speech-Language athology
'nter$ention /
om >is 210 Speech and 4anguage ?unctions of the &rain +0123adison,
om >is 71D Eoice% raniofacial C ?luency >isorders +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is F22 4anguage and ogniti$e >isorders in Adults
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

Social aspects of communication
om >is 42< Auditory 6ehabilitation +0123adison,
om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is F@4 Speech C 4anguage >isorders in :oung hildren
om >is F17 4anguage 4earning >isorders in School Age hildren
om >is F22 4anguage and ogniti$e >isorders in Adults
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

om >is 42< Auditory 6ehabilitation +0123adison,
om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is F@4 Speech C 4anguage >isorders in :oung hildren
om >is F17 4anguage 4earning >isorders in School Age hildren
om >is F22 4anguage and ogniti$e >isorders in Adults
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

om >is 42< Auditory 6ehabilitation +0123adison,
om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is F@4 Speech C 4anguage >isorders in :oung hildren
om >is F17 4anguage 4earning >isorders in School Age hildren
om >is F22 4anguage and ogniti$e >isorders in Adults
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

Communication +odalities
(Prevention not applicable)
om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +0123adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is 42< Auditory 6ehabilitation +0123adison,
om >is F17 4anguage 4earning >isorders in School Age hildren
om >is @D7 Augmentati$e and Alternati$e ommunication
om >is F11 3otor Speech >isorders
om >is F22 4anguage and ogniti$e >isorders in Adults
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

om >is 71< Speech -athology ' +013adison,
om >is 440 hild 4anguage >isorders% Assessment C 'nter$ention +012
om >is 42< Auditory 6ehabilitation +0123adison,
om >is F17 4anguage 4earning >isorders in School Age hildren
om >is @D7 Augmentati$e and Alternati$e ommunication
om >is @@0 -racticum in
ommunicati$e >isorders
om >is F=7 >irected Teaching
om >is F=7 ?ield #(perience

Spring% 2014
Allison Zimmerman
Knowledge And Skills Acquisition (KASA) Summary Form
For Certification in Speech-Language athology
om >is F11 3otor Speech >isorders
om >is F22 4anguage and ogniti$e >isorders in Adults
Standard !2-&6 0he applicant must ha.e demonstrated knowledge of standards of ethical conduct"
Standard !2-F6 0he applicant must ha.e demonstrated knowledge of processes used in research and of the integration of research
principles into e.idence-3ased clinical practice"
Standard !2-(6 0he applicant must ha.e demonstrated knowledge of contemporary professional issues"
Standard !2--6 0he applicant must ha.e demonstrated knowledge of entry le.el and ad.anced certifications4 licensure4 and other rele.ant
professional credentials4 as well as local4 state4 and national regulations and rele.ant to professional practice"
Standard 2-A6 0he applicant must ha.e demonstrated skills in oral and written or other forms of communication sufficient for entry into
professional practice"
Standard 2-*6 0he applicant for certification must complete a program of study that includes super.ised clinical e1periences sufficient in
3readth and depth to achie.e the following skills outcomes (in addition to clinical e1periences4 skills may 3e demonstrated through
successful performance on academic course work and e1aminations4 independent pro8ects4 or other appropriate alternati.e methods)6
9" &.aluation (must include all skill outcomes listed in a-g 3elow for each of the : ma8or areas)
a" Conduct screening and pre.ention procedures (including pre.ention acti.ities)
3" Collect case history information and integrate information from clients5patients4 family4 caregi.ers4 teachers4 rele.ant others4 and
other professionals
c" Select and administer appropriate e.aluation procedures4 such as 3eha.ioral o3ser.ations nonstandardi;ed and standardi;ed
tests4 and instrumental procedures
d" Adapt e.aluation procedures to meet client5patient needs
Spring% 2014
Allison Zimmerman
Knowledge And Skills Acquisition (KASA) Summary Form
For Certification in Speech-Language athology
e" !nterpret4 integrate4 and synthesi;e all information to de.elop diagnoses and make appropriate recommendations for inter.ention
f" Complete administrati.e and reporting functions necessary to support e.aluation
g" )efer clients5patients for appropriate ser.ices
<" !nter.ention (must include all skill outcomes listed in a-g 3elow for each of the : ma8or areas)
a" 'e.elop setting-appropriate inter.ention plans with measura3le and achie.a3le goals that meet clients=5patients= needs" Colla3orate
with clients5patients and rele.ant others in the planning process
3" !mplement inter.ention plans (in.ol.e clients5patients and rele.ant others in the inter.ention process)
c" Select or de.elop and use appropriate materials and instrumentation for pre.ention and inter.ention
d" +easure and e.aluate clients=5patients= performance and progress
e" +odify inter.ention plans4 strategies4 materials4 or instrumentation as appropriate to meet the needs of clients5patients
f" Complete administrati.e and reporting functions necessary to support inter.ention
g" !dentify and refer clients5patients for ser.ices as appropriate
>" !nteraction and ersonal ?ualities
a" ommunicate effecti$ely% recogniGing the needs% $alues% preferred mode of communication% and cultural9linguistic background of the
client9patient% family% caregi$ers% and rele$ant others"

b" ollaborate with other professionals in case management"

Spring% 2014
Allison Zimmerman
Knowledge And Skills Acquisition (KASA) Summary Form
For Certification in Speech-Language athology
c" -ro$ide counseling regarding communication and swallowing disorders to clients9patients% family% caregi$ers% and rele$ant others"

d" Adhere to the AS;A ode of #thics and beha$e professionally"

Standard 2-C6 0he applicant for certification in speech @ language pathology must complete a minimum of ABB clock hours of super.ised
of super.ised clinical e1perience in the practice of speech @ language pathology" 0wenty-fi.e hours must 3e spent in clinical o3ser.ation4
and >CD hours must 3e spent in direct client 5 patient contact"
Standard 2-'6 At least ><D of the ABB hours must 3e completed while the applicant is engaged in graduate study in a program accredited
in speech-language pathology 3y the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech @ Language athology"
Standard 2-&6 Super.ision must 3e pro.ided 3y indi.iduals who hold the Certificate of Clinical Competence in the appropriate profession"
0he amount of direct super.ision must 3e commensurate with the student knowledge4 skills4 and e1perience4 must not 3e less than <DE of
the studentFs total contact with the client5patient4 and must take place periodically throughout the practicum" Super.ision must 3e
sufficient to ensure the welfare of the client 5 patient"
Standard 2-F6 Super.ised practicum must include e1perience with client 5 patient populations across the life span and from culturally 5
linguistically di.erse 3ackgrounds" racticum must include e1perience with client 5 patient populations with .arious types and se.erities
of communication and 5 or related disorders4 differences4 and disa3ilities"
Verification by Program Director
2erification Std 0he applicant for certification6
H :es H 5o ' ;as a masterIs or doctoral degree" A minimum of F< semester credit hours were completed in a course of study addressing the
knowledge and skills pertinent to the field of speech2language pathology
H :es H 5o ' 'nitiated and completed all graduate course work and graduate clinical practicum in an institution whose program was accredited by the AA"
H :es H 5o '''2
;as completed a program of study +a minimum of F< semester credit hours o$erall% including at least 7@ at the graduate le$el,
that includes academic course work sufficient in depth and breadth to achie$e the specified knowledge outcomes"
H :es H 5o '''2> -ossesses knowledge of the principles and methods of pre$ention% assessment and inter$ention for people with
communication and swallowing disorders
H :es H 5o '''2# ;as demonstrated knowledge of standards of ethical conduct"
H :es H 5o '''2? ;as knowledge of processes used in research and the integration of research principles into e$idence2based clinical practice"
H :es H 5o '''28 ;as demonstrated knowledge of contemporary professional issues"
H :es H 5o '''2; ;as demonstrated knowledge about certification% specialty recognition% licensure% and other rele$ant professional credentials"
Spring% 2014
Allison Zimmerman
H :es H 5o 'E2A ;as completed a curriculum of academic and clinical education that follows an appropriate se!uence of learning sufficient to
achie$e the skills outcomes in Standard 'E28"
H :es H 5o 'E2& -ossesses skill in oral and written and other forms of communication sufficient for entry into professional practice"
H :es H 5o 'E2 ;as completed a minimum of 400 clock hours of super$ised clinical e(perience in the practice of speech2language pathology%
including 2< hours in clinical obser$ation and 7F< hours in direct client9patient contact"
H :es H 5o 'E2> ;as completed at least 72< clock hours while engaged in graduate study"
H :es H 5o 'E2# ;as been super$ised by indi$iduals holding a current AS;A ertificate of linical ompetence in the appropriate area of
practice" The amount of super$ision was appropriate to the studentIs le$el of knowledge% e(perience% and competence and the
super$ision was sufficient to ensure the welfare of the client9patient populations"
H :es H 5o 'E2? ;as gained knowledge of and e(perience with indi$iduals from culturally9linguistically di$erse backgrounds and with
client9patient populations across the life span"
H :es H 5o E2A The applicant has met the education programIs re!uirements for demonstrating satisfactory performance through ongoing
formati$e assessment of knowledge and skills"
The program director $erifies that the student met each standard and has successfully met the education programIs re!uirements for demonstrating
satisfactory performance through ongoing assessment of knowledge and skills"
5ame -rogram
Signature >ate
Spring% 2014

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