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Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of money.

must invest this money in public services (eg: education, healthcare, infrastructure, etc) instead. To
what extent do you agree with this statement?
- The government should invest in the arts because it brings various benefits to the society/
societal benefits
o (national priority) Cultural preservation: traditional art forms (maintain folk music
performances/ concerts, build theatres, exhibitions, galleries, sustain traditional venues
such as silk villages, pottery villages)
o Enrich the publics cultural life expose them to various art forms (eg:)
o Develop the tourism sector (side effects)
- Money spent on the arts may not yield good/tangible results and thus may seem like a waste of
money (compared to when it is spent on other sectors such as education and healthcare)
o Difficult to quantify the value of the arts to the national heritage and peoples life
o Eg: . (hypothetical example)

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