Issue 22 Revised

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Dont You Just Hate

Pushy Salespeople?
If youre like me, you can
live without the pressure and
hassles from aggressive
salespeople. Thats why I
treat my friends and clients
with helpful, healthy respect.
So if you or someone you
know ever has questions
about real estate, please feel
welcome to call me at 503-
380-3096 Theres never any
pressure or hassles Im
here to help.

Secrets For Playing The Stock

Market Like A Pro
!re you intimidated by the comple"ities of the stock market# $ou dont
have to be. !nd you dont have to settle on low interest savings accounts for
your investments. %ow you can educate yourself using the Internet. The Internet
is a quick and easy tool to learn common investment strategies. &ere are a few
resources and tips for playing the market like a pro.
'irst, you must learn the basics about investing your money. (ducate
yourself on the terminology and the inner workings of the market. There are
great web sites with simple descriptions about basic investment information.
)isit wwwin!esto"e#iaco$ for easy to understand terminology and answers to
frequently asked questions.
*nce you have a handle on the basics of investing in the stock market, you
will need to assess your goals. It is important to reali+e how much money you
want to make and when you will need ready cash. This will help you decide on
long,term or short,term investment strategies. -any people feel they need a
broker or financial advisor to help them with their investments. If you are going
to hire a broker, wwwcons%$ersearchco$&www&"ersonal'(inance ranks
brokers according to your needs. This can be very
helpful for a novice who is unsure where to go for
help. $ou will need to choose a broker based on
the level of involvement you want to have in day,
to,day dealings with your investments.
$our long,term investment plan will be the
map to your investment future. $ou should aim for
a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, mutual
funds, and real estate. The division of your money
will depend upon how much cash you will need
and in what period. !t www(inancenterco$ you
can get access to several different types of
calculators to help figure out what investment
strategy will work best for you. $oull also notice
there are numerous sites on the Internet for getting predictions about market
growth. These sites are to be used cautiously, however. There is no guarantee
these .e"pert/ sites know any more about the market than you.
To analy+e individual stocks, www)%ickenco$ is a great resource. In
addition, mutual fund ratings can be researched at www$orningstarco$. 0oth
of these sites are fairly reliable in their estimates.
Lets get together and talk. Let me work for YOU now!
Jean Lu
Service For Life!
Insider Tips For Healthy, Wealthy & Happy Living

As your friend in Real Estate

I Have Solutions
Whether you are a Buyer, Seller or
Investor, I can help you achieve your eal
!state needs and help you "uild #inancial
security #or your #uture
Volume IV, Issue 22
Friday, 10:38 AM
Porla!d, "re#o!
Inside This Issue
Secrets For Playing The Stock
Market Like A ProPage *
Ly$e +isease , A Serio%s -ealth
ThreatPage .
-ow To Protect /o%rsel( Fro$
0iller 1o$"%ter 2ir%sesPage 3
Ti"s For Sa(er +ri!ingPage 3
3eat This Tri!ia 4%estion An# /o%
1o%l# 5in Free -otel (or 3 #ays 6 .
7ightsPage 8
-ow M%ch -o%se 1an /o% A((or#9
Page 8
If the volumes of information on investing overwhelm you, you may want to
check out wwwar$chair$illionaireco$ to review simple steps for successful
investing. 1%01, $ahoo, and -S% Investor provide information on current
stock reports. *nce you have invested, you will find their information very
helpful in tracking your stocks. *nce you have developed your portfolio, you
can assess your risk for loss at sites such as wwwriskgra#esco$.
!ll of these web sites serve as resources for you to personally build and track
your own portfolio. 2se this information with balance and reasonableness, and
youll soon be reali+ing consistent profits from your investments.
Ly$e +isease , A Serio%s
-ealth Threat
3o you really have the flu, or could it be something much more serious#
4yme disease is often misdiagnosed. The common symptoms include fatigue,
headaches, and overall aches. (ach year more that 56,777 !mericans are
infected and many of those go untreated due to the lack of a correct diagnosis.
4yme disease is passed to humans through infected ticks. The first sure sign
of infection is a bulls,eye shaped rash at the site of the tick bite. -any people
dont even reali+e they have been e"posed until the rash appears. Some people
do not develop the signature rash, which makes diagnosis of 4yme disease even
more difficult.
! blood test can confirm diagnosis. !ntibiotics can be used to successfully
treat 4yme disease once a diagnosis has been made.
If you will be e"posed to an area where ticks are known to e"ist, cover
yourself thoroughly with light colored clothing. $ou can also use deet,
containing insect repellant to help repel ticks and other insects. If you find a tick
on your skin simply remove it with twee+ers and then apply a disinfectant to the
bite area. 8emember where the bite was so you can check for a rash to appear
anytime during the ne"t month.
If 4yme disease goes untreated, it can cause heart palpitations, nervous
system abnormalities, and other ailments. If your flu,like symptoms persist and
you have been e"posed to ticks, check with your doctor.
Lets get together and talk. Let me work for YOU now!
$ord "f %&e Mo!&'
Studies have shown that your income
and wealth is directly related to the
si+e and depth of your vocabulary.
&ere is this months word, so you can
impress your friends. $ou may even
be able to fatten your wallet9
i$"ec%nio%s :im; pi kyoo; nee es:
-eaning? lacking money, penniless
Sample Sentence? She thought her
destitute college days were a thing
of the past, but her entry,level
position at a new advertising
company left her i$"ec%nio%s as
(id )ou *!o+'
-en go to the movies more
than women do.
1ollege educated people go to
more movies than those with
lesser education.
Food Safey $ar!i!#
The 2.S. 3epartment of !griculture
says that pregnant women, infants,
older people, and people with
weakened immune systems are
especially vulnerable to listeriosis, a
sometimes fatal infection caused by
bacteria in ready,to,eat processed
foods, such as lunchmeats, hot dogs,
and some cheeses. 'ollow these tips to
reduce the risk of illness from these
&eat hot dogs, lunchmeats, dry
sausage, pates, and leftovers until
3on;t eat soft cheeses, such as feta,
0rie, 1amembert, 8oquefort, and
soft -e"ican,style cheeses.
!void unpasteuri+ed milk and foods
made from raw milk.
1ook all meats, poultry, and fish
1arefully rinse fruits and vegetables
before eating.
,uoe "f %&e Mo!&
@o outside, to the fields, en=oy nature
and the sunshine, go out and try to
recapture the happiness in yourself and
in @od. Think of all the beauty thats
still left in and around you and be
!nne 'rank
%&e (iffere!ce -e+ee! A ./eal 0sae a#e!,1 A!d
A (edicaed Professio!al'
Aeople say Im very different from the .flock/ of real estate agent out
there. Instead of hounding strangers for business and pestering people with
cold calls, I spend my time building relationships, making friends, and
providing the absolute highest quality service available anywhere. Thats
why most of my business comes from referrals and recommendations from
elated clients and good friends like you. If you or anyone you know is
thinking of buying or selling real estate, or who simply has questions about
their home, and wants a dedicated, competent professional and friend, please
call me at 503-380-3096

-ow To Protect /o%rsel( Fro$
:%thless 1o$"%ter 2ir%ses
Its a frustrating e"perience, and chances are youre at risk. ! recent survey
found that BC percent of home and office A1 users do not update their anti,virus
software on a regular basis. This means millions of people are leaving their
system vulnerable to potentially devastating computer viruses.
*f 6C,777 computer users surveyed, almost one,quarter admitted they dont
update their virus protection monthly. (ven more alarming, current virus
outbreaks have effected over D6 percent of A1 users and, of those, 6E percent lost
data as a result. In fact, a startling 5C percent of the people surveyed had
e"perienced more than five viruses on their A1 within the past year. Fhen using
e,mail, you are e"posed to systems that are possibly infected. Its important to
protect your own system by installing and updating anti,virus software. !n
estimated G7 viruses are discovered each day. Fith new viruses constantly
introduced on the Internet, its recommended that virus protection be updated as
frequently as daily. 2sually, updates are easily performed via the Internet by
downloading the virus signature database from the software vendor of your
Si$"le Ti"s For Sa(e +ri!ing
(veryone wants to be safe on the road, but sometimes distractions prevent us
from giving driving our full attention. &ere are a few simple tips to make your
road travels safer?
Ser!ice yo%r !ehicle reg%larly This includes checking your tires at least
once per month. 0e sure that everyone is buckled appropriately all of the time.
0ee" a (irst ai#&sa(ety kit in the car !bove all, if you become distracted by a
call on your cell phone, pull over until you can regain your driving concentration.
0now whether yo% ha!e anti-lock ;rakes and drive accordingly. If you do
have !0S, apply firm pressure on the brakes and continue to do so until you
stop. If you do not have !0S, pump the brakes to avoid going into a skid. 'or
tips on safe driving visit www#ri!esa(era$ericaorg or call H77,DIC,6B77.
Lets get together and talk. Let me work for YOU now!
-rai! %easer "f %&e Mo!&
I always fall,
but I never get hurt.
I can bend over backwards,
but cannot break.
I arrive free of charge
but often leave for a fee.
Fhat am I#
$%ns&er is at the "otto' o# last page()
23S3 4over!me! $e5 Sie
"f %&e Mo!&'
3id you know the 2.S. government is
on,line# In fact, there are over B7,777
government web sites covering nearly
every topic you can imagine. &eres
one that could help you?
4earn how to get health insurance for
your children through the 1hildrens
&ealth Insurance Arogram at
wwwins%reki#snowgo!. This site
offers state,specific information on
who is eligible and how to enroll.
-ake sure that your children grow up
to be strong and healthy.
S&e Said $&a6
*uestion+ .If you could live forever,
would you and why#/
%ns&er+ .I would not live forever,
because we should not live forever,
because if we were supposed to live
forever, then we would live forever,
but we cannot live forever, which is
why I would not live forever./
,iss %la"a'a in the -../
,iss 0niverse contest
*ee7 A Posiive Focus
If you want to succeed in your career,
take an e"ample from golf phenom
Tiger Foods and focus on your
strengths instead of your weaknesses.
Foods apparently is awful at getting
out of sand traps. &is strength is a
strong fluid swing that allows him to
drive the ball far and straight.
Fhen Foods won the B777 0ritish
*pen, he won it on a course with more
sand traps than any other did. Fhy did
he win# &is swing was so accurate he
got around the sand traps.
<( /o% =n>oy This 7ewsletter? 5hy 7ot
Share <t 5ith Peo"le /o% 0now9
I love helping people, and I hope you en=oy reading my newsletter
each month. If youd like your friends, co,workers, relatives,
business,acquaintances, etc. to receive a '8(( subscription, =ust call
me at 503-380-3096 with their name and address. Ill make sure they
receive a free subscription.
Ill also send them a note with their first issue letting them know
that you were the thoughtful person who suggested they receive this
newsletter. Its that easy9
@5ho =lse 5ants To 5in Free -otel
2o%cher (or TwoA
Your chances to win could be better than you think!
@uess Fho Fon 4ast -onths Trivia Juestion# Im pleased to announce
the B lucky winners of last months qui+. !nd the winners areKdrum roll please?
@eorge &arris from Aortland and Lenny 0a"ter from &appy )alley were the first
two people to correctly answer my qui+ questionK
-ow $any lea!es #oes the a!erage $at%re oak tree she# each (all9
a> 577,777 b> GH7,777 c> E77,777 d> H67,777 e> I77,777
The answer is letter .1,/ E77,777. So lets move on to this months trivia
5hat "art o( the h%$an ;o#y has the thinnest skin9
a> eyelid b>neck c> lips d>palm of hand
The #irst 1 people to call 'e &ith the correct ans&er &ill &in2 503-380-3096
Lets get together and talk. Let me work for YOU now!
%oo 8o6 *ee7 Movi!#9
Fhen working in any hot environment
<a hot kitchen, summer outdoors, etc.>
dont stand still. $ou may faint. Fhen
you stand still, your blood pools in your
legs, causing less of it to be delivered to
the brain. Thus, moving around rather
than standing still reduces the possibility
of fainting.

-rai! %easer A!s+er: Hair
Call me at 503-380-3096 and ask for
my free consumer booklet: Home
Sellers guide to Money Making
I:d Love 8eari!# From )ou9
Fhether youre thinking of buying,
selling or financing real estate, or
=ust want to stop by and say .&i,/
Id love to hear from youK
Bean L%&3roker
:ealPro 75 co$
Jean LU
Serving 4regon & Washington
9725 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy. Ste 120
Beaverton, OR 97005
*ffice ? 67G.DCD.GHCH
'a" ? 67G.DCD.6B7H
-obile ? 67G,GH7,G7ID

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