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Incident Report

What is a good report:

Paints of picture of the occurrence
Explains who, what, where, when and how.
WHY something happened not usually good to document
Dated and signed by the person who completed the report.

Common Problems
Not completed by the person who participated in the event
Missing key information about what happened
Cannot read handwriting
Not signed
Paints agency in a bad light, such as by staff doing the wrong thing

Best Practice Tip:
Prompt for information you want recorded
Avoid long narratives
Avoid using words: victim (call them by name or man, woman, child), drowning
Describe what happened, dont assume
Capture data you plan to analyze

Common Problems:
Not completed by the person who participated in the event
Missing key information about what happened
Cannot read handwriting
Not signed
Paints company in a bad light, such as by staff doing the wrong thing

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