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Part I: What? So What?

Well another year has gone by and yet again I feel utterly unchanged. How terrible would it be if
that were actually true? A day passes and then another followed by one more just like it and it feels as if
Im stuck in the movie Groundhog Day until I take a second to realize where I was a year ago today. I
smile and tie my apron around my waist, spend five minutes looking for the keys to the Honda, and set
off to work. The entire trip is spent soaring through my memories of the past year, what Ive learned,
and finally, where Im going. Im reflecting. I smirk behind my sunglasses.
As I pull onto the highway, I recall my first weeks of class, particularly Essentials of Business,
when a way-too-intense-foreign professor lectured us on basic-business-info-that-no-one-cares-about-
yet and how-to-interact-with-our-international-classmates. I remember hating him on the first day when
he asked a timid Chinese girl to stand up and answer his questiona question he knew she couldnt
understandjust to make a point to the American students. I remember looking at that poor girl with
my heart pounding through my chest like it had on my first day at El Instituto de Educacin Secundaria
Rafael Reyes when my literature teacher asked me to move to the front of the room so that maybe I
could understand better. I remember the guilt I felt when I turned around again to look at her and saw
her wiping the tears from her eyes like I had so many times before.
My mind jumps forward to the day our professor started two minutes late because he took the
time to show me a website, his website, for designing and marketing your companys brand. I
bookmarked that page and eventually found the courage to email him about it. Months later I was
meeting with him in his office as he gave me advice on everything from building a website to career
paths to my personal identity. By the end of the year I was helping him execute his Innovation Quest
Elevator Speech Competition, a program whose success more than doubled thanks to his efforts.
Im waiting for the light to change green on my exit and I put on my Health Department required
cap and my Kirtland Country Club required nametag. One year ago today I didnt have a job; yesterday I
was trained for the first time on Regular, and today Im going back to work in the poolside snack bar
after finishing my online Accounting homework and quizzes. Last summer I thought I could see right
through people. I thought I was a fairly good judge of character, and I certainly had the confidence to
believe I was better than this town. I was such an idiot.
At UC I had put all of the misplaced, arrogant confidence behind me as I was surrounded by the
nations finest. Too much, in fact, after I realized how wrong I had been about a certain teachers
character. You see, Professor Macarie did his best to rub everyone the wrong way during those first
months of college, and I joined the bandwagon that cast him out as a jerk right from the start. My
mistaken judgment on him suffered a large blow to my confidence as I realized Im not as clever as I
thought (though Id never admit that to anyone from my hometown). I second-guessed myself a lot after
that. I considered changing majors, starting spending more time with different groups of friends, even
had more difficulty in the classroom. It was humbling at the least.
But as I walk through the basement of the Main Club House, I run into my boss Rick Burkholder,
KCC Pool Manager. Hes a friendly guy and asks me how the banquet was last night. Upon telling him I
was trained on Regular Dining Business instead, he tells me Well you must have done something
rightthey dont train just anybody on regular! And its true, because the Regular waiting staff deals
most directly with the club members. His compliment reminds me of the first teacher I ever had who
believed I was capable of achieving something greatthe same teacher that had unknowingly infuriated
and then humbled me.
Professor Macarie taught me the four Ps of Marketing, the first rule of Accounting, and a bunch
of other business-y stuff. He also taught me that humbly, I can do great things. I wouldnt change a thing
about my experience and mistakes in this circumstance. I have grown with mature self-confidence my
first year at UC, and as I put on some gloves and start the first order of French fries of my shift, I cannot
wait to start again this August.

Part II: Now What?

So whats next? Honestly I am so excited to share this news I dont care if no one reads this for
anything else but to give me a grade on my Honors Portfolio. Ive got a crazy, fun-filled plan for almost
the rest of my college career. Yes, I know that makes me sound completely OCD and insane, but Ive
found the opportunities to turn my passions into realities, so HAH. Jamie 1, Doubters 0.
For starters, I will be joining the International Co-op Program with the hopes of working in
Germany spring and summer term of 2017. That means I will be co-oping every other semester starting
this year (hence the four-year plan, see Im not crazy!). This will involve a lot of responsibility in
preparing me for and finding co-ops that I can gain experience from. Fortunately, Ive already started
getting ready for more responsibility.
With the confidence inspired in my by Professor Macarie, and my mom, I applied, interviewed,
and earned two scholarships, a job as a PACE Leader, an executive position in my business fraternity,
and an internship in Sherrod Browns Cincinnati office. One of the scholarships included acceptance into
the Kolodzik Business Scholars Program in Lindner. These experiences will teach me to handle multiple
responsibilities and will help to boost my resume.
A study abroad tour in China is something I would also like to see happen in the future. Im not
talking about a few weeks visiting the major cities and touring some companies thereI want a full
semester at a Chinese school learning about the history of the land, the politics of its government and
commercial world, and the culture of its people and language.
Im also looking into the Nantes, France study abroad trip offered by Lindner for next summer.
Why all of this studying and working abroad and so many responsibilities while actually on
campus? Because Ive learned some things about myself this past year at UC. Firstly, I work best when I
am busy, and I need to keep myself busy. Secondly, I cannot get enough of foreign languages and
cultures, and while Ive learned that majoring in it is probably not the path for me, living a lifestyle of it
is. And lastly, I need perspective on my life and myself that only new places and new experiences can
give me. Professor Macarie was a not-so-gentle reminder that I cannot get stuck in my ways, or else
suffer from misplaced pride.
Concluding with advice Id like to give myself and probably should write down and read to
myself every night:
1. Keep yourself busyits the only way youll get anything done.
2. Time management is the only thing that will keep you alive this fall, and make sure to make time
for friends.
3. Remember who you are and where you come from. Reflect. Because two years ago today I met
my family in the JFK Airport after spending ten months in Spain. One year ago today I was
counting the seconds until I moved out of Kirtland and away from all of the friends and enemies
I had made there. Today I am studying and working towards my future. Next year I will be a
different person again.

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