CS2309-Java Lab Syllabus

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1. Develop Rational number class in Java. Use JavaDoc comments for documentation. Your
implementation should use efficient representation for a rational number, i.e. (500 / 1000
should be represented as (!.
". Develop Date class in Java similar to the one available in #ava.util pac$a%e. Use JavaDoc
&. 'mplement (isp)li$e list in Java. *rite basic operations such as +car+, +cdr+, and +cons+. 'f ( is
a list ,&, 0, ", 5-, (.car( returns &, .hile (.cdr( returns ,0,",5-.
/. Desi%n a Java interface for 0D1 2tac$. Develop t.o different classes that implement this
interface, one usin% arra3 and the other usin% lin$ed)list. 4rovide necessar3 e5ception handlin%
in both the implementations.
5. Desi%n a 6ehicle class hierarch3 in Java. *rite a test pro%ram to demonstrate
7. Desi%n classes for 8urrenc3, Rupee, and Dollar. *rite a pro%ram that randoml3 %enerates
Rupee and Dollar ob#ects and .rite them into a file usin% ob#ect seriali9ation. *rite another
pro%ram to read that file, convert to Rupee if it reads a Dollar, .hile leave the value as it is if it
reads a Rupee.
:. Desi%n a scientific calculator usin% event)driven pro%rammin% paradi%m of Java.
;. *rite a multi)threaded Java pro%ram to print all numbers belo. 100,000 that are both prime
and fibonacci number (some e5amples are ", &, 5, 1&, etc.. Desi%n a thread that %enerates
prime numbers belo. 100,000 and .rites them into a pipe. Desi%n another thread that
%enerates fibonacci numbers and .rites them to another pipe. 1he main thread should read
both the pipes to identif3 numbers common to both.
<. Develop a simple =408 s3stem for librar3 usin% even)driven and concurrent pro%rammin%
paradi%ms of Java. Use JD>8 to connect to a bac$)end database.
10. Develop multi)threaded echo server and a correspondin% ?U' client in Java.
11. ,@ini)4ro#ect- Develop a pro%rammer+s editor in Java that supports s3nta5 hi%hli%htin%,
compilation support, debu%%in% support, etc.

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