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Description:- The Objective of the Library Management Software is to handle the

entire activity of a library.The software keeps track of all the information about
the books in the library,their cost,their complete details and total number of
books available in the library.The user will find it easy in this automated system
rather than using the manual writing system.The system contains a database
where all the information will be stored safely.The system is user- friendly and
error free.

Software Requirement Specification for Library Management System
Make Data Entry:-

1. Book:- Purchased On
Accession Number
Reference Number
Author Of The Book
Title Of The Book
Publisher Of the Book
Bill Number
Book Source

1.1:- Purchased On
Purchase date should be declared in numeric order.
It should be falls within 5-8 characters.

1.2:- Accession Number
It should contain numeric value.
It should be falls within 5-16 characters.
It may have special character.
1.3:- Reference Number
We should provide the reference number as one should know from which
area or from which category it belongs???
it should contain numeric value.
And, It should be falls within 5-16characters.
Blank space will not be allowed.
1.4:- Author Of the Book
It should contain 6-18 characters.
Naming should be done in alphabetic order.
1.5:- Title Of the Book
Title should contain not only alphabets but also numeric value(if
Special character will not be allowed.
1.6:- Publisher Of the Book
It should contain alpha numeric character.
Special character will not be allwed.
1.7:- Edition
Edition should numeric value contain.
It should be falls within 2-4 characters.
It should contain alphanumeric value.
It also may have some special character.

1.9:- Pages
It should contain only numeric value.
Any special character will not be allowed.
1.10:- Cost
Cost should contain numeric value along with a . Sign(if necessary).
1.11:- Volume
Volume should contain numeric value.
1.12:- Bill Number
Bill Number should have numeric value.
It may have alphabets also.
1.13:-Book Source
From where it brought???
It will have alpha numeric value.
Functions Of Buttons:-
Add New:- It will add new items means newly registered book.
Delete:- It will delete a specific entry means a specific record.
Cancel:- It will cancel the last book updation from the table.
Save:- It will save or update a particular entry.
Close:- It will close work window.
Title:- One can easily find a book by its title from library.
Author:- One can easily find a book by its author name from library.
Accession Number:- One can easily find a book by its accession number
from library.

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