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Chelsea Garcia
Writing 39 B
Dr. Haas
27 May 2014
Sherlocks Mind Will Remain the Same:

Sherlock Holmes has been known for his ability to analyze surrounding. Holmes
use of his mind is in part a major essence of his character. Since this is such an important
quality regarding Sherlocks character and personal tendencies often used to help define
him when other forms of media use him in their adaptation. Two examples of a
reinterpretation of Sherlock are the film Sherlock Holmes starring Robert Downey Jr.,
and the TV series Sherlock starring Benedict Cumberbatch. Both of these are different
forms of interpretation regarding Sherlocks character. In the film Sherlock Holmes,
Sherlock is presented more as a superhero that has the power of deduction. In Sherlock
the TV series, Sherlock is more of a modern mastermind. His character is placed in a
modern time period, thus able to use todays technology. Although they may have
different adaptions, they still keep some of the original character. This is to make the
character they are making a spin off of recognizable; if they change too much then it
would be the same character.
The first major difference in regard to the film, and text medium is the way the
show Holmes deducting. In the original text we are not the visual process of Holmes
deducting, thus through using the film medium there had to be adaptation. In the film
staring Robert Downey Jr. there are few major differences in his character, like him
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fighting, being more of a flirt, and most importantly the way in which he deducts. In the
film whenever he is looking upon something it looks almost as if it is glowing (Sherlock
Holmes). This is the way the director wanted to show Sherlock deducting and by doing so
it is creating almost an inhuman like ability, thus defining it as a super power. An
example of his power of deduction being used is when Sherlock participates in a boxing
match. This is very uncharacteristic of the well know original form of Sherlock, thus
already allowing the audience to predict that what will occur will also be different
through using the idea of foreshadowing. While he is fighting he cleverly blocks or
dodges his attacks with elegance. This hints at the fact he is predicting his opponents
attacks. However, the scene that really demonstrates that he is using his ability of
deduction is when he plans his final attack on his opponent. Within a matter or seconds
he is able to not just think but create a perfect plan that will ultimately knock out his
opponent. He looks upon his surrounding analyzing what can be used to benefit him.
While he is doing this, the audience is able to follow along as if they are in Sherlocks
shoes. This is when they will see almost an aura coming off the object Sherlock is
analyzing. Thus, making the film and the audiences interact. Another aspect of Holmes
fighting in the film, Sherlock Holmes, is that its part of the deduction process. Its as if
through his talent of deduction he is able to be a talented fighter, thus its not so much he
has strength but can figure out when he is about to be attacked and what it will take to
avoid or counter attack.
In the TV series, starring Benedict Cumberbatch, the audience is shown a
different interpretation of Holmes deduction. They are shown a modern Sherlock with a
modern and technological approach of deduction. How this is different from traditional
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idea of Sherlock is that he has the new-age tools to help him solve things, like his
cellphone. Although the actual character and his role are very much like the origin, there
are slight differences. The reason for these differences is because it is viewed through a
modern understanding. An example of this is the episode A Study In Pink, in this
episode he was able to track the cab driver that was responsible for the series of murders
(Sherlock). He used the dead womans phone to redial the last number called in order to
find out what happened to her. Also how he was able to contact the cab driver while
using a tracking device during the phone call. This is would not have been possible in the
traditional Victorian era that Sherlock is from. Thus the major difference is the aspect of
technology. The reason they used technology as an extension of Holmes ability to deduct
is because the time period its based on. In the 21
century things like gadgets are used to
solve crime. Thus, the concept is that he is a modern detective. This still follows Holmes
original characters brilliance, when actually in the process of deducting making it still in
character with Sherlock Holmes. Regardless or whether or not he uses gadgets; most of
the unanswered questions Holmes solves are just with his mind.
Although both of these texts are in a different form or medium they both find
another perspective to look at Sherlock Holmes. They rebel against the traditional text by
taking a new aspect or idea and applying it. However, both texts still try to keep a decent
amount of the original character. With that being said the actual way in which he can
understand evidence or information is very much true to the original character. The way
that Difference of seeing and observing is used is exactly like the text (2
Konnikova). This is because it is shown that there is in fact a difference between just
observing and analyzing. Observing is where you just see what around you and
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dont use that information to think deeper. Analyzing is where you take said
information from observing and looker into it deeper. Holmes practices the skill of
analyzing. Both of the forms make sure to point out the different throughout the
entire film or TV series. With that being said that do still have some of the
traditional ideals in play.
Another aspect that remains very true to the original character is his
complexity of thought. This is present in both the TV series and the film. An example
of this is in the TV series Sherlock, is when Sherlock goes to him mind palace. Often
while he is doing this is he will say or even shout random words or nonsense that
only make sense to him. This is because he is processing the information. When he
thinks out loud he is really breaking down any clues or evidence to support his case
or to figure out what is the answer. This is very true to character because Sherlock
does act irrational especially when it come to his mind and thinking.
In the film Sherlock Holmes, he practices similar concepts. When ever he
thinks he actually acts irrational as well. One example of this is when Watson came
into his house to get him out of his room. He was playing a violin in order to make
flies fly in a particular order. Here Sherlock is shown to be irrational, this is very
characteristic of Sherlock. The incoherent thought or speech is actually very true to
his original character. Thus, its not very different for the original text. This also
allows a stronger connection between the different mediums; like no matter what is
the adaptation he will continue to be incoherent and almost spastic.
The last concept that is used in both the TV series and the film is Sherlocks
speed of deduction. He characteristically has an abnormal speed of thought thus
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allowing him to understand or figure out things much faster than anyone else. This
is present in both of the reinterpretations. With this being said, in order to
demonstrate this rapid speed they had to find a way to show the audience that the
way her views or perceives thing is much different that an average person.
In the TV series Sherlock, this concept is demonstrated through the idea
through quick close ups on the clues and almost flashbacks of any evidence
obtained. Its almost as if its and instantaneous replay of all the evidence gathered.
Often there are notes on the side describing his analysis. This allows the audience to
get into the mind of Sherlock.
The films Sherlock Holmes a different approach is used. When clues or
evidence is gather the camera not only does a close up on the object but sometimes
even creates a faint glow around it. This makes the audience see the object as
obvious as Sherlock, thus allowing them to get into his head.
The reason this is done is because in the text we dont really see things
through Holmes eyes because we are seeing things from Watsons perspective. Yet,
in the film medium things are left a bit more omniscient, which allows both
perspectives to be shown. This causes the audience to understand the way in which
Holmes is thinking.
Overall, Sherlocks character may change depending on the situation he is set
in, but he will always be the excessive detective who solves crime. Different
mediums and texts do change the way things are perceived and demonstrated.
Holmes extraordinary deduction skills and process of though has made him and
ionic character and as a result there will always be adaptations of him.
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Doyle, Arthur Conan, and Christopher Roden. The sign of the four. Oxford
[England: Oxford University Press, 1994. Print.
Konnikova, Maria. Mastermind: how to think like Sherlock Holmes. New York:
Viking, 2013. Print.
Sherlock. Dir. Steven Moffat. Perf. Benedict Cumberbatch. BBC, 2010. Film.
Sherlock Holmes. Dir. Guy Ritchie. By Michael R. Johnson. Anthony Peckham,
Simon Kingberg, Lionel Wigram, and Michael R. Johnson. Perf. Robert Downey Jr.
and Jude Law.2009. Sherlock Holmes. Web. 18 May 2014. < id=80fru51iqqxc>.

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