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THIS AGREEMENT is made of............................ between Mr........................ S/o.......................

WHEREAS M/s COMPANY NAME has been manfa!trin" PRODUCT / SERVICES and has a#so entered
into an a"reement and may enter into a"reement in ftre.
AND WHEREAS THE first $arty %oined with the se!ond $arty
as....................................on............... and by &irte of his dties with the se!ond $arty' he wi## a!(ire s$e!ified
)now#ed"e of manfa!trin" and de&e#o$ment of PRODUCT / SERVICES and of )now how and te!hno#o"y for
the manfa!tre of PRODUCT / SERVICES. THERE*+RE' it is desiros that the first $arty sho#d enter into
an a"reement of se!re!y AND WHEREAS first $arty has a"reed to e,e!te this a"reement of se!re!y.
3. That the first $arty sha## de&ote his who#e time attention and abi#ities to the bsiness and affairs of the
4om$any' drin" the term of his em$#oyment with the se!ond $arty. He wi## !arry ot and obey a## orders'
dire!tions and instr!tions of the 4om$any and sha## !ond!t himse#f honest#y' faithf##y and di#i"ent#y a## times
and sha## not be "i#ty of any ne"#i"en!e' mis!ond!t or misbeha&ior or sha## not !ommit any brea!h of this
5. That the first $arty sha## not dis!#ose at anytime drin" or after #ea&in" the em$#oyment' information $ertainin"
to the )now how and te!hno#o"y whi!h !omes to his )now#ed"e whi#e in ser&i!e to any $erson other than on#y to
those em$#oyees and offi!ers of the !om$any who are entit#ed to ha&e s!h information6s7.
8 5 8
9. That drin" his em$#oyment with se!ond $arty and/or on #ea&in" the ser&i!es' he sha## not
dire!t#y or indire!t#y be interested in any bsiness' trade or $rofession simi#ar to the se!ond $arty
and wi## not a!!e$t any em$#oyment with !om$anies manfa!trin" and/or $ro$osed to
manfa!tre simi#ar $rod!ts.
:. That a## in&entions' desi"ns and im$ro&ements and a## dis!o&eries and se!ret $ro!esses made'
dis!o&ered or effe!ted by the first $arty drin" the $eriod of this a"reement sha## rest in se!ond
$arty as bein" so#e $ro$erty of the se!ond $arty.

;. That the first $arty a"rees to wor) with the se!ond $arty for at #east 9 years and sha## not #ea&e
the ser&i!es of the se!ond $arty drin" the $eriod of ne,t three years e,!e$t in the !ase of
!ontined i##8hea#th in whi!h !ase he !an #ea&e the !om$any by "i&in" three months $rior noti!e or
$ayment in #ie thereof.
<. That the first $arty a"rees that in !ase he #ea&es the !om$any drin" the $eriod of this
a"reement' he nderta)es to refnd ;=> of the "ross emo#ments $aid to him drin" the $eriod he
remains in ser&i!e in the $eriod of this a"reement in addition to any other dama"es and/or #osses
sffered by the se!ond $arty. The amont of refnd sha## be determined by the se!ond $arty and
sha## not be o$en to any (estion by the first $arty.
?. The first $arty a"rees that e&en after #ea&in" the ser&i!e' he wi## not in&o#&e himse#f and/or
%oin ser&i!e with any of the traders/manfa!trers whether e,istin" and/or $ro$osed to enter in
ftre in the #ine of simi#ar $rod!ts and/or wi## dea# in simi#ar $rod!ts. He wi## a#so not di&#"e
the information' )now#ed"e' se!rets' )now how and te!hno#o"ies whi!h !omes to his )now#ed"e
in writin" and/or ora##y whi#e in ser&i!e to any other $erson drin" and/or after #ea&in" the ser&i!e.
In !ase of brea!h of this !#ase' se!ond $arty !an re!o&er a minimm of ;=> of "ross emo#ments
$aid to him whi#e he was in ser&i!e drin" the $eriod of this a"reement beside other dama"es
and/or #osses sffered by the se!ond $arty by the !ond!t of first $arty.
@. It is a"reed that if anytime drin" his em$#oyment' the first $arty is fond "i#ty of mis!ond!t
and wi##f# ne"#e!t of wor) or dere#i!tion of dties and/or non8!om$#ian!e of instr!tions "i&en to
him by the se!ond $arty from time to time and/or any brea!h of any term of this a"reement' the
se!ond $arty may $t an end and determine the em$#oyment of the first $arty by "i&in" him one
month noti!e as sti$#ated in the a$$ointment #etter of first $arty.
The first $arty sha## be deemed to ha&e bro"ht abot s!h a sitation by his mis!ond!t
!om$e##in" the se!ond $arty to $t an end to his ser&i!es and the se!ond $arty may re!o&er a##
#osses/dama"es besides re!o&ery of ;=> "ross emo#ments $aid to him whi#e in ser&i!e.
A. That the first $arty nderta)e to e,e!te bond of indemnity in fa&or of the se!ond $arty
indemnifyin" the #i(idated dama"es and/or #osses sffered by the se!ond $arty on a!!ont of
brea!h of any of the terms of this a"reement whi!h may be !ased by the a!t of the first $arty.
8 9 B
3=. That in the e&ent of any dis$te and/or differen!es arisin" ot between the $arties hereto
either drin" the sbsisten!e of this a"reement or afterwards re#atin" to this a"reement' the same
sha## be referred to the Mana"in" Dire!tor of the se!ond $arty for his !onsideration' who wi##' if
the matter is not sorted ot' refer the same to the arbitration of the Sin"#e Arbitrator who wi## be
nominated by the -oard of Dire!tors of the se!ond $arty' whose de!ision sha## be fina# and
bindin" on the $arties.
33. The other terms as to the $ayments of emo#ments' et!. wi## remain same as "i&en in his
a$$ointment #etter and the sbse(ent amendments from time to time.
35. That the first $arty wi## a#ways abide with the r#es and re"#ations a$$#i!ab#e in the 4om$any
from time to time.
IN WITNESS WHERE+* the $arties hereto name#y ..........................S/o..................................
a!tin" in $erson and M/s 4+M1AN. NAME a!tin" thro"h its A/TH+RICED SIGNAT+R.
DESIGNATI+N ha&e si"ned and e,e!ted this a"reement in to)en of ha&in" a!!e$ted the abo&e
terms and !onditions.
888888888888888888 888888888888
3.......................... 3. *+R AND +N -EHA0* +* 4+M1AN. NAME


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