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Writing Exercises

General Instructions:
Times New Roman 14
Margins- Top 1.2 !e"t 1.# Rig$t 1.% &ottom 1.%
'u(mit on 2) *anuar+ 2%14
,reate +our own set o" "acts in eac$ letter
-ou will (e gra.e. on t$e (asis o" +our creati/it+
0ssume +ou are a law+er an. +ou are writing in (e$al" o" +our client
1. 1eman. !etter "or support.
2. 1eman. !etter "or pa+ment o" unpai. rent an. to /acate t$e lease. premises.
2. 1eman. !etter "or in"ormal settlers to /acate t$e lan. t$e+ are occup+ing.
4. 1eman. !etter "or pa+ment o" .e(t.
#. 1eman. !etter "or an apolog+ (ecause o" a malicious imputation.
). !etter-Repl+ in (e$al" o" t$e ot$er part+ to t$e letter in 31
4. !etter-Repl+ in (e$al" o" t$e ot$er part+ to t$e letter in 32
5. !etter-Repl+ in (e$al" o" t$e ot$er part+ to t$e letter in 32
6. !etter-Repl+ in (e$al" o" t$e ot$er part+ to t$e letter in 34
1%. !etter-Repl+ in (e$al" o" t$e ot$er part+ to t$e letter in 3#

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