Warm Quarterly-June 2014

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June 2014 (Q2/14)

Volume 1, Issue 2


WARM is excited to welcome 2014 and the growth of our organization! As an organization, we
have had the opportunity to see God work in a mighty way. Some of the blessings that He has
bestowed upon us during 2014 include:
Our third annual Thermal Shelter is now completed, having provided homeless
individuals with warm meals and a place to stay over an 18-week period of winter
weather. Our heart-felt thank you goes out to each host and partner church, the
volunteers, and to the community businesses for selfless giving to make it all possible.
Our Annual Celebration was held on April 24
at Fishersville United Methodist Church
to celebrate a truly successful season.

We closed on purchase of the WARM House on Fairfax Avenue March 7
. On March
we had our much-awaited Celebration and Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting
ceremony (you may have seen the write-up in the local paper). We have served five
families to date. What a blessing it is to be able to provide a safe and warm place for
these women and their children to stay. Needs are great (mentioned at left) and
God has provided blessing after blessing. Pray that we can continue to help families
get back on their feet and in a more permanent environment for their future.

We want to share an act of Gods love spreading His arms around a family at WARM
House. A loving couple, from one of the churches that adopted a room, came to be
adoptive grandparents to the family in their room. After getting to know the family a
bit, they lovingly took care of the children so mom could shower and change clothes.
Now thats the kind of adoptions that can have lasting effects on the whole family.
Allowing God to love those in need through us is what this ministry is all about. Yes
there are physical needs, but the emotional needs for wholeness may be greater.
Thank you to that dear couple. And thank you again to the churches that have
adopted rooms and provide for the families that have occupied them. (More room
adoption opportunities will be available in the future)

Please contact WARM if you
would like more information
about events, volunteering,
or our current needs. Our
contact info is on Pg 2:

Upcoming Events:
~Summer Fundraising
Event(s) TBA
Volunteer Opportunities:

~Christian Thermal Shelter
Volunteers are always
welcomed to help host
churches, WARM staff, and
love on our guests each

~ Christian Backup overnight
volunteers and van drivers
are needed during the
~ Female Christian Mentors
are needed for our mothers
that will reside at the WARM
House for Women & Children.
Current Needs:
~ We are always in need of
personal care items for our
guests such as toiletries,
towels, shampoo, soap, etc.

~ We are in need of
financial support for the
operating expenses of our
programs (staff, facility,
supplies, utilities, etc.) Please
contact us if you can help
or your church would like to
hold a WARM fundraiser!

~ We will launch our Fall
2014 Capital Campaign to
raise an additional $150,000
for the purchase of our
WARM House for Women &
Children property. Please
contact us if you can help!

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me something to
drink; I was a stranger and you invited me in; I needed clothes and you clothed me; I was sick and
you looked after me; I was in prison and you came to visit me...Truly I tell you, whatever you did
for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." -Matt. 25:35-40

Thank you to Augusta Cleaners on Main Street who has provided free services to launder
all the bed linens every week during the thermal shelter season. When the laundry is
dropped off to them, they set everything aside to get it done quickly for that evenings
needs. A special group of people who give back in meaningful ways and deserve a hearty
thank you. If you drop by their place of business, let them know their giving efforts are
much appreciated.
WARM is so blessed and grateful to all our host and partner churches, the
volunteers and those who support the work financially. Without you, WARM could not
meet any needs of the homeless of the Waynesboro area. A sincere thank you to all.


Volume 1, Issue 1-Page 2

The Directors Corner

About Our Organization

Churches, social services and
the community coming
together to serve the homeless.

The primary purpose of
Waynesboro Area Refuge
Ministry (WARM) is to
provide Christ-centered
emergency and temporary
shelter to individuals and
families who lack the
financial resources to
maintain stable housing.
WARM currently provides
winter shelter to homeless
adults and temporary
housing to homeless
women with children in
Waynesboro, Va.

The 2013/14 season began in
early October for me. We
had six weeks that were not
covered by host/partner
churches and cots were in
disrepair. What a great help
Bill Garvey was who took me
around to churches to
introduce me and develop
relationships. By the weekend
before Thanksgiving we still
had two weeks to fill, one the
most difficult Christmas
week, the other the last week
of the season. But praise to
God, those weeks were
covered with love and

It was important that I develop
a relationship with each guest.
Because it was made
personal, they responded
differently. They respond in
like manner. That is what
makes WARM special; we truly
care and desire Christ to love
our guests through us.

All in all I feel my first shelter
season was a success, but
wont compare to what will
be next season. The thing
Im excited about most for
next year is to implement
the things I learned this
season and from ideas from
other shelters of what works
and what doesnt. In loving
those in need, providing
care and services in a
quality and efficient way,
we serve God and do so
with Christs love as our
P.O. BOX 1494

(540) 471-9526
Howard Miller, Chairman

Coming Soon

Staff E-mail


Check us out on the web!

By Chaplain David Emery, Director of Community Services

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