Writing A Personal Statement: Insights For Foreign Applicants

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Writing a Personal Statement

Insights for Foreign Applicants

Tobias Joel, SMA Wachid Hasyim 2 Taman-Sidoaro

!egin preparing a personal statement for
American "ni#ersities

I. Content of a Personal Statement
II. Structure of a Personal Statement
III. The Writing Process
$ Interl"de % &ractical Section $
IV. Writing Tips

I. Content of a Personal Statement
1) What to talk about?
) !o" to talk about it?
#) Wh$ is this har%?
&) Wh$ is this eas$?
Take a"a$' (no" $our material before "riting

II. Structure of a Personal Statement
1) Intro%uction )hea%)
) Core )bo%$)
#) Conclusion )feet)

Take a"a$' Statement shoul% "ork as a unit

III. The Writing Process
1) Preparation
) Pre*"riting
#) Writing

Take a"a$' Writing is re"riting

$ Interl"de % 'etting Started $
1) Wh$ is this a goo% song?
) Practical application' "rite the follo"ing
a) + things $ou are grateful for
b) Something $ou are prou% of
c) ,ast time $ou laughe% reall$ har%
%) -our fa.orite smell

IV. Writing Tips
1) Simplicit$/ 0re.it$
) 1se $our o"n e2perience3senses
#) 4cti.e .oice
&) 5o not un%erstate accomplishments
Take a"a$' 0ig i%eas/ small "or%s

Thank -ou
Please contact me "ith an$ 6uestions'
Tobias Joel
SMA (&M Wachid Hasyim 2 Taman-Sidoaro

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