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PETE 311 503

In this laboratory we learned about the different types of porosity.

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Attachment(s): Lab report

In this laboratory, we learned about the different porosity classifications of Lucia. Lucia
divides porosity into vuggy and interparticle porosity for carbonates. Vuggy porosity is defined
as pore space that is significantly larger than the grains or crystals that surround it, or the pore
space that is within the grains or crystals themselves. Interparticle porosity is defined as the
porosity in the absence of vuggy porosity and is the porosity between particles and between
Vugs are cavities where something was once present like grains or fossils, and are also
characterized as fractures or irregularly shaped. There are two types of vuggy porosity; separate
vugs and touching vugs. Separate vugs are vugs that are interconnected only through the
interparticle porosity, while touching vugs are vugs that form an interconnected pore system.
Separate vugs are typically fabric selective and its common types include moldic porosity,
intragrain microporosity, and shelter porosity. Moldic porosity is formed by the removal and
dissolution of various types of carbonate particles. Intragrain microporosity is characterized as
micrometer sized pores between the grains of the rock. Shelter porosity occurs when large
sedimentary particles prevent pores from filling which causes pore space underneath them.
Touching vugs are typically non-fabric selective and its common types include breccia porosity,
fenestral porosity, and fracture porosity. Breccia porosity is the porosity in a Breccia formation,
this porosity is characterized by the angular fragments of particles within the formation.
Fenestral porosity is flattened, round, or elongated pores in the planes of the rock structure.
Fracture porosity is formed due to fractures or breaks in the sediment or rock body. Formations
can be characterized by a combination of the various types of porosities and sub porosities.

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