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Angela Misko

Sodexo Distance Education Dietetic Internship

Guidelines for Leadership Text

Chapter 6 Creating a Vision:
o Read the chapter and complete the self-assessment (6.1)
o Answer 6.3 Action questions 1-3
o Submit to Phyll

Visioning ability skill score: 48/50 (very high range)

1. Based on your score on the Leadership Vision Questionnaire, how do you assess your ability to create a
vision for a group? Identify specific ways you could improve your abilities to create and carry out visions
with others.

According to my score on the leadership vision questionnaire, I have a very strong ability to create a vision
for a group. I am confident in my ability to create visions because I am constantly imagining changes that
would improve the group I am a part of and thinking of steps that need to be taken to improve. These
visions usually come natural to me so I am not surprised that I scored very highly in this area. I think an
area of improvement could be the actual carrying out of a vision. If I am not in a leadership position, this
could be as simple as a recommendation to a manager or boss. I feel that even if you do not have a position
of authority, it does not mean you are not a leader. You could be a leader by influencing people with your
ideas, but in order to influence you must share the ideas. I think that sharing my ideas and being confident
in my ideas is a great way to carry out the visions I have.

2. Good leaders act out the vision. Describe what ideals and values you act out or could act out as a leader.

To implement change within an organization, the leader must have an understanding of ones own values, the
values of others, and the values of the organization. For example, if the value is racial equality, as a
leader, this value could be acted upon by showing respect to every individual regardless of their race or
ethnicity, hiring employees regardless of their race or ethnicity, and advocating for racial equality by
dedicating a day for awareness or celebrating the culture of each employee in the workplace.

3. Take a few moments to think about and describe a group or an organization to which you belong presently
or belonged to in the past. Write a brief statement describing the vision you would utilize if you were the
leader of this group or organization.

A former group I belonged to in college was called the Nutrition Advocates Club. The club was responsible
for providing nutrition education to the student body of Rutgers University. A problem that this club faced
was tardiness/absence for meetings and lack of motivation by members because they felt that the
Nutrition Advocates did not receive enough recognition from the university. The number of requested
nutrition education presentations was also starting to decline after time. My vision for the nutrition club is
a well-known organization throughout the university and a high demand for nutrition education
presentations. Marketing the club and its services would be the best way to familiarize students and staff
with the Nutrition Advocates name. This could be done by signs and posters, social media, and referrals by
health services. There were no policies on attendance for meetings. If I were the leader I would create
these policies so that meetings were mandatory. One of the requirements of the club is that it must be run
by an RD. There are so many different aspects of working with an RD that could benefit any nutrition
student. This club could also hold study groups and tutoring sessions for other nutrition students or
prospective nutrition students. The club could also work with the dining hall to create healthier meal
options for students. These changes are examples of how the club could move in a direction that was better
than before and give the club members the motivation they need to feel recognized. Since the clubs
existing services were not fully being requested and utilized, an addition of services could be just what the
club needs! Having a strong vision is being able to create a picture of a better future, envision a change in
the status quo, and provide value and modes of action that people find worthwhile.

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