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European Classroom The First lesson conducted in The United

Kingdom, England.

Teacher: MA Justyna Szczepaska ( Poland)
Age of the students: 9
Topic: The Cracow Dragon
to teach English pupils about Polish legends
to promote Polish history and culture
to reduce stereotypes about Poland
to start a discussion about endangered species
Methods: Group work , individual work, working with multimedia , discussion,
Resources: DVD- The Cracow Dragon, The whiteboard, copies of the picture to
Activities: The teacher introduced herself and presented the topic of the
lesson. The teacher asked them to tell him what they know about Poland. If
they ever visited this country. Then, the students watched The DVD The Cracow
Dragon. After watching students were presented a song Who can kill the
Dragon ? . They all sang the song. After that the teacher asked the students to
colour the pictures. The students were talking about the story and working in
pairs to chose the right colours. The last activity was a discussion about the life
in Poland. Students talked about their Polish friends and holidays in Poland.
In the end all students got some sweets .

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