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2014 edition - Reiki Rays, Copyright 2014, Reiki Rays .

Self publishing
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under
International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized
reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage
and retrieval system without express written permission from the publisher.

Introduction ............................................................................... 4
How to Drink Reiki ...................................................................... 4
Clear Your Room with Reiki .......................................................... 4
Sei He Ki Can Improve Your Memory ............................................. 5
How to Use Reiki to Fall Asleep? ................................................... 6
Charging Bathtub Water with Reiki ................................................ 6
Send Reiki to Heal Past Wounds .................................................... 7
5 Steps to Find Lost Objects Using Reiki ........................................ 8
Reiki Alarm Clock ........................................................................ 8
Looking for Parking Space with Reiki ............................................. 9
Treating Future Situations with Reiki ............................................. 9
Whole Body Protection with Reiki ................................................. 10
Charge Electrical Appliances with Reiki ......................................... 10
Seven Excellent Moments To Reiki Yourself ................................... 11
How to Eat Reiki (Energize Your Food) .......................................... 11
How to Send Travel Reiki ............................................................ 12
Purify Your Food with Reiki ......................................................... 13
Charge Your Phone with Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen ................................ 14
Seven Good Times To Send Reiki Before ..................................... 14
Reiki Your Medication to Reduce Side Effects ................................. 15
Reiki at Work / Cleanse Your Office .............................................. 15
If Reiki Doesnt Seem to Work for You, Ask Yourself This Question! .. 17
Spot Treatment with Reiki ........................................................... 18
Prevent Accidents with Cho Ku Rei ............................................... 18
Three Reiki Tricks You Didnt Know .............................................. 19
5 Tips For Using A Reiki Box ........................................................ 19
7 Good Times To Smile (And Send Reiki) ...................................... 20
Seven Good Times To Send Reiki After ....................................... 21
4 Innovative Ways To Use Reiki Indirectly ................................... 21
5 Simplest Steps to Use Affirmations with Reiki ............................. 22
RRRR Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle for a Better Reiki Life ........... 22
How to Treat Animals with Reiki .................................................. 23
Safety on the Road with Reiki ...................................................... 23
Homeopathic Touch with Reiki ..................................................... 24
Establishing Psychic Contact with Reiki ......................................... 25
Treating Emotional Problems with Reiki ........................................ 26
Thank you for downloading this eBook! We hope that youll enjoy
reading it, and that the techniques presented will enhance your life,
and the lives of those around you.
Most techniques contain some steps to be performed, but please see
these more as guidelines, and always feel absolutely free to tweak
them to match your style, or as your intuition guides you. This advice
will be repeated a few times throughout the book, just to remind you
that Reiki can do no harm, and you cannot do it wrong.
Have a happy, love filled life!
How to Drink Reiki
Well, not exactly, but pretty close. You can send Reiki energy
everywhere and at any time, and you can treat everything with
This is a technique you can use to enhance the quality of the drinking
water with Reiki.
Clear your mind and enable the flow of Reiki
Place your hands around the glass or cup of water
Imagine the Power Symbol, and repeat its name three times
Visualize the healing energy permeating the water and clearing it
Imagine that youre holding a golden ball of light or energy
which surrounds the glass of water
Draw the mental healing symbol in your mind with the intent
that it protects the water and whoever drinks it
Drink the water and let its energy revitalize your body
You can of course get creative and tweak this method to suite you
better. Or just follow your intuition and do what feels right in that
The water thats been treated with Reiki will be absorbed by your
bodys cells, it will be used in the metabolism, it will enhance your
overall health. Not to mention, it will taste better. Cheers!
Clear Your Room with Reiki
In time, your room and your house may acquire some lower vibration
These can stay behind after guests have left, or perhaps you bring
them in from outside, and they stick around the room, even after
youve cleared your aura.
Here are some steps to bring the love and light energy back to your
room or house.
Step 1. Stand, sit in lotus position, or in a position that youre
comfortable with, in the center of the room. Breathe in, breathe
out, and relax.
Step 2. Intend, or say to yourself, I will now clean this room and
bring about the tranquility and the joy and the love.
Step 3. Start the flow of Reiki, and imagine it swipe the entire
floor, the walls, the ceiling, clearing away any negativity and
leaving the areas covered in white or golden light. If some areas
draw more energy, let it flow there. Continue for a few minutes,
or until your intuition tells you to move to the next step.
Step 4. If possible, physically go to each corner of the room, and
place a Reiki ball of energy there. In a standard room, youll
have eight corners and eight energy balls. Intend that the
energy from these balls will flow into the room whenever
Step 5. Draw a Power Symbol on the door, and on each window,
for protection.
Step 6. Return to the center of the room, and pay attention to
your intuition it may tell you what to send and where. If you
receive any signal, draw or send the required symbol to that
place. Otherwise, just send more energy for a short while.
Step 7. Intend, or say to yourself, This room is now filled with
love and light, and the spirit of peace dwells here. Ground
yourself and complete the session.
Remember to get creative and adjust the steps to best suite your
style. Also, burning some incense or other essences will enhance or
complement the effect of Reiki.
A clear and friendly environment goes a long way in making you feel
good on the inside.
Sei He Ki Can Improve Your Memory
You can employ the Sei He Ki symbol to improve your memory.
If youre studying or learning for a test, draw it on the pages of your
book (dont do this with library books though), with the intent that the
information is better memorized, and be put to use for the highest
good. While taking the test, visualize the symbol above your crown
chakra to help you concentrate and better recall the information.
It can also help with short-term memory, such as where you put your
keys, or the name of a person you just met.
Why does it work?
This works because Sei He Ki will act on an energetic level on your
brains left and right hemispheres, creating connections and helping
the two sides of your brain, which control your logical and emotional
thinking, work in a harmonious way.
P.S.: Elephants are said to have terrific memory, they must be
drawing SHK using their trunk all the time!
How to Use Reiki to Fall Asleep?
If youre having trouble falling asleep, Reiki can help you invoke the
Sandman (if its in your highest good of course).
There are many methods, Minakshi from the forum suggested one
which you may find useful too. And that is:
Reiki your Third Eye and Heart Chakras simultaneously. If the hand
you place on your third eye gets tired, try using an extra pillow to
support it. Or, place it under your head and send the energy from the
back side.
Alternatively, just place your hands on your body wherever your
intuition guides you and let Reiki flow. Most of the times, youll be
asleep in less than 10 minutes.
Sweet dreams!
Charging Bathtub Water with Reiki
This technique is useful for enriching your bathtub water with Reiki
energy, helping you stay energetic and refreshed for the rest of the
Place your hands on top of the bathtub water.
Draw the mental healing symbol one time and repeat the name
of this symbol thrice.
Seal everything by drawing the power symbol and repeating the
name of this symbol three times.
Say - Let the energy run through this bathtub water.
Now, move your hands through this bath water quite a few
times. This will help disperse the energy all through the water
Bathing with water that is charged with Reiki is beneficial in not only
cleansing all the sweat and dirt from your body, but also in washing off
all the tensions and worries of everyday life.
Send Reiki to Heal Past Wounds
Sending Reiki to the past is quite possible, but why would anybody
want to do that? Is it going to change what happened? Definitely not.
But what Reiki can do is, it can change the way you feel about the
whole situation. It can cut the energetic attachments holding you in
the past, and allow you to move on, light and free as a bird.
Whatever emotional blockage or issue is still haunting you today, Reiki
can help you to let go, and sometimes to quite literally stop caring.
Other times it will help you understand the situation, and see it from a
totally different point of view, realizing that its not that bad in the first
place and that in fact it might even be a good thing.
But whatever the outcome of sending Reiki to the past, the bad energy
will be removed. And once the negative bubble is out of the way,
theres room in your heart and in your mind for lovely, awesome, new
The steps to send Reiki to a past situation are simple, and quite
Step 1. Make sure you wont be distracted. Relax comfortably,
breathe in, and envision the situation.
Step 2. Simply allow yourself to feel whatever you feel, without
resisting it. Just allow the feeling to be there, whatever it is, just
go with it. Dont suppress it. Relax.
Step 3. Keep relaxing, employ the distant healing symbol, and
start sending Reiki to the entire situation, for the highest good of
all involved.
Step 4. Use of Sei He Ki freely, and any other symbols that your
intuition guides you to. Remember to keep relaxing, as its easy
to get tensed when we picture past situation with an emotional
Step 5. Allow the feelings to come, and whether good or bad,
dont cling to them. Let them come, and then, let them go! Send
Reiki for as long as it takes, and keep relaxing.
Step 6. Finish the session when you feel healing has completed
and peace has settled in over the situation. It may take quite
some time, depending on how strong the attachment, or how
deep the wound was.
Thank Reiki, ground yourself, drink some water, and enjoy the
newfound peace.
5 Steps to Find Lost Objects Using Reiki
An innovative way to use Reiki symbols for finding lost objects.
Write down the name or description of the lost object on a piece
of white paper.
Draw the distance treatment symbol on the paper once and
repeat the name of the symbol thrice mentally.
Repeat three times the name or description of the object and ask
the Reiki symbol to help you to lead to the object.
Now, draw the mental healing symbol and repeat the name of
this symbol thrice. Seal everything with the power symbol.
Put the piece of paper in a safe place and return to normal life.
In the course of the day you will either find the lost object or just
remember where the lost object is. Of course, if it serves your highest
good, that is.
Reiki Alarm Clock
Heres another innovative way to use Reiki: Alarm Clock!
Repeat the name of the distance healing symbol thrice after
drawing it mentally.
First say your name and then say please wake me up at the
required time - feeling energetic and refreshed.
Now, mentally draw the mental healing symbol and repeat them
name of the symbol thrice.
Seal everything by drawing the power symbol in your mind and
repeating the name of this symbol thrice.
This Reiki technique which takes about three to five minutes to
complete can help you wake up in the morning at a specific time
without having to use an alarm clock.
Remember though that Reiki only works for your highest good, so if it
doesnt wake you up in time for work or for a date, maybe youre in
the wrong job, or dating the wrong person !.
Looking for Parking Space with Reiki
This Reiki technique which takes about two minutes should be used
before you start driving to a particular destination. Using this
technique will help you find a parking space more easily.
Relax completely before drawing the power symbol. Repeat the
name of the symbol thrice.
Now, draw the distance healing symbol mentally. Repeat the
name of the symbol three times.
Repeat the words I will find a good parking space in a
particular location three times.
Seal it by drawing the power symbol mentally and repeating the
name of this symbol thrice.
Drive to the required destination, letting go of the outcome.
And drive safely!
Treating Future Situations with Reiki
This Reiki technique requires about 10 to 15 minutes to be completed.
It can be used for enriching future situations with Reiki.
Step 1: Draw the distance treatment symbol once and repeat the
name of this symbol thrice mentally.
Step 2: Describe or name the particular situation you want to
provide Reiki three times. Say - I want to give Reiki to this
situation - try to specify the day (date, month and year) and the
approximate time duration of that situation.
Step 3: Draw the mental healing symbol once and repeat the
name of this symbol thrice mentally. Send it to the situation.
Keep sending energy as long as you feel its well received.
Step 4: Seal everything by drawing and repeating the name of
the power symbol thrice.
Keep in mind that treating other people involved in a situation requires
you have the recipients permission; send the energy only to yourself
when treating a future situation using this Reiki technique.
Whole Body Protection with Reiki
If youre one of those individuals who often feel vulnerable or are
threatened by psychic attacks, Reiki can help you protect yourself.
Heres a quick and effective technique on how you can do this:
Stand with your feet apart and take a few deep breaths.
Draw the Cho Ku Rei symbol in the front and repeat the mantra
Intend for the flow of energy to protect you and everyone, for
the highest good of all involved.
Bring your hands together in a way that the palms of your hands
are facing you.
Gradually move your hands from your head to your toe like a
window shutter closing in front of you.
Repeat this same procedure by moving down your hands at the
back and once on each side (left and right).
This Reiki technique usually takes two to three minutes to be
completed. Using it helps to strengthen your aura, protecting you from
physical and mental injuries, and also making you feel self-confident
and grounded.
Charge Electrical Appliances with Reiki
Reiki is guided by intention, and we can intend to store energy in
electrical appliances of daily use, and to have it released when the
appliance is turned on.
As always these steps are just a starting point. You can get creative
and follow your intuition to tweak these steps.
Sit down comfortably and relax
Enable the flow of energy
Sketch the distance healing symbol mentally and repeat the
name thrice
Now repeat the name of the electrical appliance that has to be
treated three times and say I hereby store the Reiki energy in
(the name of the appliance). Every time this electrical appliance
is turned on, let the Reiki energy flow for the highest good.
Concentrate on your third eye chakra when you say these
Mentally draw the mental healing symbol and repeat the mantra
Seal everything by drawing the power symbol mentally and
repeating its name three times.
This Reiki technique can take about two to five minutes to be
What appliances to charge with Reiki?
You can perform this technique from a distance, but also directly.
When using it on electrical appliance directly, remember to unplug
them. Alternatively place your hands on those parts that do not have
current going through them.
This technique can be used to treat anything really, from ventilators,
air conditioners, radiators, to juicers, or even radios etc. You can also
intend that Reiki imbues the output of that appliance, such as the air
passing through the ventilator, or the juice processed by the juicer.
When you breathe that air or drink that juice, the energy will flow
through your body, going to every cell that needs it. Neat, isnt it?
Seven Excellent Moments To Reiki Yourself
1. While waiting in a line, at the bank, supermarket, anywhere.
2. Before falling asleep.
3. Before meetings at work.
4. While your computer is starting up.
5. In the elevator (and while waiting for it).
6. On the train, bus, metro (and while waiting).
7. During TV commercials.
How to Eat Reiki (Energize Your Food)
Theres an easy way to get Reiki into your body and make sure it
reaches every cell that needs it. And this is: charge your food with
healing energy.
As you eat it, the nutrients imbued with Reiki will find their way
throughout your body, making it shine from within, almost literally.
Heres one technique you can use (of course you can get creative and
add your own twist here):
Clear your mind and enable the flow of energy
As you look at your food, intend, and imagine, that there is a
cloud of energy a few feet above the table where the food is
Charge this cloud with energy, employing the symbols to create
a healthy flow
Intend that energy starts raining down from the cloud, on the
food, permeating it and energizing it with vibrant light
Let the rain fall for a while
Draw Cho Ku Rei, end the session, and bring about the feeling of
Enjoy your food
This simple technique can make wonders for your physical shape and
health, if the practice becomes a habit.
How to Send Travel Reiki
Travelling long distances can be quite a tiresome experience. Some
people get stressed at the thought of boarding a plane, or just
travelling for many hours can be off-putting. Especially in places where
we havent been before.
Reiki can be your companion on the road (or in the air, or on the
water). Id advise that you start sending good doses of Reiki to
yourself well before travel, if at all possible. Send it with the Hon Sha
Ze Sho Nen, intending that you receive it while youre on the road.
Heres a simple technique you can use, but of course feel free to tweak
it as it best suits your personal style.
Relax comfortably, breathe in, and start the Reiki flow.
Say out loud, or express the intention in your mind, that Reiki be
channeled now and stored in a huge ball of energy which will
stay with you throughout the journey, until you safely get to the
Picture the ball of energy being formed in the future, at the
moment when your journey starts. Imagine the ball above your
crown chakra.
Channel Reiki into this ball and watch it grow bigger and bigger.
Keep on sending, using the Power symbol at your discretion to
increase the flow, and the Mental / Emotional and Distance
Symbols to balance it and to bring harmonious light into the
energy ball.
As you send, the ball gets bigger and brighter, bigger and
You can stop sending for a while if you want, and resume later,
or the next day. You can have as many sessions as you want.
When finishing a session, whether or not you plan to have
another session to charge the ball some more, say or intend that
the ball remains there as it is, and it waits for you to either
charge it more, or to start drawing energy from it. The ball will
act in accordance to your intention, waiting patiently for
whatever comes. When starting a new session, simply start
channeling more and more Reiki into it. It can get literally huge.
When the time to travel comes, connect to this Reiki ball and ask
it to follow and travel with you wherever you go. Ask that its
energy runs through you as needed, for the highest good.
Now the fun part: enjoy a healthy flow of Reiki tranquility
throughout your journey.
Tip: remember to ground yourself during the journey, and drink lots of
This technique will not only guard you from unpleasant circumstances,
but it will make your journey an enjoyable one too. Safe travels!
Purify Your Food with Reiki
Another technique you can use to Reiki your food is to place a
cleansing violet energy flame under the table where the food is set.
To do this, follow these steps (and remember to get creative and add
your own twist):
Place the food youre about to eat on the table
Draw the mental healing symbol on or over the table and start
the Reiki flow
Imagine a violet purifying flame starts forming under the table
Draw the Cho Ku Rei to increase the flow of energy, such that
the flame grows until it encompasses the food
Say or intend: May this food be purified and filled with love and
light, for the highest good of all
Let the flame burn for a while, or as long as your intuition
Turn off the flame and seal the scene with the Power Symbol
This technique takes 2-3 minutes to complete, and it will make your
food tastier and more energizing. Bon apptit!
Charge Your Phone with Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
No, not the phone battery youd probably want to use Cho Ku Rei for
that. But now were talking about the phone itself. You can set up your
phone so that Reiki starts automatically flowing to you, the person on
the other end, and the situations you discuss about.
Youd do this using the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, which enables Reiki to
travel across space and time.
Heres a few simple steps to do this.
Step 1. Place the phone in front of you, such as on a table.
Step 2. Relax and start the flow of Reiki.
Step 3. Start sending Reiki to the phone, imagining a small, but
very condensed, ball of Reiki energy being formed inside it.
Step 4. Draw the distance symbol, and mentally place it inside
the phone, inside the energy ball.
Step 5. Say or intend May the energy stored here travel
wherever needed to heal and raise the energy of all the
situations discussed over this phone, for the highest good of all
Step 6. Use the Power Symbol to charge the ball of energy some
more, and reinforce the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen you placed earlier.
If inclined to, use other symbols too.
Step 7. Seal everything with Cho Ku Rei, thank the energy,
ground yourself, and complete the session.
This technique takes about 4-5 minutes to complete. You can repeat
this technique every time you feel its depleted, or simply refill it
from the palm of your hand every time you talk.
Seven Good Times To Send Reiki Before
1. Before clicking Send email in your email program or app.
2. Before tapping Call on your phone.
3. Before taking the first bite from your food.
4. Before turning the key in the ignition.
5. Before embarking on a long trip. Or a short trip.
6. Before tapping Answer on your phone.
7. Before lying down to sleep.
8. Bonus tip: if you forget to send Reiki before, you can always
send it back in time (HSZSN to the rescue).
9. Extra bonus tip: if you realize you forget all the time to send
Reiki before, you can start sending it forward in time, to future
situations, whenever you remember it.
Reiki Your Medication to Reduce Side Effects
If youre under medical treatment, you can Reiki your medication to
increase its effectiveness and reduce its side effects.
The steps are very simple, and as always, theres plenty of room for
Step 1. Hold the pills in the palm of your hand, and start the
Reiki flow, from the palm of your hand to and through the pills.
Step 2. In your other hand, imagine and create a small energy
ball. Inside this ball, place whatever symbols you feel guided to
place. If youre not sure, place a Cho Ku Rei, then Sei He Ki,
then the distance symbol for timely discharge, then seal
everything with one more Cho Ku Rei.
Step 3. Move the energy ball towards the hand holding the pills,
so that the pills end up inside the ball. Intend that they charge
up with healing energy, and discharge this energy to help your
body heal.
Step 4. Take the pills. You can Reiki the water you take them
with, too.
Once inside your body, the energy from the pills will act to enhance
their potency, and to reduce the negative side effects to a minimum.
Reiki at Work / Cleanse Your Office
If you work in an office or at a desk, you can get Reiki to help you
raise the vibe and lower the work stress. This can be even more
effective if youre in an environment where you get an avalanche of
emails that need to be read and acted on, or have a pile of papers to
process and a constant steady flow of more papers or tasks coming
It can get quite stressing at times, and it can feel like no matter how
hard you try, youre never in control and on top of things.
Reiki can help you get back on track. While it probably wont stop the
flow of tasks, papers, or emails, it can help with the way you perceive
all these. Instead of feeling overwhelmed and stressed out, Reiki can
make your days calm and your tasks quite enjoyable actually. It can
cause a shift of perspective, and perhaps make you realize that all you
really have to do is to work on the most important tasks, one at a
time, and theres no reason at all to worry about anything. After all,
its just work.
So how would you go about this? You can start with these simple steps
but remember that these are guidelines, and whatever works for you
is whats best, so feel free to tweak them and add your personal
touch, or adjust them to your actual situation.
Try these steps for starters.
Step 1. Prepare. Breathe, and mentally take a step back and try
to see the bigger picture. Spend a few seconds just doing
Step 2. Tell yourself, out loud if you prefer, We have enough
time to do everything we desire. Try to feel the truth of this
statement because, as you will soon find out, it actually is
true. You already know this deep inside.
Step 3. Start thee flow of Reiki. Send the energy to yourself,
your chair, desk, computer, pens, papers, monitors or
whatever office equipment you use. Envision the energy
brushing the objects to clear off negative energy. Make free
use of the symbols, as you feel inspired.
Step 4. Try to quiet your thoughts, and say to yourself again,
we have enough time to do everything we desire. Feel it, and
take your time.
Step 5. Let the Reiki flow for a while longer, then ground
yourself and get to work, trying to keep your mind as clear as
Initially it might be somewhat awkward to work without so many
thoughts on your mind, but it should definitely feel good. Also, in the
beginning, if there is too much of a mess, you might be inspired to
make a prioritized list of the most important tasks first, and then start
working on those tasks. You may feel like categorizing stuff a bit,
uncluttering the desk, or even cleaning it physically, dusting your
keyboard, mouse, monitors etc.
Also, at first, the effects might not last long, and you might get busy
again soon enough. The key is to keep doing this (and improving the
steps so as to have them work best for you) until the subconscious
mind learns the new pattern of we have enough time. So whenever
stress creeps in, remember that we have all the time in the world, and
invoke the tranquility again send some Reiki if needed, use the
mental symbol (or any other) if inspired.
In time, youll need to do this less and less often, and eventually this
no rush, no stress, take our time will become your default way of
functioning. This will have ripple effects in all areas of life: better
health, better sleep, better relationships. Youll enjoy life and your
work, a lot more, and of course the good energy will infuse whatever
output you produce, going further and influencing the products being
built, decisions being made based on your work ultimately making
the whole world a better place.
If Reiki Doesnt Seem to Work for You, Ask
Yourself This Question!
Sometimes, without realizing, we cling onto something that we
perceive as something bad.
This could be anything, but it often manifests in the form of grief over
a past relationship or losing someone dear, anger about an event we
perceive as unfair, sometimes even a medical condition, or financial
We start to send Reiki to the situation, and keep on sending, perhaps
every day. Weeks pass. Then months pass, maybe even years, with
little or no perceived improvement.
If youre in a situation where youve been sending Reiki for quite a
while, but seen no results, this little question can help you find out if
you have some internal conflict going on.
Step 1. Imagine the ideal situation for you, when everything
works out the way you desire.
Step 2. Summon up all your honesty and answer this question:
o If you could experience this ideal right now, would you
choose to have it?
Step 3. Pay attention to how you feel and any hesitancy you may
Anything less than a resounding Yes is a sign of internal conflict that
needs to be worked out, before noticing results in the physical reality.
Perhaps not too often, but definitely more often than wed like to
think, we are actually holding on to the bad thing subconsciously.
Deep down were afraid of what could happen if the situation suddenly
improved. We feel that if we dont grief, it means that we dont love.
Or, as ridiculous as it sounds, we want the bad thing around so that
we have something to put the blame on. Were afraid of breaking new
grounds, or we believe that its unfair to experience abundance, or
vibrant health, while others, maybe close to us, are struggling. We feel
guilty when accepting gifts or favors, and expect (or, rather, are afraid
that we wont receive) something in return when we give.
This can also work as a little test. It can help you gain clarity about
what you really want.
Spot Treatment with Reiki
Reiki is effective in spot treatment, whether its from an acute injury,
or caused by a chronic condition, for example temporarily increased
levels of a localized pain. Remember though that its not a
replacement for medical aid.
This is a quick technique to perform spot treatment. The steps are
mere guidelines, the most important thing in these situations is to
follow your intuition.
Step 1. Rub your hands together to facilitate the energy flow.
Step 2. Place your hands over the affected area and send
generous amounts of energy. Use Cho Ku Rei to increase the
Step 3. Pay attention to where the energy flows. If nearby areas
draw more energy, hover one or both of your hands there to
calm it.
Step 4. Draw Sei He Ki. It will act as an antiseptic, and enhance
the healing.
Step 5. Keep sending energy and using the symbols until you
sense the area no longer accepts Reiki. Sometimes, you can try
to resume later if needed.
Reiki will relieve the pain but unlike painkillers or sprays used
medically, you dont need to worry about dosage, levels, amounts
Prevent Accidents with Cho Ku Rei
Cho Ku Rei can be used to prevent accidents and other unfortunate
Before going on a trip, entering a meeting, making a phone call, or
whenever you feel some stress and negative energy around, bring in
the peace and familiar Reiki energy.
Cleanse the area by drawing Cho Ku Rei in the air, intending that it
purifies your aura, your thoughts, your body, the energy in the room,
or in the car, or in the surroundings. Aim for the highest good of all
Why does it work?
Misfortunes and other bad experiences are much more likely to happen
when negative or inharmonious energies are around. By cleansing and
balancing the energy, we significantly reduce the chance that anything
negative will happen, and the Power Symbol is an excellent tool for
this purpose.
Tip: Ground yourself properly and youll benefit from additional
Three Reiki Tricks You Didnt Know
Heres some more useful and interesting Reiki tricks you probably
arent doing, but may consider incorporating them in your routine.
Reiki your mattress before going to bed. Imagine it filled with a
network of light and golden-white energy, and intend that it be
discharged throughout the night as needed for your highest
good. Your body will benefit and your sleep will have more
restoring power. Youll wake up feeling more rested, as if you
had slept an extra hour or two.
Reiki your workout gear. Charge your running shoes, gym
equipment, swimming suit, intending for a good, satisfying, and
fulfilling workout. You could even draw Cho Ku Rei, e.g. on the
insides of your shoes.
Reiki your wallet. Imagine it engulfed in an energy ball that
sweeps and cleans it and its contents. Money, papers, bank
cards intend that everything is energized abundantly, and that
it attracts even more abundance. Say to yourself I am a
generous giver, and an awesome receiver. Intend that all
negativity surrounding your wallet is discharged, and all that
remains is love. Love your wallet. And share the love!
5 Tips For Using A Reiki Box
Heres some tips, useful especially if youre new to this technique.
Always end your requests with for the highest good of all
Clean up your requests every week. It can easily get cluttered
with old stuff there.
Send Reiki to your box even if you dont have it with you, using
the distance symbol.
Send Reiki to your box whenever you have time.
Place a crystal (clear quartz works well, but experiment with
others too) in or on top of the box to help activate the law of
If youre not sure what a Reiki box is or how to use one, check out the
articles here (more Reiki box tips there too):
7 Good Times To Smile (And Send Reiki)
Smiling has an interesting effect: its contagious! Smile, and the
Universe will smile back.
Here are 7 excellent times to smile.
Smile at everyone you meet, before you speak to them. Reiki
your relationship, regardless of what type of relationship it is.
Smile when hearing hurtful criticism. Remember that its not
personal, its just that persons way of saying things and they do
the same to everybody. Reiki the situation, for the highest good
of all involved.
Smile when someone cuts in front of you in traffic. Perhaps they
had a serious reason to do so, or perhaps not. Either way, they
need help, so with the permission of their higher self, send them
a dose of loving energy, intending that its routed wherever most
needed in case its rejected (youll find that most often it is
warmly accepted though).
Smile when children are giving you a hard time. Theyre just
children and theres generally no reasoning with them. Moreover,
its unreasonable to expect them to be reasonable. Take a step
back, ground yourself, invoke Reiki and the spirit of tranquility,
and give them a loving hug (if theyll let you). Love them every
Smile when you realize your worst worries and fears may, or are
about to, come true. Reiki the entire situation, so that you may
have the opportunity to start fresh build something even better.
Smile before starting a task. Envision the end result, and aim
that Reiki flows and imbues the outcome, bringing joy to those
whose life will be touched by what you work on.
Smile when looking in the mirror. Look yourself in the eyes, let
go of all the worries, shields, masks, and allow yourself to just
be. Allow the Reiki to flow and go wherever its most needed to
help you grow and enjoy life even more.
Bonus tip: Smile when you pay your bills. Say Im grateful for all
the services I receive, and for the abundance that allows me to
pay for them. See your bills as a sign of trust: someone trusts
you, and they have served you trusting that youll pay them
back. Reiki your cash flow, intending that you always have
enough money to cover your needs, and then some extra so you
may feel secure and help the others.
Seven Good Times To Send Reiki After
After hanging up the phone.
After a bad dream (and after a good dream).
After leaving from a party or gathering.
After making love.
After sending your children to school.
After the guests have left.
After everyone has gone to bed.
4 Innovative Ways To Use Reiki Indirectly
Yes, Reiki can be used to charge various objects to bring about
harmony. There are many ways by which it can bring positive changes
in our lives.
Tip 1. If your toddler is short tempered you can send energy to
their favorite toys so that the positive and gentle healing
vibrations always surround your child. It will protect them from
all sorts of negativities.
Tip 2. If your child is not paying attention while studying you can
treat their bed or pillow. The healing energies will work on your
child while they take a nap, and they will get up feeling better
and focused.
Tip 3. If you have to undergo a surgery you can charge your
surgery bed through distance healing so that your body is able
to take the surgery smoothly.
Tip 4. Reiki can also be sent through gadgets Had a fight with
your spouse? Just open a blank message on your cell, hold it in
your palms and charge it with positive Reiki energy and SMS
(text) this blank message to them. When they open the message
in the inbox they will be greeted with soft healing energies
thereby helping you to deal with the situation.
Creativity knows no boundaries, especially when it comes to Reiki.
5 Simplest Steps to Use Affirmations with Reiki
It does not get any simpler than this. Do this daily, and youll reach
your goals faster than ever before and for the highest good of all
concerned of course.
Step 1. Create affirmations
Step 2. Read affirmations
Step 3. Put affirmations in Reiki box
Step 4. Send Reiki to the box
Step 5. Tomorrow, repeat from step 2.
In case of affirmations, the old adage holds true: repetitio mater
studiorum est (literally, the repetition is the mother of study). The
most important step is step 5.
If youre not sure what a Reiki box is or how to use one, check out the
articles here:
If youre not sure about affirmations and Reiki, check out the articles
RRRR Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle for a
Better Reiki Life
This is a simple RRRR Reduce, Reuse, Recycle for Reiki!
Reduce TV and online time.
This will give you more time to practice Reiki on yourself, sharpen your
skills, and live a more peaceful life.
Reuse idle time.
Give yourself a boost while waiting for the bus, riding the train, sitting
in line at the bank. Youll feel charged and positive all the time.
Recycle the energy by sending it to multiple destinations.
For example, suppose you sit on your bed while self-treating. Intend
that the energy flows through your body, then through your bed,
cleansing and charging it, then from there, imagine it flowing around
the room and enlightening it, then all around the house, making for a
nice energy vibration or shield that only allows positive stuff to go in,
and from there, let it go wherever its most needed.
How to Treat Animals with Reiki
This Reiki technique can be used to treat animals that are either
somewhere else or cannot be touched for safety reasons. The length of
time taken to complete this technique is between to 15-20 minutes or
longer if necessary (or even shorter if your Reiki isnt received or
accepted anymore).
Step 1. Stand comfortably with your feet parallel to each other.
Take several deep breaths, and relax.
Step 2. Repeat the name of the distance healing symbol thrice
after drawing the symbol once.
Step 3. Say the name of the animal to be treated three times.
Step 4. Send the mental healing symbol to the patient.
Step 5. Draw the power symbol one time and repeat its name
three times to seal everything.
Step 6. Say With the help of Reiki symbols, I am now sending
healing energy to the animal. May the energy do whatever is
best for its highest good.
Step 7. Now, either treat the injured part of the animal or give
the animal a whole body treatment.
As always, these steps are guidelines, and you can tweak them to
match your style, technique, and healing preferences.
Remember that while this technique can be used to treat animals, it
does not replace the vet. It is highly recommended that you consult a
qualified veterinarian doctor every time your pet has health problems.
For a more in-depth article, click the following link:
Safety on the Road with Reiki
This Reiki technique is a great way to protect yourself and others on
the road. It helps in two ways. Firstly, it helps build an energetic wall
of protection around you, and secondly, it gives you self-assurance.
This technique has two phases. The first one is for personal protection,
while the second phase protects your vehicle (car, bicycle, or
First Phase
Step 1: Sit down comfortably and take a few deep breaths.
Step 2: Draw the distance healing symbol once and repeat its
name three times.
Step 3: Now, say your name and the name of the situation
(drive to the city, work or vacation). Say e.g. Let the Reiki
energies flow for the length of this journey so that that there is
safety and harmony for everyone involved.
Step 4: Draw the mental healing symbol once and repeats its
name thrice.
Step 5: Stabilize everything with the power symbol.
Second Phase
Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 of the First phase.
Step 4: Draw the mental healing symbol one time and repeat the
mantra three times. Imagine holding your vehicle in between
your palm. Wrap your vehicle in this symbol.
Step 5: Repeat the name of the power symbol thrice after
drawing it once. Send it to the front, back and sides of your
Step 6: Let the energy flow
The length of time required for this is two to five minutes. This
technique tends to works better if it is used prior to the start of the
Homeopathic Touch with Reiki
The calm, gentle stimulus of homeopathic touch increases the bodys
receptivity and sensitivity to Reiki. Theres an improved exchanged of
energy between the area being treated with the rest of the body. As a
result, the injured area heals faster and more effectively.
Step 1: Gently place your hands on the area to be treated
(usually in the aura, at about one hand distance from the body).
Step 2: Start the flow of Reiki.
Step 3: Make circular and stroking movements across the
affected area, in different directions. Keep the movements calm,
gentle, and slow. Be guided by your intuition and capacity for
understanding, rather than your mind, and use the Reiki
Symbols as guided.
Step 4: Finally, move your hands away gradually from the
surface of the body.
The time needed for this technique can be anywhere from 30 seconds
and up, depending on the intensity of the treatment and the
seriousness of the injury. Sometimes its better to do multiple shorter
sessions (e.g. a few 5 minutes sessions with breaks in between),
rather than a longer session. If you feel that the area no longer draws
the energy, thats probably a good sign to stop the treatment, at least
for now.
Establishing Psychic Contact with Reiki
Using this technique, Reiki practitioners can connect with people on a
physic level.
When doing this, center your attention in the forehead, the third eye
chakra. In doing so, the dream and reality tend to merge into one,
empowering the energy of thoughts to reach anywhere.
Choose a place where you can sit down comfortably and will not
be disturbed for about 10- 15 minutes.
Focus on the person whom you wish to establish contact.
Draw the distance healing symbol mentally on the third eye of
the person you want to reach and repeat its name three times.
Repeat the name of the person three times.
Focus on the third eye and say thrice - I am establishing contact
with. name of the person.
Send your message to the person, such as contact me or come
home quickly.
Mentally draw the mental healing symbol once and repeat its
name thrice and send it to the person.
Draw the power symbol once to seal everything and repeat its
name thrice.
This Reiki technique can be completed in about 5 - 10 minutes and is
useful in helping a Reiki practitioner establish contact people who
cannot be reached. Use this technique sincerely, and dont send
unwanted messages!
Treating Emotional Problems with Reiki
This Reiki technique can be used to help heal emotional crisis or
wounds. It strengthens the emotional immune system, allowing for
better dealing with the emotional problem.
Sit down comfortably and relax.
Draw the mental healing symbol in the air and pronounce its
name thrice. Imagine it remains in the air where you drew it.
Cover it in a white or golden healing ball of energy.
Seal everything by mentally drawing the power symbol and
repeating its name thrice.
Take the energy ball in your hands and contract it so that its
smaller, but just as powerful.
Physically push the ball into the heart chakra.
Give Reiki to the heart chakra for about 8- 10 minutes or as long
as you feel guided to.
This technique takes about 10 15 minutes to complete.
A wonderful thing about this technique is that using it regularly tends
to erase our obstructive behavior patterns so naturally that we dont
even notice it. As a result, all the anger, fear, or jealously begin to
ease, making room for a calm, peaceful attitude that simply invites
happiness into our lives.

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