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Report of a business trip to Japan

Last week Peter Thompson (travel) (1)_____________ to Tokyo on business. He (visit) (2)_____________ our main ink
supplier, Osaka n!., an" he also (have) (#)_____________ !onta!t with two new possible suppliers there.
$r. Thompson (arrive) (%)_____________ in Tokyo on &e"nes"ay 2'
, $ay at (.)) am. His plane (not*arrive)
(+)_____________ on time sin!e it was "elaye" be!ause o, a storm. $r -u.imoto (/o) (0)_____________ to pi!k him up
at the airport. 1,ter that, they (make) (2)_____________ a tour o, Osaka n!.3s !ompany. $r Thompson (meet)
(')_____________ the $arketin/ 4ire!tor an" the 5ales 4ire!tor. He (be) (()_____________ also intro"u!e" to the
Pro"u!tion $ana/er.
$r -u.imoto (invite) (1))_____________ $r Thompson to have "inner at his house in the evenin/. $r Thompson (take)
(11)_____________ /reat pleasure in a!!eptin/ $r -u.imoto6s invitation.
$r -u.imoto3s wi,e an" two "au/hters (/reet) (12)_____________ $r Thompson very a/reeably as he arrive". They (eat)
(1#)_____________ a very typi!al 7apanese meal but they (not*talk) (1%)_____________ about business "urin/ the meal,
they .ust (!hat) (1+)_____________ about their ,amilies an" their !ountries.
8espon"a "e a!or"o !om o te9to:
1. &hen "i" $r Thompson travel to Tokyo;
2. &ho "i" he visit there;
#. How many other !onta!ts "i" he make;
%. &hat "ay "i" $r Thompson arrive in Tokyo;
+. 4i" he arrive on 7une 2'
0. &hat time "i" he arrive there;
2. &hy "i" he arrive later than e9pe!te";
'. &ho was at the airport to pi!k him up;
(. &hat "i" he "o a,ter leavin/ the airport;
1). &ho "i" he meet at the !ompany;
11. &here "i" $r -u.imoto invite $r Thompson;
12. How many "au/hters "i" $r -u.imoto have;
1#. &hat "i" they eat at -u.imoto3s house;
1%. 4i" they talk about business "urin/ the meal;
1+. &hat "i" they talk about;
<omplete the "ialo/ue between $r -u.imoto an" $r Thompson at the airport usin/ the phrases ,rom the bo9:
$r -u.imoto (-) = $r Thompson (T)
- $r Thompson, (1)______________________ an" (2)_______________________ to Osaka.
T Thanks. (#)__________________________.
- (%)__________________________;
T 1!tually, it wasn3t very ni!e. There was a terrible storm an" we arrive" one hour later.
- Oh, (+)______________________. 1nyway, you3re here now. (0)______________________;
T 4o we have to take a ta9i;
- Oh, no. $y !ar is parke" outsi"e. 3m "rivin/ you to our o,,i!e.
T Oh, (2)__________________________. Thank you very mu!h.
4i" you have a ni!e ,li/ht > 3m sorry to hear that > ni!e to meet you > Please" to meet you too > 5hall we /o > that3s
very ni!e o, you > wel!ome
2. Leia o relatrio de investigao de acidentes abaixo e responda as questes:
5everal workers were workin/ on a ,lat se!tion o, a resi"ential roo, to repla!e the roo,. 1 roo,er remove"
the skyli/ht an" !overe" the %>,oot>by>%>,oot openin/ with a sheet o, polyethylene. 1,ter !uttin/ a pie!e o, boar" to install
as the ,irst layer o, new roo,in/, the roo,er ,ell ba!kwar"s onto the polyethylene an" then ,ell 12 ,eet 11 in!hes throu/h the
skyli/ht openin/ to the ,loor below. The roo,er was wearin/ a ,all prote!tion harness but was not tie" o,, to an an!hor
point. The roo,er sustaine" ,atal in.uries as a result o, the ,all.
?n/uar"e" roo, openin/: 8emoval o, a skyli/ht !reate" an openin/. t was not se!urely !overe" with a !over o,
a"e@uate siAe an" stren/th or /uar"e" by moveable /uar"rails.
-all prote!tion available but not use": The roo,er was wearin/ a ,all prote!tion harness but he was not !onne!te"
to a ,all prote!tion system. There was nothin/ to prevent him ,rom ,allin/ to the /roun" when he ,ell throu/h the
skyli/ht openin/.
Other possible ,a!tors
The employer ,aile" to establish !onsistent sa,e work pro!e"ures ,or !overin/ or /uar"in/ skyli/ht openin/s an"
other roo, openin/s. 1 sheet o, polyethylene was ta!ke" "own at the ,our !orners to !over the openin/.
na"e@uate supervision: The employer "i" not have a ,oreman or supervisor makin/ perio"i! inspe!tions o, the
workpla!e to ensure the health an" sa,ety o, the workers. The roo,ers were le,t to i"enti,y an" mana/e any
haAar"s base" on their own previous e9perien!e an" knowle"/e.
La!k o, !oor"ination o, health an" sa,ety a!tivities at the workpla!e: The homeowner was unaware he was
responsible ,or the "uties o, the prime !ontra!tor in the absen!e o, a written a/reement with any other party to be
the prime !ontra!tor. 1s a result, there was no system in pla!e to ensure the various tra"es on site !omplie" with
the &orkers <ompensation 1!t an" the O!!upational Health an" 5a,ety 8e/ulation, in!lu"in/ ,all prote!tion
2. Bual ,oi o momento em @ue o !olabora"or !aiu "e !ostas para a pla!a "e polietileno;
2.2 Bual ,oi o motivo "o !into "e proteCDo !ontra @ue"as nDo ter ,un!iona"o "e ,orma e,i!aA e o a!i"ente ter si"o
2.! 4e a!or"o !om o termo "esta!a"o no tre!ho a se/uir: E"#e e$plo%er did not #ave a fore$an or supervisor
$a&ing periodic inspections of t#e 'or&place to ensure t#e #ealt# and safet% of t#e 'or&ers.( Po"emos
a,irmar @ue:
a) 1 ,orma a,irmativa "o verbo irre/ular to #ave, no past tense, se manteria !omo have
b) 1 ,orma a,irmativa "o verbo irre/ular to #ave, no past tense,seria has
!) 1 ,orma a,irmativa "o verbo irre/ular to #ave, no past tense,seria have"
") 1 ,orma a,irmativa "o verbo irre/ular to #ave, no past tense, seria has
e) Trata>se "a ,orma ne/ativa irre/ular "o verb to #ave no past tense
2.) 4e a!or"o !om o te9to "a @uestDo anterior, !ite !in!o possFveis !ausas*,atores @ue !ontribuFram para @ue o
a!i"ente ,osse ,atal, em Portu/uGs,:
8eport o, a business trip to 7apan
Last week Peter Thompson (travel) travelle" to Tokyo on business. He (visit) visite" our main ink supplier, Osaka n!.,
an" he also (have) ha" !onta!t with two new possible suppliers there.
$r. Thompson (arrive) arrive" in Tokyo on &e"nes"ay 2', $ay at (.)) am. His plane (not*arrive) "i"n6t arrive on time
sin!e it was "elaye" be!ause o, a storm. $r -u.imoto (/o) went to pi!k him up at the airport. 1,ter that, they (make)
ma"e a tour o, Osaka n!.3s !ompany. $r Thompson (meet) met the $arketin/ 4ire!tor an" the 5ales 4ire!tor. He (be)
was also intro"u!e" to the Pro"u!tion $ana/er.
$r -u.imoto (invite) invite" $r Thompson to have "inner at his house in the evenin/. $r Thompson (take) took /reat
pleasure in a!!eptin/ $r -u.imoto6s invitation.
$r -u.imoto3s wi,e an" two "au/hters (/reet) /reete" $r Thompson very a/reeably as he arrive". They (eat) ate a very
typi!al 7apanese meal but they (not*talk) "i"n6t talk about business "urin/ the meal, they .ust (!hat) !hatte" about their
,amilies an" their !ountries.
1nswer the ,ollowin/ @uestions about the te9t.
1. He travelle" to Tokyo last week.
2. He visite" Osaka n!., his main ink supplier.
#. He ma"e two other !onta!ts.
%. He arrive" in Tokyo on &e"nes"ay.
+. Io, he "i"n3t. He arrive" on $ay 2'
0. He arrive" there at ( am.
2. He arrive" later than e9pe!te" be!ause his ,li/ht
was "elaye".
'. $r -u.imoto was at the airport to pi!k him up.
(. He went to Osaka n!., to make a tour o, the
1). He met the $arketin/ 4ire!tor, the 5ales 4ire!tor
an" the Pro"u!tion $ana/er.
11. $r -u.imoto invite" $r Thompson to have "inner at
his house.
12. He ha" two "au/hters.
1#. They ate a tra"itional 7apanese meal.
1%. Io, they "i"n3t.
1+. They talke" about their ,amilies an" their !ountries.
<omplete the "ialo/ue between $r -u.imoto an" $r Thompson at the airport usin/ the phrases ,rom the bo9:
$r -u.imoto (-) = $r Thompson (T)
- $r Thompson, ni!e to meet you an" wel!ome to Osaka.
T Thanks. Please" to meet you too.
- 4i" you have a ni!e ,li/ht;
T 1!tually, it wasn3t very ni!e. There was a terrible storm an" we arrive" one hour later.
- Oh, 3m sorry to hear that. 1nyway, you3re here now. 5hall we /o;
T 4o we have to take a ta9i;
- Oh, no. $y !ar is parke" outsi"e. 3m "rivin/ you to our o,,i!e.
T Oh, that3s very ni!e o, you. Thank you very mu!h.

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