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Sovereignty of Individuality

Sovereignty of Individuality
1. hchste Gewalt; Oberhoheit des Staates
2. Unabhngigkeit eines Staates (vom Einl!ss anderer Staaten"
#. (gehoben" das So!vernsein; $berlegenheit% Sicherheit
&' (o )o! see in o!r civili*ation% in the United States% a movement
towards state sovereignt)% being a state citi*en% as o++osed to a,
-' .ell% obvio!sl), there is a movement.
&' (o )o! see that as a movement that will c!lminate with% let !s sa),
-' /n a ashion% )es. 0here will !ltimatel) be% not a government% as )o!
know it% b!t a tr!e sovereignt) o individ!alit). 0r!e
ree +eo+le. 1reating as the) wish; sharing as
the) wish% in !ll consent and intention and
conscio!s awareness. .ith an organi*ational bod)%
instead o a government% that hel+s coordinate the talents and acilities
o +eo+le who need to know where other +eo+le are that the) can then
share their talents with% and who need those talents in ret!rn; so% in that
sense% )es.
&' .ill this be +art o the social and +olitical movement in 234 that we
will see5
-' /t will increase% )es. -!t it will not reall) come to a head !ntil well
ater the )ear 2666. 7erha+s% sometime aro!nd )o!r )ear 2664 there
will be some o the biggest breakthro!ghs% or the biggest breakdowns o
the older s)stems% that will inall) allow more o the ree +erson
movement to be evidenced in )o!r societ). 8nd certainl) b) )o!r )ear%
as we have said% 26#9% there will be nothing b!t the conce+t o ree%
!ll) creative individ!als on )o!r +lanet.
&' 0hank )o! ver) m!ch.
-' 0hank )o!:
Sovereignty of Individuality

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