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2436 Mill Creek Road Jacksonville, Fl 32211 (904) 370-4691 K!a"da"#$%ail&co%

M.S. in Interactive Entertainment, Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy, University of
Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, Expected December 201
Field of !t"dy# $ro%rammin%
B.S. in Digital Arts and Sciences, University of Florida, &ainesville, F' (ay 201)
Programming Languages C((, C), Java,
Javascri*+, ,-a
So!t"are .is-al /+-dio 2013, 0ni+1 v4&3,
0!K, 024, Flas", er3orce, 4rinds+one
Hit% &IEA 'a$stone Pro(ect
GUI/Gameplay UE4 C++ Programmer, Fall 2013-
Summer 2014
Desi%ned and *rote t+e %ameplay arc+itect"re
in UE C,, so"rce for prod"cers to b"ild off of
in -l"eprint
Collaborated on creatin% t+e system for
creatin% and connectin% to a lobby server and
transferrin% from t+e lobby to t+e %ame
Implemented t+e men" and lobby &UI in UE
C,, so"rce "sin% t+e !late A$I
)o"erPaul% &IEAEngine &inal Pro(ect
C# Tools/C++ Collso! Programmer, Spr!g
Collaborated *it+ 1. ot+er pro%rammers on a
%ame b"ilt on o"r st"dent made FIEA data
driven en%ine
Implemented t+e basic str"ct"re for collision
Desi%ned and implemented a vis"al level
editin% tool "sin% C/ and 0$F
Collaborated *it+ ot+er pro%rammers to +ave
level editin% too ta1e in specific text"res, and
spit o"t correct 2(' level syntax
Bangarang% &IEA *$en+L,-.o# game
C++ Programmer, Fall 2013
Adapted t+e Open&' frame*or1 for renderin%
and animatin% 2D sprites
Desi%ned and implemented t+e collision
$orted Open&' codebase to Direct2 for 2-ox
&IEAEngine% &IEA Data Driven Engine
C++, Fall 2013
0rote c"stom implementation of
several !3' containers
Implemented a dynamic r"ntime type
Desi%ned and Implemented an 2('
parser and 2(' syntax for a data
driven en%ine
Suicide /us0 1% &IEA Emergent
U!"y C# Programmer, Fall 2013
Collaborated on Implementin% t+e
4et*or1in% and 5eplication
frame*or1 in Unity "sin% C/
Desi%ned and Implementin% t+e ro"nd
based system and card template
Created $article and Animation
effects for eac+ card
Da3ed% &IEA Stor2 Protot2$e
U!"y C# Programmer, Fall 2013
Implemented %ameplay feat"res Unity
"sin% C/
Desi%ned and Implemented (en" UI
/otten &ruit% &IEA 'a$stone Protot2$e
U!"y C# Programmer, Fall 2013
Implemented %ameplay feat"res in
Unity "sin% C/

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