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Sesslon Cb[ecuves
1o undersLand Lhe meanlng of research
1o undersLand Lhe meanlng of research
1o undersLand Lhe ob[ecuves of research
1o undersLand Lhe baslc sLeps of conducung
uenluon of 8esearch
uenluon of MeLhodology
uenluon of 8esearch MeLhodology
1he Alms of 8esearch
8aslc SLeps Lo ConducL 8esearch
engeruan enelluan (8esearch)
MenuruL k88l
enelluan adalah... keglaLan pengumpulan,
pengolahan, anallsls, dan penya[lan daLa yang
dllakukan secara slsLemaus dan ob[ekuf unLuk
memecahkan suaLu persoalan aLau mengu[l
hlpoLesls unLuk mengembangkan prlnslp-
prlnslp umum."
What is Research?
! Research is:
the systematic process of collecting and
analyzing information (data) in order to
increase our understanding of the
phenomenon about which we are
concerned or interested
More Understanding on What is
Research ?
! Research is a careful and systematic process
of inquiry to find answers to problem of
! Research include: use of facts, use of
theories, data (fact) analysis, sampling,
doing an experiment, going to library to read
up on a topic
! To do research is to investigate the
problem systematically and thoroughly
! Goal of research is to solve problem of
Research Characteristics
1. Originates with a question or problem.
2. Requires clear articulation of a goal.
3. Follows a specific plan or procedure.
4. Often divides main problem into subproblems.
5. Guided by specific problem, question, or
6. Accepts certain critical assumptions.
7. Requires collection and interpretation of data.
8. Cyclical (helical) in nature.
The Aims of Research
" To describe about a phenomena
" To predict about something in the future
" To explain about solution of problem
" To interpret what is being investigate
Scientific Methods
! Methodos means way
! Methodology is the discipline of scientific
engeruan MeLodologl (kamus llmu
MeLodologl adalah.. llmu LenLang meLode,
uralan LenLang meLode."
llmu LenLang meLode-meLode, prosedur-
prosedur, prlnslp-prlnslp yang dlgunakan
dalam dlslplln kellmuan,
Cabang loglka yang merumuskan aLau
menganallsls prlnslp-prlnslp yang dlperlukan
unLuk membenLuk keslmpulan dan konsep
yang logls
WhaL ls MeLhodology ?
A formallzed approach Lo conducL research
A serles of sLeps and dellverables
8esearch MeLhodology ln CompuLer Sclence/
lnformauon SysLem/lnformauon 1echnology
A collecuon of meLhods, procedures,
Lechnlques, Lools and documenLauon alds
whlch wlll help Lhe researcher ln Lhelr eorLs
Lo conducL a research ln Lhe eld of CS/lS/l1".
12*2"34/ 526/787%79: ;*( 12*2"34/
8esearch MeLhodology:
ConcepLual frameworks and assumpuons used Lo
lnform research
Llaborauon of research meLhod
8esearch MeLhod:
8esearch Lechnlque or procedure used Lo gaLher
and analyses daLa
MeLhod (MeLode)
kaldah-kaldah dasar unLuk melakukan
penelluan Lerhadap llmu pengeLahuan,
Cara melaksanakan aLau mencapal llmu
pengeLahuan berdasarkan kaldah-kaldah yang
[elas dan Legas,
12*2"34/ 526/787%79:
# A reseach meLhodology wlll conslsL of phases, sub-
phases, whlch wlll gulde Lhe researchers ln Lhelr cholce
of Lhe meLhods, Lechnlques, procedures, Lools, eLc.,
LhaL mlghL be approprlaLe aL each sLage of Lhe
research and also help Lhem plan, manage, conLrol and
evaluaLe Lhe progress of research.
# A research meLhodology represenLs a way Lo develop
research sysLemaucally.
# A research meLhodology represenLs a way Lo do
sclenuc lnqulry.
# A research meLhodology should have a sound
Lheoreucal basls.
</: 526/787%79: =
lL wlll make you beuer able Lo undersLand and
uullze sclenuc lnformauon ln boLh your
personal llfe and your work.
lL wlll make you a more llLeraLe and culLured
lL provldes you some lnslghL noL only lnLo
parucular sclenuc ndlngs buL also lnLo Lhe
general naLure of sclence as a human acuvlLy.
naLure of 8esearch ln CS/lS/l1
8esearch ln CS oen requlres experlmenLal deslgn as
well as Lheoreucal (baslc) research
Pence, we have Lo have a meLhodology ln order Lo
conducL research CS
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8esearch ln lS/l1 oen requlres sysLem developmenL
Pence, we have Lo have a meLhodology ln order Lo develop
a sysLem (lS/l1 sysLem)
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1hls lS/l1 uevelopmenL MeLhodology can be used as
a 8esearch MeLhodology ln lS/l1 eld.
Pow Lo SLarL A 8esearch?
ueLermlne a well dene problem
undersLandlng abouL someLhlng
Sclence approach: phenomena, Lheory, hypoLhesls,
ConsLrucung producL
Lnglneerlng approach: bulld a sysLem LhaL perform a
(unlque) Lask, experlmenL, convergence resulLs
lollow Lhe sLeps ln Lhe research meLhodology
8esearch resulLs: knowledge, algorlLhm,
meLhods, producL (sysLem), model, eLc.
Problem Formulation
Research Problem
Identification Scope of
Research Questions
Research Objectives
Problem Formulation
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