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The topic: 4Ps in marketing mix and their importance

If we want to understand about this topic, first of all, we have to

understand what the marketing mix is. Marketing mix is the combination of
marketing variables in the control of the company for a market target.
Include product, price, place and promotion.
The first is Product. Product are goods or services that are sold. A
product is made up by many difference factors, mainly basic usefulness,
brand, packaging, style, and warranty services.
Customers are now more and more spending money on product they
desire than on product they simply need. There fore all companies must
produce goods of very high quality with the brand healthy and looking fresh
down the years and the good warranty services. More importantly, they must
give brand emotional qualities that match customers’ strongest desire. On
the other hand, if companies want to have big profit, they have to attend to
the life cycle of product, help it go on and on, and they have to improve
product and find the new products.
From above, we can give the importance of product. Product is basic,
backbone of general Marketing strategy. It is seem a very importance factor
for general marketing strategy reaching four targets: profit, power, warranty
in business and society.
The second is Price. On the side of buyer, price is the cost to the
buyer of goods and services. On the side of seller, price is turnover item
from consumption their products.
Price is effected by many factors, companies have to attend about the
factors as characteristic of product, cost, strategy and target of company,
level of competition, law and laws of supply and demand. From these
factors, company can have difference evaluation methods that it is suitable
with market target and customers target. Sometime, company don’t fix price
as quality of product, they fix as feeling of customers. Companies often
make a set of price to guaranty maximum profit for all products not each
product. On the other hand, company have to dress strategy increase or
decrease, price discount fix difference price and changing price when market
have change.
The important of price: Price is factor unique variable bring to company
turnover. Decisions of price always stick with finance result of company.
Iinformations about price is always importance positions to offer the
business decisions. Company always face to the competition from price, so
they have to find the relation of price decision. If this is good, company will
avoid dangerous attacks and defend better from competitor and from law as
The third is Place. Place is where goods or services are available.
And place or distribution is the way that producers put goods into circulation
and final consumers eeffectively. Distribution Chanels are the way bringing
goods from manufacture to customers.
Company have to select the suitable distributor , this depend on feature
of product, ability of company . Company can choice long or short channel
or use many kind of channel to develope market target. If company want to
sell goods to customers fast, they have to manage activities channel and help
them have strongest matching. The manager have to find the best positions,
the best places, and the best stores. They have to be interested in storage
system, yards andfacilities of transport.
The important of Place: thank for the network of distributor channel that
overcome different in time, location and ownership between producer and
consumer. Place is a importance variable of marketing mix. It effect to other
factors of marketing. Nowadays, more and more companies are interested in
distribution as a marketing variable give them competitive advantage in long
term. Place good make goods and services flow from the produces to
customers as smoothly and freely as possible, help to increase turnover ,
expand production and market share of companies. Not only producer have
profit but also the consumers can cut the cost of purchase and satisfy in time
and fully, convenient for them.
The last is Promotion. Promotion is informing customers about
product and persuading them to buy them. The mainly forms are in
promotion include advertising, sale promotion, PR, personal selling and
direct marketing.
Advertising is the subjective and indirect communication forms to
transmit informations of goods or services of company and promote to buy.
Companies often advertising on TV, magazine, paper, radio, catalog,
telemarketing, computermarketing.
Sale promotion is all measuresres. They effect immediately and short-
term to encourage customers try or buy more from supplying extra benefit to
customers. Mainly sale off, promotion gift, and game.
PR – public relation is the activities to build the good image of brand or
company in public, mainly sponsor.
Personal selling is activity that introduces goods or services directly to
customers with target is selling and collecting feedback of customers.
Direct marketing is combination of upon factors to selling directly to
customers without middleman.
The important of Promotion: Promotion has three functions, that are
informing, persuading, and reminding. Informing of product to customers
when the product is launched the market. Persuading customers increase
buying product of company when product is in maturity period. Remanding
customers remember to product and secure about product of company when
product is in the end and decline period. So we cant see promotion is a tool
attracting customers and increase sale fingers upon many times and
consolidate brand loyalty.

Nowadays, beside 4Ps the marketer also give some P in

marketing mix, such as People and PR, but 4Ps on there always are the
importance variable. Some other give 4Cs associate with 4Ps such as
Customer solution with Product, Customer cost with price, Convenience
with place and Communication with Promotion.

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