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Logo competition

Lights... Camera...
ACTION! Discovering Cultures
Throughout Cinema

Due to the participation in LLP Comenius Lights...
Camera... ACTION! Discovering Cultures Throughout Cinema
project we organized a competiton in our school. All first form
students took part and many volunteers from higher forms .
The jury decided to reward 5 students.
Our student Patrycja Stankiewicz won the first prize
and due to that took part in the trip to Spain.

The other awarded students:
-Mateusz Chabaj
-Weronika Welcer
-Patrycja Wojto
-Klaudia Zielonka
Patrycja Stankiewicz I TE/H

Mateusz Chabaj ILOe

Weronika Welcer ILOb

Patrycja Wojto I LOa

Klaudia Zielonka I LOc

Magdalena Jakubik II LOb

Kamil Krzanik I LOe

Klaudia Krauz I LO e

Gabriela Ladziska I LOe

Aleksandra Rygiel

Aleksandra Trzebunia

Ewelina Orowska

Klaudia Mcidym

Gabriela Makiel

Diana Jaskka I LOa

Micha Cesarz

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