Higher Kinnerton July Newsletter

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For business entries contact Cllr Gareth Evans on gareth@higherkinnerton.org.uk or tel. 07825 333811.


PCSO Tom Hough 07775 220632
Cllr Phil Lightfoot 01244 660884
Flintshire County Council 01352 752121
Flintshire Streetscene
Mark Tami M.P.
01352 701234
01244 819854
Directory & business.... Kinnerton
Your Monthly Higher Kinnerton Community Newsletter.

Kinnerton Village Hall 01244 660907
Castell Alun School 01978 760238
Ysgol Derwen School 01244 660291
HK Community Council
HK Under Fives
01244 660277
07900 361283

Mrs Helen Lloyd.
HCPC Registered
Chiropody @ Home
Telephone 01244 661115


All domestic and commercial work
Home - 01244 661555
Office - 01244 318578
mobile - 07932 120278

Call Us
01244 382416
Unit 1, Chester Trade Park
Bumpers Lane, Sealand.
CH4 4LT. www.living-floors.co.uk
TTS Tyres, Service and Repair Centre

Dobshill Garage
Chester Road

Tel. 01244 545115

The Swan reopens under
local management.
The rumours are true, Gareth and
Neville landlords of the The Royal Oak,
have now also taken charge of The
Swan. It has been a difficult few years
for The Swan with many landlords
coming and going.
A new menu has been carefully
selected and the bar and cellar are now
well stocked. Support your local pubs
and relax on your doorstep with friends
in, by enjoying a meal and/or a drink,
or celebrating a special occasion in our
two village pubs.

Thank you to whoever put the 50p in the meter and paid
for the glorious sunshine on Saturday 14
June when we
held our 2014 village day!

It was lovely to see so many families and young people join us for an
afternoon of celebrating the lovely village that we live in. A huge
thank you to all the volunteers and community groups who organised
activities and stalls.

Although the event itself was not a fundraising day we did have a few
stalls and attractions running, the proceeds of which will be divided
up between Hope House Hospice, Nightingale House Hospice and the
Countess of Chester Baby Grow appeal.

Members of Higher Kinnerton Community Council would like to
express their thanks to Tesco and Morrisons for their kind donations
for the Village Day cake stall which was also furnished with donations
from members of the community and subsequently sold out. We
would like to make this a regular event which brings together the
individual villagers as well as village community groups. If you would
like to be involved and help plan future events please contact the
Clerk of the Council Liz Corner liz.corner@btinternet.com or call

2014 Village Day Success.

I would like to say a big thank you to all my
friends and neighbours in the village who sent me
lovely cards and presents for my 80
birthday- it
was very kind of you all, it really did make the day
feel special. love Shirley, Burton Drive.

Residents will be aware or the enormous cut backs in public services in recent years. Flintshire County Council continue to restructure services to suit budgets and this means that we as residents need to help out by informing
the council of repairs and maintenance requirements for highways paths and street lighting. Perhaps the most significant aspect of routine maintenance is street lighting. Once a street light goes out then FCC are reliant upon
residents reporting it the StreetScene for repair. We are very fortunate to have Bill Jones as our StreetScene Officer. Bill knows the village well but would appreciate residents help in reporting any incidents regarding litter,
street cleansing, grass cutting, dog fouling, recycling, street lighting and highway repairs. You can contact StreetScene on 01352 701234 or visit the website to report a problem at www.flintshire.gov.uk/streetscene

All content provided in this newsletter is for informational purposes only. Higher Kinnerton Community Council (HKCC) makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained herein or found by following any link within the newsletter. HKCC will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of
this information or for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of the information contained within the newsletterAll content provided in this newsletter is for informational purposes only. Higher Kinnerton Community Council (HKCC) makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained herein or found by
following any link within the newsletter. HKCC will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information or for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of the information contained within the newsletterAll content provided in this newsletter is for informational purposes only. Higher Kinnerton
Community Council (HKCC) makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained herein or found by following any link within the newsletter. HKCC will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information or for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of the
information contained within the newsletter

Summer Play Scheme Book Your Place Now

Dragon Sport return to the village to run a FREE play scheme during the summer
holidays on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for children aged 7-12.

Regular sporting activity helps maintain a healthy body weight, reduces body fat,
strengthens bones, aids co-ordination, balance and flexibility, improves stamina
and concentration and fights depression and anxiety. An active child is more likely
to become an active adult, so get them in the habit now! After all, there's no better
way to keep fit and healthy.
Please book your sessions at www.bookwhen.com/hkcc
Easter Bingo.
Easter Bingo all welcome.
Friday 11
April, 50p admission.
Eyes Down 7.30pm1 per book of
tickets, lots of prizes and
refreshments available. All
proceeds support the village hall

Friends of Derwen School invite you to our Summer Party!
On Friday 11th July in the school grounds 5.00pm to 7.30pm
Stalls include:
Face painting and tattoos Cakes Books and Toys
Sweets Chocolate tombola Pulled pork rolls, hotdogs & refreshments
Zorbing Punch and Judy show Ice cream
Balloon modeller and much more.
Support your local school; wed love to see you there.

1 per person entry fee or
3 for a family.

HKCC Finance (Summarised Accounts).
2013/2014 Income

Community Charge 27,000
Grants, Charges, Interest and Refunds 3,817
Secured Match Funding and S106 Monies 9,004
Total Income for HKCC 2013/2014 39,821

2013/2014 Outgoings

Street Lighting Running Costs 2,662
Donations to Local Organisations under 200 700
Grant to All Saints Church 1,000
Expenditure of lighting grant All Saints Church 500
Grant To Village Hall 1,200
Newsletter Production 1,035
Admin and Office Costs 5,659
Insurance 543
Allotments 68
MRRG Rent 275
Grass Cutting 625
Xmas Lights and Dcor 660
Legal Charges 194
Audit Charges 332
Membership and Fees 113
Website 500
MRRG Cricket Installation 10,591
MRRG Gate and Signage 1,692
VAT Charges 2,824
Misc Charges 1,819
Total Outgoings for HKCC 2012/2014 32,992

The Citizens Advice Bureau Outreach
Service officially opened for business in
the Buckley Town Council. The office
hours are: Appointments 9.30am till
12.30pm and Drop In from 1.30pm -
4.00pm each Wednesday. The service
is being funded in its entirety by
Buckley Town Council in partnership
with Hawarden and Higher
Kinnerton Community Councils. The
Helpline number to call is
08444 772020.
WW1 Commemoration Service
Sunday July 13th at 6.30 pm
All Saints Church, Higher Kinnerton

This special service, led by Bob Jackson and with Ian
Morris in charge of the music and the choir, will
commemorate 100 years since the start of the Great
War with hymns and readings especially relevant to the
occasion. All the Armed Forces will be represented by a
poem or sonnet as well as many other appropriate
This promises to be a really memorable occasion, so
please join us to help to remember the sacrifices that
were made for us all.
Jean Jones Greenacre

Christine, Mark Doreen and Family would like to express
their heartfelt thanks for all the support and Kindness
shown to them during their recent bereavement.

Thank you from James
James Bann would like to thank everyone who supported him at his
charity fundraising evening. The total raised was just over 1400 on
the night. He would also like to thank Gareth, Nev and all those
who came to the first quiz night at The Swan. 346 was raised from
the quiz and raffle in total and with all the kind donations received
online and by the generosity of the villagers over 2000 has already
been raised for his charity bike ride in aid of Help for Heroes and the
Royal British Legion.
The bike ride starts from the Royal Oak on 26 July at 9.30am so if
anyone wants to come along and cheer James off on his journey he
would love to see you there. Please come along with your family on
your bikes and join him at the start of the ride from the Royal Oak
to the Village Hall.

There is still time to donate online to his charity page which is
Kinnerton Community Craft Group. Open to all Kinnerton Ladies.
Held the first Friday of every month at 13.30, in the village hall. The
charge is 1.00 per month. Future Topics are: -Scissors Bag (July),
Boxes (Sept), Silk Painting (Oct) and Christmas Decorations (Nov).
Kinnerton WI
Forthcoming speakers Bodnant Welsh Foods (July), Jewellery
Making by Andrea Bittencourt (Sept), AGM and social evening (Nov)
and Comic verse by Steven Blakesley (Dec).
We are open to all ladies from 18 years of age. Come along and help
us to move into the 21st Century! Enjoy the company, interesting
speakers, days out and so much more. For more information please
call our President June Jones on 660388.

If you have some village news or are
holding a community event, why not
advertise it for free? Contact
or submit in person at the Post Office.
Editorial deadline is the 18
of the
month. We cannot guarantee that all
articles will be published if space gets
tight!!!....but we will try our best.

Crime Warning

Note from PCSO Tom Hough
Please be vigilant as a number of
burglaries have occurred in
neighbouring areas. Thieves are
targeting garages and out-buildings
so please ensure belongings are
safely locked away.

If you are concerned
about security you
can always call me
on 07775 220632
Higher Kinnerton Newsletter
This newsletter is produced by Higher Kinnerton Community Council on behalf of the
community. All work is done on a voluntary basis by a small team of volunteers. The
editors reserve the right to make amendments to submissions to ensure best fit. If
your submission includes photographs please ensure they are of good clear quality as
poor quality photos will not print well. All content provided in this newsletter is for
informational purposes only. Higher Kinnerton Community Council (HKCC) makes no
representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained
herein or found by following any link within the newsletter.
Scouts Jumble Sale is Sat. 11th October. If you having a clear out over
the summer please donate to the jumble sale! Contact Julie Jones 660907 in
advance, if you would like items collecting (large or small).

Citizens Advice
Service for HK
Village Suggestion Box
Thank you to all villagers who gave the council feedback either via Facebook, village newsletter or by attending
the council open evening.
3 main issues were identified:-
1. Indiscriminate parking outside school and parking on the pavements in Meadowcroft. Over hanging hedges
and trees blocking pavements.
2. Speed bumps causing damage to vehicles, can we do with fewer of them?
3. Around the village - continued dog fouling, grass high on road junctions, planters looking a poor purchase,
missing information on roads (Park Ave).
HKCC will now get to work on improving these areas with discussions already under way with the County Council.

Dont forget the FREE performance of
Charlottes Web in the village hall
July 11am, tickets available
from the P.O. Suitable for 0-11 yr. olds
accompanied by an adult.

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