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Creating an MS Access MSTR Project Source for MSTR Migrations:

1. Open the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard and proceed as e!o":

#. Choose on!y the creation of the $etadata ta!es:
%. Create a ne" &S'
(. Se!ect )Other*+ as e!o":
,. Se!ect the Access d type:
-. Create a ne" dataase:
.. 'a$e the dataase )data/"arehouse+ and the &S' for the MSTR Re!ease e.g.
)'0&M/1,.(+2 and create the dataase in the ho!d area for the re!ease:
3. Co$p!ete the Configuration Wizard:
4. 5n MicroStrategy &es6top2 open the Project Source Manager and add the ne" &S' as
a direct connection:
17. 8erify the ne" project source y opening it fro$ MSTR &es6top
11. To co$p!ete the preparation of the $d fi!e2 dup!icate a hot copy of production into a
ne" project in the ne" $d source2 fo!!o"ing the directions in the project refresh
docu$ent. To connect to the $d project source use 9ad$inistrator: as ;ogin id and
!ea1e the pass"ord e$pty*

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