Dyeing of Polyester and Cotton

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1. The dyeing of polyester/cotton blend fabric with disperses and vat dyes.

Beam dyeing machine is used for dyeing polyester/cotton blends

First polyester fiber dyed with disperse dyes by HTHP method
Subsequently to this !ellulose fiber is dyed with "at dyes
One bath dyeing methods
Steps :
1. Dyeing of polyester
Ta#e the predissol"esd disperse dye and "at dyes in the dye bath based shade percentage
First polyester fibre is dyed with disperse dye using HTHP method and the same time "at dyes
remains in dye bath because the "at dyes are not dissol"ed water so that it is could not mo"e to
cotton fibres
$isperse dye
%at dye
$ispersing agent & '.(&1)
*etting agent & '.(&1)
Temperature& 1+(,!
pH - .&(
2. Redction !learing and "atting
The dyed fabric treats with caustic soda /0a1H2 and Hydrose /sodium hydrosulphite2 at 3', !
for 4' - +' minutes.
Here two reactions is ta#e place one is reduction clearing treatment and second one is "atting
i. Redction clearing treatment:
To remo"e the unfi5ed dyes with help sodium hydro5ide and hydrose form polyester dyed fabric to
impro"e the fastness.
0a1H - 4&+g/l
Hydrose - 1g/l at 3'6c for 4' mins
ii. %atting and dyeing of cotton fibres
The hydrose and caustic soda react with "at dyes and ma#e water solubility
0ow "at dyes mo"e to cotton fibres and dyeing is carried out
7dd some amount salt for better e5haustion and raise the temperature for 8', ! wor# at .( mins
1. O#idation
This treatment is to fi# the vat dye on cotton fabric by means of air o#idation or
chemical o#idation.
!hemical O#idation recipe:
Hydrogen pero5ide /+()2 - 1&4 g/l
7nionic detergent - '.(&1 g/l
2. Soaping
The dyed fabric washes with soap solution at boiling temperature for +'mins to remo"e
unfi5ed dyes from the surface of the fabric.
Soap 9 ( gpl
Temp 9 1'',!
Time 9 +' mins
$. Rinsing
The dyed fabric rinsed with hot water for 1' mins
Followed with cold water for 1' mins
%. &ydro e#tractor
To remo"e the water from dyed material with help of hydro e5tractor
To facilitate to drying
'. Drying
To dry the fabric with dryer or sun light.
One bath two(step process

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