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Name: _______________________________________ Date: _________________

Read carefully and select the correct alternative (a, , c, d!
1. I ______ from France.
a) is
b) are
c) am
d) be
2. This is my friend. _____ name is Peter.
a) Her
b) Our
c) Yours
d) His
3. Mike is _________.
a) my sisters friend
b) friend my sister
c) friend from my sister
d) my sister friends
4. My brother is _____________ artist.
a) the
b) an
c) a
5. __________ 2 desks in the c!assroom.
a) This is
b) There is
c) They are
d) There are
6. Pau! ____________ romantic fi!ms.
a) !ikes not
b) dont !ike
c) doesnt !ike
d) isnt !ikes
7. "orry# I cant ta!k. I ________ ri$ht no%.
a) dri&in$
b) 'm dri&in$
c) dri&es
d) dri&e
8. "he ___________ at schoo! !ast %eek.
a) didn(t be
b) %erent
c) %asnt
d) isnt
9. I ________ the fi!m !ast ni$ht.
a) !ike
b) !ikes
c) !ikin$
d) !iked
10. __________________ a )iece of cake*
+o# thank you.
a) ,o you !ike
b) -ou!d you !ike
c) -ant you
d) .re you !ike
11. The !i&in$ room is ____ than the
a) more bi$
b) more bi$$er
c) bi$$est
d) bi$$er
12. The car is &ery o!d. -ere $oin$ _______ a ne% car
a) to buy
b) buyin$
c) to %i!! buy
d) buy
13. /ane is a &e$etarian. "he _______ meat.
a) sometimes eats
b) ne&er eats
c) often eats
d) usua!!y eats
14. There arent _________ buses !ate in the
a) some
b) any
c) no
d) a
15. The car )ark is ______ to the restaurant.
a) ne0t
b) o))osite
c) behind
d) in front
16. "ue _________ sho))in$ e&ery day.
a) is $oin$
b) $o
c) $oin$
d) $oes
17. They _______ in the )ark %hen it started
to rain hea&i!y.
a) %a!ked
b) %ere %a!kin$
c) %ere %a!k
d) are %a!kin$
18. _________ seen fire%orks before*
a) ,id you e&er
b) .re you e&er
c) Ha&e you e&er
d) ,o you e&er
19. -e&e been friends _________ many
a) since
b) from
c) durin$
d) for
20. You _____________ )ay for the tickets.
Theyre free.
a) ha&e to
b) dont ha&e
c) dont need to
d) doesnt ha&e to
21. /eff %as i!! !ast %eek and he __________
$o out.
a) needn(t
b) cant
c) mustnt
d) cou!dnt
22. These are the )hotos ________ I took on
a) %hich
b) %ho
c) %hat
d) %here
23. -e!! stay at home if it _______________
this afternoon.
a) rainin$
b) rains
c) %i!! rain
d) rain
24. He doesnt smoke no%# but
he_________ a !ot %hen he %as youn$.
a) has smoked
b) smokes
c) used to smoke
d) %as smoked
25. Mark )!ays footba!! _________ anyone
e!se I kno%.
a) more $ood than
b) as better as
c) best than
d) better than
26. I )romise I _______ you as soon as I&e
finished this c!eanin$.
a) %i!! he!)
b) am he!)in$
c) $oin$ to he!)
d) ha&e he!)ed
27. This to%n ______ by !ots of tourists
durin$ the summer.
a) &isits
b) &isited
c) is &isitin$
d) is &isited
28. He said that his friends _____ to s)eak to
him after they !ost the footba!! match.
a) not %ant
b) %erent
c) didnt %ant
d) arent %antin$
29. Ho% about _____ to the cinema toni$ht*
a) $oin$
b) $o
c) to $o
d) for $oin$
30. 10cuse me# can you _________ me the
%ay to the station# )!ease*
a) $i&e
b) take
c) te!!
d) say
31. I %asnt interested in the )erformance
&ery much. ________.
a) I didnt# too.
b) +either %as I.
c) +or I did.
d) "o I %asnt.
32. Take a %arm coat# ________ you mi$ht
$et &ery co!d outside.
a) other%ise
b) in case
c) so that
d) in order to
33. _________ this $reat book and I cant
%ait to see ho% it ends.
a) I dont read
b) I&e read
c) I&e been readin$
d) I read
34. -hat I !ike more than anythin$ e!se
_______ at %eekends.
a) )!ayin$ $o!f
b) to )!ay $o!f
c) is )!ayin$ $o!f
d) is )!ay $o!f
35. "he __________ for her cat for t%o days
%hen she fina!!y found it in the $ara$e.
a) !ooked
b) had been !ooked
c) had been !ookin$
d) %ere !ookin$
36. -e %ont catch the )!ane ________ %e
!ea&e home no%2 P!ease hurry u)2
a) if
b) )ro&idin$ that
c) e0ce)t
d) un!ess
37. If I hadnt re)!ied to your emai!# I______
here %ith you no%.
a) cant be
b) %ou!dnt be
c) %ont be
d) ha&ent been
38. ,o you think you _________ %ith my
mobi!e )hone soon* I need to make a
a) finish
b) are finishin$
c) %i!! ha&e finished
d) are finished
39. I dont remember mentionin$ _________
dinner to$ether toni$ht.
a) $o for
b) you $oin$ to
c) to $o for
d) $oin$ for
40. -as it 3a)tain 3ook ______ +e%
a) %ho disco&ered
b) disco&ered
c) that disco&er
d) %ho %as disco&erin$
41. You may not !ike the co!d %eather here#
but you!! ha&e to ________# Im afraid.
a) te!! it off
b) sort itse!f out
c) )ut u) %ith it
d) )ut it off
42. Its co!d so you shou!d _______ on a
%arm 5acket.
a) )ut
b) %ear
c) dress
d) take
43. Pau! %i!! !ook ________ our do$s %hi!e
%ere on ho!iday.
a) at
b) for
c) into
d) after
44. "he ____ a !ot of her free time
a) does
b) s)ends
c) has
d) makes
45. He!!o# this is "imon. 3ou!d I
___________________ to /ane# )!ease*
a) say
b) te!!
c) ca!!
d) s)eak
46. Theyre comin$ to our house
___________________ "aturday.
a) in
b) at
c) on
d) %ith
47. I think its &ery easy to ___________
debt these days.
a) $o into
b) become
c) $o do%n to
d) $et into
48. 3ome on2 6uick2 7ets $et
a) hi$h!i$ht
b) crackin$
c) massi&e
d) %ith immediate effect
49. I )honed her ____________ I heard the
a) minute
b) durin$
c) by the time
d) the moment
50. I fee! &ery ____________. Im $oin$ to $o
to bed2
a) na)
b) as!ee)
c) s!ee)y
d) s!ee)er

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