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Myers Briggs Type Indicator
(Short Hand Version)
Direction: This questionnaire does not measure your ability or performance, only your preferences and orientations. There are no right
or wrong answers. Although you may actually use both choices, one probably describes you better or more accurately than the other.
With that in mind, write the capital letter of the phrase that describes you more or appeals to you more.
__1. In a new group setting, I prefer
(A !oining in a group discussion, or
(" tal#ing indi$idually with selected people
__%. I get along better with
(A realistic people, or
(" imaginati$e people
__&. I am $iewed more often by others as
(A tough'minded, or
(" warm'hearted
__(. I prefer planning to be
(A structured and laid out well in ad$ance, or
(" fle)ible and open to frequent ad!ustment
__*. I am $iewed more often by other as
(A tal#ati$e and easy to #now, or
(" reser$ed, quiet and harder to #now
__+. I thin# about wor# strategy in terms of
(A specific plan, or
(" a broad $ision
__,. In communicating with others in the organi-ation, I prefer
(A telling it li#e it is, or
(" telling it in a way that will not offend or hurt others
__.. I en!oy being
(A organi-ed, or
(" fle)ible
__/. I get more e)cited about
(A people and things, or
(" ideas and thoughts
__10. I ta#e pride in being
(A con$entional and orthodo), or
(" original and unorthodo)
__11. I loo# at others1 mista#es with
(A tolerance, or
(" forgi$eness
__1%. I li#e to thin# in terms of
(A ma#ing things happen, or
(" letting things happen
__1&. I en!oy
(A less intimate relationships with many people
(" close intimate relationships with a few people
__1(. I prefer
(A applying current s#ills, or
(" learning new s#ills
__1*. I ta#e pride in being a
(A thin#ing person, or
(" feeling person
__1+. I ta#e pride in being
(A right most of the time, or
(" open to suggestions
__1,. When struc# by a thought or feeling, I tend to
(A blurt it out, or
(" #eep it inside
__1.. I li#e to thin# in terms of
(A realities, or
(" possibilities
__1/. I prefer
(A confronting people and issues head on, or
(" smoothening o$er conflicts and difficult issues
__%0. I come across to others as
(A the orderly type, or
(" the easy'going type
__%1. I prefer getting information by
(A listening to others tell me about it, or
(" reading about it myself
__%%. I prefer change that is
(A incremental and step'by'step, or
(" sweeping and dramatic
__%&. I am most li#ely to
(A terminate an employee for unacceptable performance, or
(" #eep and de$elop an employee who is doing unacceptable
__%(. I come to conclusions
(A right away, or
(" gradually
__%*. I prefer wor#ing
(A in a group, or
(" alone
__%+. I li#e discussing and e$aluating
(A the practical side of business
(" the conceptual side of business
__%,. I pay more attention to
(A critiquing then perhaps complimenting, or
(" complimenting then perhaps critiquing
__%.. I typically
(A handle deadlines by planning in ad$ance, or
(" meet deadlines by last minute rush
__%/. In the midst of significant e)ternal change, I usually
(A do'thin#'do, or
(" thin#'do'thin#
__&0. I prefer understanding
(A the details before worrying about the full picture, or
(" the full picture before dealing with any details
__&1. I wor# to impro$e organi-ational capabilities through
(A programs, or
(" people
__&%. I am more li#ely to ma#e the mista#es of
(A stic#ing to one strategy for too long, or
(" drifting from one strategy to another
__&&. 2ther people would consider me to be more
(A e)tra$ert, or
(" intro$ert
__&(. When e$aluating a business, I li#e to thin# in terms of
(A current performance, or
(" future potential
__&*. I try to impro$e results from people by
(A pointing out their failings, or
(" applauding their stri$ings
__&+. I belie$e that the best way to prepare for the future is to
(A carefully plan for it, or
(" boldly in$ent it

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