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After watching the film

1. Longinus Podbipita was famous for:

a. His great strength,
b. Many love affairs,
c. Tolerance for infidels,
d. ightingale!li"e voice.
#. $hat did Helena %urcewic&'wna have
problems with when she met (an )"r&etus"i
for the first time*
a. $ith his importunity,
b. $ith her plait,
c. $ith the cart she was travelling on,
d. $ith +&d&ian the cunning lad.
,. $hat did -ohun do when he reali&ed that (an had ta"en Helena.s fancy*
a. He shoo" (an.s hand, said: .)he.s yours. and went away into the steppe.
b. He stuc" out his tongue to (an ant went away into the steppe.
c. He stuc" a "nife into the table and went away into the steppe.
d. He played dubstep on his balalai"a out of despair.
/. $ho was in 0&arci ravine*
a. -ohdan 0hmielnic"i and his
b. Horpyna and 0&eremis,
c. 1ag2oba and +&d&ian the cunning
d. Harry Potter, +on $easley and Hermiona 3ranger.
4. The action of the film is set:
a. 5n the 16
b. 5n this day and age
c. 5n the distant past
d. 7n Thursday
8. Longinus Podbipita vowed that:
a. He will cut three sturdy oa"s at one go,
b. He will cut Helena.s plait at one go,
c. He will cut three pagan heads at one go,
d. He will never wash vod"a down with wine.
9. The story had a happy ending. $ho has a beautiful future:
a. (an and Helena,
b. -ohun and Helena,
c. 1ag2oba and Helena,
d. +&d&ian the cunning lad and 0&eremis.
:. The action of the film is set in the Polish -orderlands. That is:
a. ; bit to the <ast from the present
Polish border,
b. ; bit to the orth from the present
Polish border,
c. ; bit to the $est from the present
Polish border,
d. 5n 0anada.
6. The author of =$ith fire and sword. novel, on the basis of which the film was
made, was a laureate of>
a. 7scar,
b. 3rammy,
c. Literary obel Pri&e,
d. ;ll the answers are correct.

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