Curriculum Vitae: Objective

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Curriculum vitae

I want to work with an organization providing healthy and opportunity
to work as team member. I can utilize my knowledge and professional
skills with full my devotion in that environment. I very keen to make
my seniors happy from my side as a professional.
Personal profile:-
Name: - yasir Abbas
Contact no: - 0344-7556560
Father name: - Muhammad Anar
Religion: - Islam
Nationality: - Pakistan
Gender: - Male
N. I.C:- 34403-8815551-5
Academic Record 2014 University of Gujrat
Waiting result 2011 University of Gujrat
D.COM 200 !a"ore #oar$
Matric 200% Gujran&ala #oar$
Watin m!"#m result !but $r#%i"iant t# &#rk &ith under $reseur and
d#in t# &#rk hard!
!tra skills:-
Ms W#rd
Ms P#&er P#int
Ms '("el
Internet sur%in
)#m$uter basi"s
I ha,e a str#n belie,e in mysel%!
I am ,ery $un"tual!
I ha,e str#n "#mmuni"ati#n skills!
I "an manae my +#b duty &ell in time!
I ha,e ability t# s#l,e $r#blems!
I ha,e ability t# d# &#rk in a team!
I &ill i,e my 100- t# my &#rk!
Will be %urnished #n demand

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