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Emma Jayne Hall

World of Work Bronze Statement

Understanding and Knowing Yourself

Communication, teamwork, planning and organising can be seen as three of
my key strengths. I am currently studying to be a Paramedic and I believe
these strengths will aid me in my professional practice and learning, now and
in the future. An example of when I have used these strengths would be best
seen in my time as a Brownie Leader. I have been a Brownie Leader for the
past 10 years; in this role I have had to plan a timetable of activities on a term-
by-term basis. Before planning a timetable, I spend time discussing with my
brownies and other leaders their ideas for activities for the coming term.
These may include crafts, baking, games and trips. I plan a timetable using
these ideas, taking into account the time available, time of year, cost and
resources. I then break down the timetable, delegating the work between all
the leaders. Our most recent discussion has led to planning a trip to the local
farm, the pantomime at Southport and badge work.

My past experiences have provided me with a good basic knowledge when
interpreting electrocardiograms (ECG). However I would like to develop my
knowledge in this area further. I feel this skill would benefit me greatly in my
Paramedic career, especially when dealing with cardiac patients. I was
recently able to organise time shadowing a cardiac specialist nurse. This gave
me the opportunity to see a wide range of ECGs and have them explained to
me. On expressing concern that I wouldnt retain the information leant during
Emma Jayne Hall
this time, the specialist nurse recommended a book which would be beneficial
when reviewing ECGs. I have bought this book since, as well as making
notes on the copies of ECGs I was given.

Work Values, Motivation, Drive and Energy

As a caring individual, from an early age, I have always wanted to work in a
caring profession. I wanted to have regular contact with a variety of people,
provide care and advice, while working in situations that test my knowledge
and skills. For these reasons I pursued a career in nursing; following my
training I have worked for the last six years in a busy Accident and
Emergency department. During this period, I have had the opportunity to
develop these attributes but also highlight the desire to work in a more
autonomous role. This is now why I am currently undertaking a paramedic

One of my significant achievements would be best identified when I
purchased my house. As well as saving money for a deposit, I had to
negotiate with the bank a suitable mortgage, which would be affordable on my
income. I was able to achieve this by attending an appointment at the bank to
discuss the most appropriate mortgage and repayment period. When a steep
rise in interest rates occurred, I had further discussions with the bank to
ensure my mortgage was still suitable. I have now been living and running my
home for the past 4 years and I look forward to searching for another house
with my fianc next year.
Emma Jayne Hall

Relating to Others

For the past four years, I have assisted in the running of an Easter Holiday
play scheme, working as a member of a large team. In particular, I have led a
group in providing craft activities for the children. To plan the activities, I
arranged for the members of the craft team to meet, to discuss ideas, plan the
crafts and source the equipment needed. I then delegated the jobs, which
included collecting supplies and making examples. I arranged for a notice to
go in the local newsletter asking for items such as wool, toilet rolls and
yoghurt pots. During the play scheme, my role included setting up, ensuring
all supplies where available, giving the children instructions, and supervising
and assisting them with the crafts. I have had a fun week each time, the crafts
were very successful and we are already planning for next year.

During my last employment as a staff nurse in a busy A&E department, I had
to deal with an aggressive patient. The patient attended on a busy Saturday
night, following a fall while under the influence of alcohol. After an hour of
waiting, the patient approached in a confrontational manner, raising his voice
and waving his arms in my face. He was unhappy with the time he had had to
wait, accused me of ignoring him and seeing to others ahead of him. I
acknowledged the patients concerns, expressed my apologies, and explained
to him that he wasnt being ignored and that he hadnt missed his turn. I then
checked when the patient would be seen and informed him of this. With this,
the patient appeared to calm down and to aid this further I offered him a
Emma Jayne Hall
cubicle where he would be able to lie down. The patient settled in the cubicle,
apologised for his behaviour and slept until the doctor saw him.

My Future Planning

My time spent nursing has confirmed my passion for emergency care. It has
provided me with a wide range of knowledge and skills, both practical and
interpersonal, including communication, empathy and teamwork. I feel that the
knowledge and skills I have gained will suit me to a career within the
Paramedic Service. My time in A&E gave me a small insight into the role of
the Paramedic, including the variety, unpredictability, changing environment,
challenges and rewards that this job could provide. The role of the Paramedic
is more autonomous than that of my previous role and I am excited by the
challenge this will bring.

The knowledge gained during my training, along with my previous experience,
will allow me to move forward and seek employment within the North West
Ambulance Service. I will also continue my studies, working towards my
degree, thus allowing me greater scope for progression within the profession.
I intend to apply for a job within the air ambulance, following a period of
consolidation as a member of ground crew. I feel this area of ambulance work
will provide new challenges allowing me to work within a team, problem solve
and care for individuals in a wider range of environments and situations.

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