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June 2014

Firm Name : Basan Attorney Partnership

Address : Arjantin Caddesi, Halici Sokak, 2/1 GOP
Zip Code : 06700 District : Cankaya Province : ANKAA
Phone : !"0#$12##%266621 Fa : %2666$1
e!mai" : r&'('asan)a*)tr #e$ : +++)'asan)a*)tr
Postin% Date : 201%#07#01
Date :
'((er )ype: Coo,eration
'((er )et :
Offer No:1987
-.rkis/ Attorney Co0,any in -.rkey o11ers a +ide ran&e o1 o.tstandin& le&al
ser*ices as listed 'elo+, to national 2 1orei&n clients and ,ro*ides le&al cons.ltancy
to *ario.s +ell esta'lis/ed 1ir0s 'ot/ nationally 2 internationally3 4e&.latory
5a+ 2 Go*ern0ental elations,4 6n1or0atics 5a+ 2 7o0ain Na0es,4 7e't
Collection 2 89ec.tion Proceedin&,4 :ankin& 2 ;inance 5a+,4 eal 8state 5a+, 4
Cor,orate 5a+ and <er&ers 2 Ac=.isitions,4 -o.ris0 5a+,4 7is,.te esol.tion,4
A*iation 5a+, 4 Cor,orate 2 Co00ercial 2 Contracts 5a+, 4 Pro,erty
5a+ 2 -rade <ark,4 Constr.ction 5a+, 4 8ner&y 5a+, 45a'or 2 80,loy0ent

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