E-Z Reader 10: Modelling Language Processing and Eye Movements in Reading

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E-Z Reader 10
Universitt Mannheim
Seeing Language: Eye Tracking in Linguistic Research
Dr. Holger Hopp
05. Mrz 2014
Johannes Weis
Matr.-Nr.: 1054242
Models of reading...
! ... are computational models emulating cognitive
processes in reading
! ... simulate observable aspects of reading
! First fixation duration
! Gaze duration
! Go-past time
! 2nd-pass reading time
! Number of regressions
! Total reading time
! ... allow conclusions about actual cognitive processes
E-Z Reader 9
Reichle et al. (2006)
E-Z Reader 9 - Details
Reichle et al. (2009)
E-Z Reader 9 - Details
Reichle et al. (2006)
E-Z Reader 9 - Simulations
Reichle et al. (2006)
E-Z Reader 9 - Simulations
Reichle et al. (2006)
From 9 to 10
Limitations & shortcomings of E-Z Reader 9:
! Ignores higher-level processes
! Does not account for regressions
Novelties in E-Z Reader 10:
! Lexical integration
! Attention allocation
" Higher-level processes
E-Z Reader 10
Reichle et al. (2009)
E-Z Reader 10 - Application
Reichle et al. (2009)
E-Z Reader 10 - Examples
Three conditions:
1. Possible-plausible: The man used a strainer to
drain the thin spaghetti....
2. Possible-implausible: The man used a blow-dryer
to dry the thin spaghetti....
3. Impossible-implausible: The man used a photo to
blackmail the thin spaghetti....
E-Z Reader 10 Simulations
Reichle et al. (2009)
" Higher-level lexical processes in account!
Questions & Discussion
! Parallel / serial processing
! SWIFT / E-Z Reader
! Speed Reading?
! Visual Object Perception " Reading?
Reichle, E. D., Pollatsek, A., Rayner, K. (2006). EZ Reader: A
cognitive-control, serial-attention model of eye-movement behavior
during reading. Cognitive Systems Research, 7, 4-22.
Reichle, E. D., McConnell, K., & Warren, T. (2009). Using E-Z Reader
to model the effects of higher level language processing on eye
movements during reading. In: Psychonomic Bulletin & Review,
16(1), 1-21.
Traxler, M. J. (2012). Reading. In M. J. Traxler (Ed.), Introduction to
psycholinguistics: understanding language science (369-414).
Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.

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