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Lesson plan Brain-Compatible Strategies

Genna Albert
EDU 417 Cognitive Studies Capstone
Instructor: Colleen Lindecker
June 30, 2014

Original Lesson
#4561. Solar System Science, level: 3-5
Posted Tue May 3 09:00:01 PDT 2011 by Tanoah Kates and Kristi Purvis (Tanoah Kates and
Kristi Purvis).
Indiana University East, Centerville, United States
Materials Required:I added new resources and materials to add more of a brain compatible
learning tool through videos and worksheets Planets: A new view of the Solar System,
tracabletraceable circles, paper, markers, glue, scissors
Lesson Plan
Topic: Solar System Grade: 3rd or 4th Content Area: Science
4.3 Students continue to investigate changes of the earth and sky and begin to understand the
composition and size of the universe.
Students will know the size, names, and order of the planets.I basically kept this the same
Initiation Activity:I completely change the structure of this lesson to add more dimensions to
give the students a more diverse way to see the solar system
I will begin to talk to the students about planets and ask them if they have ever used a telescope
before to see any of the planets or the stars. I will explain to the students how many planets there
are and the names of each one. I will draw a diagram on the board of the correct order of the
planets including earth.
1. took this out and added videos one of us will read the book out loud to all the students.
2. Gave the student works sheets instead with diagram after reading the book to the
students, we will discuss each planet in depth and their correct sizes compared to other planets.
3. Kept the group work because working in teams is on strategies within brain based
education then, we will split up the students in groups of three, and have them construct their
own diagrams according to the sizes presented, the planets in order and the correct spelling.
4. Took this out because in later lessen in the solar system this can be worked in When
students complete these tasks, they will put all their names on the group diagram and then they
will bring their diagrams to us and we will hang them in the hall for display.
Materials: Added video and new worksheets
Needed: Book, different sizes of circles to trace the different sizes of planets, different colors of
construction paper, markers, glue, and scissors.
Assessment/Evaluation: Allowed time through the lesson ask and answer questions.
We will walk through the class while they are working on their group project and we will be
there to answer any questions they may have. We will also give them some advice to point them
in the right direction. We will make sure each group is doing what they need to be dong and
everyone is contributing.
My lesson,
Grade level 3grade science
Lesson Objective - to understand the names of the planets as well as their place and size within
the solar system
Suggested Time two 60 minute sessions
Recourses - Computer with internet basic
solar system information a solar system song for works sheets for vocabulary work sheets
Materials Required - A new view of the Solar System, video on the solar system, work sheets
of the solar system, solar system vocabulary work sheet, traceable circles, paper, markers, glue,
Steps One - I began to ask students what they know about the solar system.
Then I will show the class two videos
1. basic solar system information
2. a solar system song
After the videos I will ask the students do they have any questions and if they need to watch the
videos again. Allowing a second view of the videos is a modification to allow students who may
have any learning difficulties understand the videos.
Step Two
I will hand out solar system work sheets with vocabulary words and diagrams of the solar
system. I will have the students complete these works sheets as well as color in the diagrams.
After work sheet activities go over work sheets and vocabulary and home for this assignment
which is to write the words 3 times each and one sentence pre-word.
Step Three
Drawing diagrams the solar system in small groups, in order and right size.
Step Four
Give the students time to ask questions and expand the solar system discussion.
1. More time on any specific part with each step even watching the videos more than once.
2. Giving the students modified worksheets
3. Allow adequate time to ask and answer questions
4. Arrange group work in a way that allows children to work together in a way they can
better use their strengths and weakness

The modifications I added to this lesson are one way to add neuroscience to lesson planning.
Not only did I use individual work I added group work. Social conditions influence our brain in
multiple ways we never knew before. School behaviors are highly social experiences, which
become encoded through our sense of reward, acceptance, pain, pleasure, coherence, affinity and
stress (Jensen, n.d.). Group work will stimulate a childs brain which allows a social aspect to
their work. They can learn from peers and great strength in weaknesses. This will also allow
social peer relationship to form and grow as a child is developing. Also putting children in
groups based on their individual levels will allow students to work all together and each of them
bring a strength to work thy might need to work on.
With all modifications and accommodations for students with special needs the students
ability needs to be considered. Allowing time for the student to process the information is going
to add less distraction and give better responses. A child will bring their memory to the lesson
and allowing them time cans allow their memory to process as well. The journey from perception
to storage of both semantic and episodic begins with sensory receptors receive stimuli (Wolfe,
2010 p.154). This is how the memory process starts and allowing extra time for a child with
learning deficits will further aide this as well as give the whole classroom time to remember what
they are learning especially within brain based education where my students within this solar
system lesson are getting more then on method of explanation as well as many visual aspects
with the lesson to add to the memory shelf so to speak.
Even early research creates a case that brain based education at its core is to better prepare
students for the real world work worse we as educators are preparing for them. Current brain
studies underscore the important role adults play in facilitating an early stimulating environment
for children. Calling for classrooms that are closely related to real-world environments, (Green,
1999). This can be easy with my discussion modifications. I think working through the lesson
giving students the opportunity to ask questions will give them real time based learning. If I just
went over all the information then asked question and even waited to let students ask questions
that is where the information will be lost. Keeping a students focus on questions and
information will give the student the ability to grow confident within their own knowledge bases.
This also always me to know what I need to go over and what I can move on from, with all the
students regardless their level within a realistic environment of feedback immediately.

Green, F. R. (1999). Brain and learning research: Implications for meeting the needs of
diverse learners. Education, 119(4), 682-687+. Retrieved from
Jensen, E. (n.d.). Brain-based learning strategies. Florida Education Association.
Retrieved from
Wolfe, P. (2010). Brain matters: Translating research into classroom practice. (2nd ed.).
Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development.

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