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Rewrite the sentences using the word given.

1. I take a shower every morning. (always)

2. Sam washes the dishes. (sometimes)
3. Mark reads the newspaper. (never)
4. Joe does his homework. (always)
5. She eats vegetables. (usually)
6. We watch movies every weekend. (rarely)
7. They study before the exam. (sometimes)
8. Phil uses his cell phone in classroom. (rarely)
9. My dad eats junk food. (never)
10. Joseph plays football. (always)
Choose the correct answer.
1. Martha is not a pleasent person. She is _____________ in a bad mood.
a. Never b. Rarely c. Seldom d. Sometimes e. Always
2. Mark usually walks to work with a friend. He _____________ walks alone.
a. Never b. Seldom c. Often d. Always
3. Robert goes to the gym only two or three times a year. He _____________ goes
to the gym.
a. Never b. Rarely c. Often d. Sometimes e. Always
4. Peter never leaves the college on Friday. He _____________ eats at the
cafeteria on Fridays.
a. Usually b. Seldom c. Often d. Always
5. Jane goes to the beach whenever she can. She _____________ misses a chance
to go to the ocean.
a. Often b. Never c. Sometimes
6. Maria is an excellent student. She _____________ goes to class.
a. Usually b. Always c. Sometimes d. Seldom

Put the words in the correct order.
1. to He radio the often listens.
2. read sometimes a They book.
3. angry never Pete gets.
4. Tom friendly usually very is.
5. take sometimes sugar I my in coffee.
6. often hungry Frank are Ramon and.
7. My always for goes grandmother a in evening the walk.
8. usually kitchen Walter his helps in the father.

Adverbs of frequency by Karla Manzano Aguilar is licensed under a Creative
Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional

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