My Reading Level Targets

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Compiled By Michelle E.

Vanston using The Continuum of Literacy Learning (2007) By Irene

Foutnas and Gay Su Pinnell and the Common Core State Standards.

My Reading Level Targets
Level J

General Book Targets
I can read books that are told from multiple perspectives
I can understand the use of parenthesis in a sentence
I can use readers tools to find information (table of contents, headings, and

Targets about Summarizing
I can retell the episodes that happen in a book in the order that they happen
I can summarize ideas from a book and tell how they are related
I can talk about the problem of a story and its solution
I can identify the who, what, where, when, why and how of a book*

Targets about Predicting
I can use chapter titles to predict what might happen in the chapter
I can use evidence to justify my predictions
I can use text structure to predict the outcome of a narrative

Targets about Making Connections
I can talk about my connections and how they help me understand the story

Targets about Synthesizing
I can differentiate between what is known and unknown
I can express changes in my ideas after I read a book

Targets about Inferring and Understanding Characters
I can read elaborate descriptions of characters and talk about the characters
I can predict what a character will do based on their character traits
revealed by the author
I can demonstrate understanding of characters using evidence from the book
to support my statements
I can infer and discuss what characters are like from what they say and do
I can talk about how characters could have behaved differently
I can describe how characters respond to major events and challenges*

Compiled By Michelle E. Vanston using The Continuum of Literacy Learning (2007) By Irene
Foutnas and Gay Su Pinnell and the Common Core State Standards.

Targets about Analyzing Books
I can talk about how pictures are used to communicate meaning.
I can talk about how the author assigns dialogue
I can find descriptive language and discuss how it adds to my enjoyment or

Targets about Critiquing Books
I can express my opinion about a part of a book (favorite part, interesting,
funny, exciting, etc) and why
I can talk about how illustrations either match or do not match the meaning of
the story
I can talk about the quality of illustrations or graphics
I can agree or disagree with a book

Informational Text Targets
I can read books that focus on a series of related ideas/topics
I can read multiple graphics on a page
I can use bold word headings to help me read and understand
I can ask and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why and how*

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