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Compiled By Michelle E.

Vanston using The Continuum of Literacy Learning (2007) By Irene

Foutnas and Gay Su Pinnell and the Common Core State Standards.

My Reading Level Targets
Level P

General Targets
I can understand a perspective different from my own
I can use readers tools to understand vocabulary (glossary, dictionary,
I can figure out the meaning of words using the text and background
I can gain further understanding of words I have encountered before
I can understand sentences that are long (going over several lines or onto
other pages)
I can discuss the genre or hybrid genre of a book

Targets about the Setting
I can use descriptive details of the setting to help me understand the plot
I can understand books with settings that are different from my own life.

Targets about Summarizing
I can read a book over several days and remember details in order
I can paraphrase significant events in a book and tell how they are related to
the problem or the solution in a book

Targets about Predicting
I can make predictions while reading a book
I can search for and use information to confirm or disconfirm predictions

Targets about Making Connections
I can make connections to characters with different cultures, distant places,
and different times
I can make connections to other books
I can specify the nature of my connections

Targets about Synthesizing
I can discuss how my ideas of a book have changed and explain why my ideas
have changed

Targets about Theme
I can understand the theme of a book with different cultures.
Compiled By Michelle E. Vanston using The Continuum of Literacy Learning (2007) By Irene
Foutnas and Gay Su Pinnell and the Common Core State Standards.

Targets about Inferring and Understanding Characters
I can understand the point of view of characters based on their behavior
I can infer the cause and effect on characters feelings and motives
I can infer characters feelings and motives through their dialogue and what
other characters say about them
I can take on different characters perspectives
I can distinguish my point of view from that of characters*
I can identify a characters internal conflict
I can identify a characters feelings and mood

Targets about Analyzing a Book
I can understand figurative language that provides me with important details
to understanding the plot (Alliteration, Personification, Onomatopoeia,
Metaphors, Similes, Idioms , Hyperbole, Clich )
I can understand descriptive language that provides me with important details
to understanding the plot
I can notice motifs and symbolism

Targets about Critiquing a Book
I can notice and assess the authors qualifications for writing an informational
I can discuss how the author built suspense over the story
I can assess how illustrations and graphics add to the quality of a text and
provide additional information

Informational Text Targets
I can gain information from images that are not fully explained
I can read graphics with scales or legends
I can understand sentences that wrap around pictures
I can describe the structure of a book (compare/contrast, cause and effect,
problem/solution) with help
I can determine the main idea of a book, talk about the key details and explain
how they support the main idea*
I can distinguish my point of view from that of the author*
I can describe the logical connections between sentences and paragraphs in a

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