Sandstone Vista Series (1/3) Information Sheet

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Sandstone Press Ltd A: PO Box 5725 One High Street, Dingwall, Ross-shire I!

5 "#$ %: in&o'sandstone(ress)*o+
Sandstone Vista Series (1/3) Information Sheet
,itle: ,he #hite -li&&s
A.thor: S.ha/l Saadi
ISB0: 1-"523444-!-5
Pri*e: 65:"5(
-ategor/: 7eneral 8i*tion9%d.*ation9Litera*/
8or+at: 211x!41
Ill.strations: 09A
Pa(er: ,ext !11gs+ .n*oated, -o:er 251gs+ gloss art
Pa(er -olo.r: Pale *rea+
%xtent: 32 (l.s &.ll *olo.r *o:ers
P.;li*ation: <a/ 2112
A.thor Lo*ation: 7lasgow, S*otland)
The White Cliffs: 8ar o.t to sea Ada+ and Lil/ *an see a dar= sha(e that +o:es and
shi&ts) It loo=s li=e an island ;.t no one see+s to =now what it is) #hen the/ rea*h the
it it>s not ;la*= ;.t white) #hite *li&&s rise a;o:e the+, ;eneath the sea itsel& lie the
ghosts o& the (ast)
Suhayl Saadi: An award winning writer li:ing in 7lasgow, S.ha/l Saadi>s wor= has
;een (.;lished internationall/) His short stor/ *olle*tion was short listed &or the Saltire
8irst Boo= Pri?e in 211!) His radio (la/ ,he Dar= Island and no:el Ps/*horaag ;oth
a((eared in 2112)
The Sandstone Vista Series is (rod.*ed (ri+aril/ &or ad.lts with low litera*/ s=ills and
all who en@o/ shorter &i*tion or a AB.i*= read>) Pre-(rod.*tion Sa+(le 7ro.(s o&
e+ergent readers a((ro:ed la/o.t st/les and the le:el o& *hallenge in (lot and s/ntax)
Pa(er *olo.r was &o.nd to ;e (arti*.larl/ s.ita;le ;/ d/slexi* readers)
Distributor: S*ottish Boo= So.r*e, 42 8inlas Street, -owlairs %state, 7lasgow, 722
5DC, ,el: 1!2!-555-!433, 8ax: 1!2!-557-1!5", e: enB.iries';oo=so.r*e)net

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