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Lawrence County, Missouri

Republican Central Committee

Dane Roaseau, Chairman
Regarding: Resolution On Medical Care/Services For Veterans
Whereas our veterans risk life and limb in the service of our country;
Whereas the nation as a whole is responsible for the deployment and use of the military as well as the risks to
which they are exposed;
Whereas our servicemen and women have little personal control over the ways and places where they are
Whereas the nation often promises certain benefits and future care as a recruiting tool for our armed forces;
Whereas military service, disability, and death severely impact the families of our servicemen and women;
Whereas reincorporating large numbers of combat veterans into civil society after a maor conflict without due
care taken to transition, long!term medical and psychological care, disability services, retraining, and other
issues is detrimental to society as a whole;
Therefore be it resolved that:
"he Lawrence County Missouri Republican Central Committee hereby affirms its commitment to ensuring that
our veterans receive the best possible care, especially for inuries sustained in the course of their duties;
Long term obligations including recruitment bonuses, educational or retraining services, next!of!kin benefits,
disability benefits, and medical plans constitute binding promises which must be fulfilled as a matter of duty and
"hese promises are binding regardless of the political view of the conflict or conflicts in which the service
member served or how that political view changes over time#
$n order to fulfill this commitment, we resolve to submit government programs and services for veterans to
constant, unwavering scrutiny and expect the same of our elected officials, especially of our Republican elected
Moved and passed by unanimous vote at the 17 une !"1# Regular Meeting$
Dane Roaseau, Chairman
Lawrence County Republican Central Committee

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